Why can't regular pioneers get some of the money back that they use out in field service?

by Joliette 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • Joliette

    Can someone please explain this to me: Gas money, handing out endless amounts of publications, magazines, tracks, etc. Why can't get some of this money back, tax write off, etc? Why can't this happen? The watchtower gets a break from the evil satanic government, why can't pioneers get a break?? They bascially work for nothing!

  • minimus

    It's a deduction, as a "minister".

  • Joliette

    Minimus can you explain it a little more please.

  • sir82

    Yeah, there are several pioneers I know who use the US tax code to their advantage, counting field service expenses as basically "charitable contributions" and writing it off their taxes.

    Others work for large corporations who have a program in which employees can be paid for time away from work for "charitable causes". The JWs go out in service and get paid for it, essentially. It's not that many hours, but still...

  • minimus

    What Sir said.

  • erbie

    They are not working for nothing. They are working for the truth right?

    I think I need another bible study. They Didn't wash my brain properly the first time.

    My wife was a pioneer for years. Man, she hates the WT now more than I do!

    Maybe we should both have a bible study?

  • Joliette

    Sir82: But the faithful and discreet slave doesnt encourge people to do that, right?

    Erbie: LOL, I hate them for wasting people's time.

  • minimus

    ONLY the Society takes advantage of no taxes. They just don't tell people how to do their taxes.

  • sir82
    Sir82: But the faithful and discreet slave doesnt encourge people to do that, right?

    The FDS doesn't care about anyone's money except their own.

    So no, they don't give tax advice.

  • Joliette

    Oh okay, gotcha ;)

    I know where I grew up, most of the witnesses said they were doing this work for 'Jehovah' and that they did it for free. I NEVER understood why someone would want to spend there Saturday morning handing out free literature to people who were just gonna throw it away anywho.

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