Why have you remained theists?

by Silent_Scream 35 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Silent_Scream

    I realize many on this forum are atheist, and theres many threads to show why. Some believe creationist lack knowledge or understanding and that we are too ignorant to realize there isn't a creator.

    I have studied (not in depth) first year college science, and am studying medical/health currently. I am also very interested in astronomy, and have learned a little in that area. Everything I've learned is so profound and amazing and leaves so many questions that I feel God HAS to be responsible. Science is good for understanding, but I dont think God can be limited to science, since He set the rules, laws, and everything else in motion. I am still learning, but even with all I do understand, it makes my belief in a Creator stronger. Just a little but into my brain, but for those whom are still theistic...

    What is it that keeps God real to you?

    And whats your view on the Bible? And which version/translation do you use?

    If no Bible, which holy book(s) do you use?

    Not interested in debate, I am REALLY interested in these things...

    Thanks all!

  • N.drew

    Well my goodness! Revelation 3:20 happened for me. I opened the door. I learned I like Jesus very much! He is much more than a religious figure. He is the GREAT TEACHER. And I am learning that the Jews are teachers too. I use the New World Translation to start, I use Biblos on the web, it's free and very good, I use google (someone suggested it, it can find scriptures extremely well), and I use my ear. (let the one who has an ear hear what the spirit says-Revelation)

  • jay88

    What is it that keeps God real to you?

    I put no more effort into "keeping god real" than I do the next sunrise.

  • nateb

    What did Jesus say to you? Does he speak your language or was he speaking Aramaic or Hebrew or Greek? Does he have a nice voice? How does he find the time to talk to so many people?

  • N.drew

    You addressing me? I reread the OP, so I have to assume you mean me.

    1. What did Jesus say to me? John 21:25 OK?

    2&3, No, I can't hear his voice. Oh, but if he had a voice toward me, it would be very nice!

    4. I do not know.

  • dark angle
    dark angle


    I'm not an athiest (perhaps inclined to agnostics) but i found Richard Dawkins arguments against theism intruiging. check it out yourself perhaps this will give an insight why many are finding athiesm compelling. Google will be your friend. :)

    Also some videos in this channel might interest you more about science & God. http://www.youtube.com/user/Best0fScience

    Just browse over and select relevant videos. :)

  • maksym


    I don't comment here often, as you can tell by my all so important post count next to my name, but I am currently in my 3rd year in college and have studied biology in many ways. I find that God puts everything in motion. I can talk about atoms and molecules and transcription and translation but the whole process must be set is motion by God himself.

    The more I study biology the more I find God. For some the more they study the natural world the more they find evolution to be acceptable.

    Hope this helps and reassures you that I am a theist despite the propoganda of the evolutionists.

    God bless you


  • maksym

    P.S on the subject,

    God cannot nor ever will be found solely on rationalism. That is a big mistake. Dawkins and others rely on this as a philosophical god to them.

    Rationalism is a western modern concept adapted after the age of enlightenment. It replaced the Roman Church and government of the time as the sole authority for others.

    When God does not make sense then you are on the start to the right path.

    Study a bit about philosophy and you will know.

    God bless


  • tec

    What is it that keeps God real to you?

    His Son.

    That is the bottom line for me. Christ is real to me. I feel him, talk to him, sometimes I 'hear' him. When I see Him, then I see God, and so God is real. Another thing that makes Christ (and therefore, God) real to me are the things that Christ taught. The truth in them.

    I have an NIV bible, but I also use that Biblos online (with the different translations/bibles) when I want to google a certain chapter/verse. I do not believe the bible is in errant, or the word of God. That "Word of God' is His Son, Christ. I view the bible as more of a collection of witness accounts to Christ, as well as rules and laws and history and fables and morals and prophets of the Jewish nation. But there are errors, misunderstandings, mistranslations in it as well. That is why Christ is the Truth, and came to show us the Way... none of those other things are the Truth or the Way or the Life.

    Peace to you,


  • man oh man
    man oh man

    Well to be honest, I like the thought of eternal life much better than eternally pushing up daisys.

    I like biblegateway.com as i can easily compare many scriptures. Very telling when doing so in conjunction with the NWT.

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