Little sis got shunned today by big sis

by nugget 15 Replies latest jw experiences

  • discreetslave

    It's so sickening how they break up families while claiming to be a force for good.

  • dozy

    Sorry to hear about that. It is just a stupid self righteous reaction.

    Shunning of family members who are faders / never were JWs really angers me (as one who has been on the receiving end.) My JW family members will happily associate with paedophiles in their own congregation yet shun their own blood relatives simply because they have stopped attending meetings or were never baptised.

  • jookbeard

    sad, contact between my sister and Mum was only by text over the last couple of years ! now the texts have stopped

  • nugget

    It is sad not just for us but for them too. They narrow their cycle down to worthy people all of whom would stab them in the back if push came to shove. We are the majority in the family so by shunning us she is orphaning herself that is the tragic thing. She doesn't even realize it. We miss them even though they annoy and frustrate us and hurt our feelings we love and miss the real them.

  • Little Imp
    Little Imp

    Aaaah it is really sad when life is so short. I am hopeful that once this article has died down things will get back to what they were before whereby they will have contact with faded and DF relatives but maybe being discreet about it.

    My in-laws although very devout witnesses do not seem to apply the shunning rule so I guess we are lucky in some respects though they do try and run our lives in many ways.

  • Joliette

    Sorry about that Nugget. The only thing that we can hope is that JW's will finally come to their senses and see this so called religion for it truly is....A CULT!

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