The Great Liquor Quiz

by Beans 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • Doc_jedd

    ICE...101 proof peppermint schnapps......Just exellent
    Harvey Wallbangers...Ican drink these all night yumm

  • butalbee

    Can't drink liquor: it has a warming affect on me, making me want to take off my clothes and get wild and on tabletops, etc...

  • siegswife

    Grand Marnier...yea baby!

  • GentlyFeral

    Single malt scotch good. Can't afford anything better than Glenfiddich, which is good enough to make me happy.

    Bushmills Irish whiskey is also good.

    Capt. Morgan's Rum.

    Dry red wines are getting friendlier all the time.

    Bourbon bad. Tastes like Very Superior Old Pale cough syrup.

    And then, of course, there's weed. Haven't yet met a batch I didn't like. Wish it were legal, then it would probably be cheap enough to make ganja tea.

    Quadreena, my bohemian son tells me he knows of a moonshine-absinthe subculture. Where do you get absinthe?

    Gently Feral

  • fodeja

    Jan, you sick Viking!

    The Austrians make a Strah rum that is brilliant too, especially the 80% edition you can't get here.
    WTF...? Eww! Stroh "rum" (rumour has that it's a waste product of papermills) isn't for drinking, it's for cooking, for heaven's sake! Cakes and flambé and things like that. No self-respecting Austrian would ever drink that stuff for fear of going blind or staining the carpet. It's by far the cheapest strong booze you can get and a popular choice of homeless drunkards, suicidal teenagers, and German tourists.

    f. (Gin & Tonic, please. All quality variants of Whisk(e)y are fine, too - yes, that includes Jack D.)

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