If you are remotely interested, I reread the Gospel of John!

by TimothyT 16 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • TimothyT

    The following scriptures all taken from John point to the fact that Jesus Christ is the ONLY saviour of the people on this earth. There is no mention of organisation or any other form of salvation within this book. If you want to, have a read of these scriptures as they will prove to you that no matter how you may view yourself in Gods eyes, or how much other people cant accept you for who you are, there is always someone who loves you if you give him the chance.

    John 1:4

    John 1:12

    John 1:29

    John 3:14-17

    John 3:36

    John 4:14

    John 5:24

    John 6:33-35

    John 6:40

    John 6:47-51

    John 6:53-43

    John 6:58

    John 6:68

    John 7:38

    John 8:12

    John 8:51

    John 10:9

    John 10:27-28

    John 11:25-26

    John 12:46-47

    John 14:6

    John 17:3

    John 20:30-31

    Timmy xxx

  • N.drew


  • White Dove
    White Dove

    Nope, no org was ever mentioned in the Bible.

    No governing body, either.

    I like the Bible because it's interesting in a lot of parts, but I don't stake my life on it.

    It's good to use against the JW's, too.

    The Bible is readily available to Christians to use, so why don't so many of them use it to become Christlike?

  • Souder
  • Diest

    Tim now it is time to research about the bible. Awen made a great point today...The bible calls Jesus 'Rabbi' yet that term did not appear until 200 CE. Is it a book you can trust?

  • nateb

    Look into Bart D. Ehrman.

  • Heaven

    Just wanted to clarify something .... it's "The Gospel According to John" and not The Gospel of John. This is a big difference. This wasn't written by John but by someone else. The other important thing is this... the author was not present at the time these so called events occurred. This is just made up stuff to further the agenda of Christianity... "Convert or Die".

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    I love it, you guys!

    Very interesting comments.

  • ShadesofGrey

    The Bible is readily available to Christians to use, so why don't so many of them use it to become Christlike?

    One cannot use the Bible to become Christlike, that can only be acheieved through communion with Christ. Just as the Father is in the Son and the Son is in the Father, Christ is in me and every other born-again Christian. The problem is that there are many people who are trying to be Christians that do not have Christ in them. They don't understand, just as you don't understand. Thus they use the Bible and the Church the same way Jehovah's Witnesses use them. To become Christlike, they must be born-again and continue walking in the Spirit.

    1 Peter 1:2 "through the sanctifying work of the Spirit, to be obedient"

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    I think that if someone I highly respected showed me a better way of doing something, I'd do it.

    Like being a better person, for instance.

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