Do you tell people?

by MrFreeze 33 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • MrFreeze

    As an ex-JW do you tell people about your JW past? How much detail do you go into when you tell non-JW's about the organization. I usually only ever say anything if somebody asks about my religious affiliation or mentions JW's. I've done some pretty effective anti-Witnessing. Even if I tell them I used to be a JW I rarely bring up the ministry. I'm still embarassed by it.

  • Found Sheep
    Found Sheep

    I talk about it. I'm proud of myself for getting out! FS

  • mrsjones5

    Whenever the opportunity pops up.

  • MrFreeze

    Funny, now that I'm out, I talk more about JW's to coworkers than I did when I was in.

  • agent zero
    agent zero

    only in my imagination. sometimes i think i might, but then i hesitate because to them it might seem utterly bizarre, and i fear it might somehow come back to bite me since i'm still fading. so it remains limited to the forum.

  • blondie

    If jws come up and the others are obviously clueless... I brought this concept over from my jw days, if they don't mention their religious beliefs, I'm not going to insert mine, past or present, unasked. If someone brings it up, and I think I have something useful to add, I will talk to them privately. I did have someone approach me as to how to get jws to stop coming.

    My suggestions: (Be polite but not friendly)(Don't take any literature, even a tract, and don't discuss their religion (or your own) or version of what the bible says)

    1) Don't answer the door

    2) Answer the door and politely tell them you don't want anyone to call again...lasts about 1 year assuming the jw marks it down and some other brainless jw doesn't overlook the note or disregards it.

    3) Call the local congregation, ask for an elder, and request no one call, get name their name and KH address; send a certified letter requesting no one call. (see #2)

    4) Post a NO TRESPASSING SIGN per local legal requirements

  • jamiebowers

    If it comes up in conversation.

  • nugget

    When we left we had to tell most people as it might affect the children and the school needed to know just incase my son had a meltdown in class. The end was very quick and there had been little time to prepare him.

    I am quite open about it but don't raise the issue if it is inappropriate to do so.

  • Diest

    I talk about it quite a bit. Part of processing everything. Plus now that I am out I wont date a Hard-Core Thiest.

    I am also proud of being out....good to tell others to warn them off from JWs

  • Pams girl
    Pams girl

    I would be honest and open if asked a direct question. I dont go around condeming them constantly because they dont deserve the space in my brain.

    *Holding a grudge is like letting someone live rent free in your head* a good quote. Hard to enforce as at times Im so angry about the borg and what they get away with.

    Im tired, goodnight all, its 12.20am here.

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