All Encompassing World Views

by sabastious 24 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • sabastious

    The birth of my son was such an enjoyable and humbling experience for me. My wife and I opted to stay in the hospital for 2 nights after he was born. It was nice having the nurses at our beck and call while we figured out how the hell to begin the process of parenting. Back then my family and I were on better terms than we are now. We even had a view Witness visits and one in particular will always stay with me.

    My allegedly anointed uncle stopped by with his elderly mother with a third person. They had been out in field service and had chosen to take a break and see their new member of the family. As we were showing my son off my uncle and his mother brought up the topic of the "timing" of his birth. They told me that it was a shame that he had been born in "these times" and that he would have a rough road ahead of him. The elderly mother actually made light of it in a joke as she spoke in the first person, as my son awakening into the world, "No! Not in these times!"

    At that point I remember feeling anger flood through me to the point where I just stopped talking for fear of something nasty coming out. Here my wife and I are embarking on the sojourn that is parenting and instead of a blessing my uncle and his mother might as well have given my son a curse. I felt like getting a broom out and shooing them out of the hospital room. Vermin!

    I'm reminded of Lord of the Rings when Gandalf asks his mentor and past friend Saruman when exactly he abandoned reason for madness.


  • IsaacJ22

    I have observed that many Witnesses make senseless comments like these. Either they're too hung up on reconverting you to pay attention to how callous they sound, or they're just too caught up in the Society's world view to think any other way about it.

    At least you're not trapped by these constraints in thinking any more. Neither will your son be so hindered. Try to take some comfort in that.

  • leavingwt

    Your story highlights one of the most destructive aspects of WT theology, IMHO.

    Their worldview devalues human life. It paints our current existence as vastly inferior to their upcoming New World.

    Also, there is an Anti-Family sentiment that runs through many congregations/cliques.

  • N.drew

    What bothered me so much in the org is they spend all thier time getting ready for then and ignore so many oportunities to just be nice NOW.

  • sabastious
    Their worldview devalues human life. It paints our current existence as vastly inferior to their upcoming New World.

    Retired Episcopalian Bishop John Shelby Spong makes an interesting notion in the below video. He states that anything that devalues life cannot be from God and I tend to agree.


  • sabastious
    What bothered me so much in the org is they spend all thier time getting ready for then and ignore so many oportunities to just be nice NOW.

    LOL so true, I have had similar trains of thought.


  • sabastious
    At least you're not trapped by these constraints in thinking any more. Neither will your son be so hindered.

    Amen to that!


  • clarity

    Sab ...thank you so much for posting the Spong Utube.

    It was quite long but I really enjoyed it and appreciated his point of view.

    This message makes much more sense than the jw tribal thinking .... us against them!!! Hate those who don't think like us, our words are of god, you must believe our words {watchtower} yuck!

    Great that you have a son now to raise "normally" in love.



  • mummatron

    "These times" as opposed to what? Non-existant Paradise Earth, where life could be deemed less precious as it continues into infinity?! Jesus's time when you could have gotten stoned (in the painful sense)?! Medieval times, and had all manner of torture inflicted upon one's self for expressing an opinion?!

    Sarcasm aside, I think I know how you felt. When I told my JW mother that I was pregnant with my 1st child I had mentally braced myself for some kind of disappointing comment that proved the extent of the cult brainwashing, and sure enough I got one.

  • sabastious
    It was quite long but I really enjoyed it and appreciated his point of view.

    I am so happy you liked it as it helped me too the first time I watched it. I actually watched it twice in one day because I showed it to my wife. It really opened my eyes to another train of thought in regards to Christianity and the Bible.


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