Shunning..... at Meetings ???

by IMHO 43 Replies latest jw friends

  • blondie

    But then Blondie was not there...would have been interesting...

  • Quarterback

    What life be without Blondie?

    I knew a PO, who wait awhile ...say 6 months before looking at a Reinstatement letter. I didn't know where he got his information, but thought that he was very cruel.

    This statement in the new Shepherding book to "Deal promptly with a reinstatement letter" seems to be an improvement.

  • Violia

    Deal with the request for reinstatement promptly does not mean much except they need to acknowledge your letter ( they may not even read it)and decide what to do then. It does not mean you will be promptly reinstated. They can keep you DF really as long as the BOE wants to.

  • Quarterback

    Yes, Viola...when such power is given to the wrong people, it can sure be abused. There is something on page 118 that says that two Elders will meet with the DF one, to acknowledge receipt of the request.

  • NewChapter

    I knew a woman that couldn't get reinstated for 6 years. She followed all the rules, it was her only DF, she hadn't been PR before it, it was one incident. The elders held a grudge--she left the state. Her current elders were stunned when they saw her ask every 6 months to be reinstated. They confirmed that she was at every meeting, but the answer was no every time.

    And her "sin" was not all that shocking or out of the ordinary. How do they justify this? They don't have to.

  • Quarterback

    That is awful, NC

  • NewChapter

    That's because shunning is evil and no good can come of it.

  • IMHO

    All valid points but no one has yet addressed the initial topic - the actual reasons behind shunning someone at the meetings rather than just refusing to socialize with them.

    Does being disfellowshipped (and making an effort to 'come back') make you 'worse' than a 'worldly person'?

  • dm6

    If a child falls down, you dont throw him back down again.

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    Of course it makes sense....isn't that how Jesus would treat someone that repented....God the WTS are assholes...look how they mess up peoples lives and minds!!!!!! arggggghhhh

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