Why have you remained theists?

by Silent_Scream 35 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • startingover

    I agree Greybeard. Except...do you realize how much you sound like the JW's with this statement:

    "Our loving response could be the only thing that wins them over to Christ"

    I'm glad I belong to a group that can use things like logic and reason and not emotion.

    And then this little gem:

    In my opinion, the true definition of an atheist is "a person that does not believe in God yet."

    I'll put up with you, even though with that statement you come across nicely as a condescending a-hole. Brother.

  • Greybeard

    @ startingover

    Like I said before to you brother, "sticks and stones"... For a person that only uses "logic and reason and not emotion" you sure do come off with some nice insults. I believe this last post of yours is clear indication that you also are guided by emotion even though you don't realize it. You took what I said as an insult when actually I meant it as a complement. Put that gun back in it's holster partner!

  • N.drew

    What if, dear atheists, what Jesus Christ means is "let love rule"? You stand up against that? Why, for goodness sake?

  • startingover


    What insults? I guess it touches a sore spot comparing you to the JW's. Think about it though, you're advocating the same thing. Won over without a word, remember?

    You really think your "yet" comment was a complement? IMO Jesus has your mind a bit twisted if you do.

    Edited to add: Go ahead, make my day

  • Greybeard

    @ startingover,

    What insults? Don't pretend this is our first go around partner. You know what insults. Now how about you hop back up on your horse and mosey along. There ain't anyone here trying to make your day. Happy trails to you!

  • Greybeard

    1 Corinthians 8: 2-3, " If anyone thinks he has acquired knowledge of something, he does not yet know it just as he ought to know it. But if anyone loves God, this one is known by him."

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