just save every other seat!!!

by oompa 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • Chemical Emotions
    Chemical Emotions

    Oh heck. I hate this rule. No saving seats, no leaving for lunch...controlcontrolcontrol...FFFFFFFUUUUUUU.

    I think they should charge people to come to the conventions...10 dollars to get in, 20 to get out.

  • Magwitch

    10 dollars to get in, 20 to get out.


  • NomadSoul

    As a kid me and my other siblings would fight/try to sit as farther as we could from our parents. The one at the end wouldn't have to worry about falling asleep and been awaked by a harsh elbow.

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    I recall wandering all over creation at Yankee Stadium for an available seat. Most seats were empty. People were saving them for their friends and family. Pregnant women with small children were begging for seats. The reply was not meek or nice. The PA system kept saying no seats were to be saved. Anyone present could grab an available seat. For such defential people, no one gave up their seats.

    Most seats had no paraphernalia on them. We sat up much higher, looking down at the empty seats. Few of the people for whom they were saved showed up. Some showed up very late.

    I've attended Babylon the Great events and no one was as rude as the Witnesses. Something else- it was mostly women. What would Jesus do? Make people with small children stand well the fat cats held oddles of seats.

    Try to find a brother to remediate the situation. AWOL.

  • oompa

    LMAO band on the run!!!!! i hope you were trying to be funny because you were.....and glad this thread may have made a few laugh......oompa

  • just n from bethel
    just n from bethel

    Pregnant women with small children were begging for seats.

    I call BS on this!

    I know there's the rush in the morning, and the seat saving thing is a joke, - but Sorry -just trying to keep it real. I've been to conventions worldwide and the highlighted statement is just pure exaggeration.

  • EmptyInside

    I didn't see the seat saving a problem in recent years,but I remember someone even put a broom across a row of seats to save them.

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    Pregnant women were looking for seats with everyone else. There were more manners shown at the local movie theatre. My yeaars in were during the 1950s and 1960s. I recall Yankee Stadium vividly b/c I was the only venue I enjoyed. There was glamour of sitting where the world famous Yabnkees, pride of NY, played. The Dodgers had only recently left Brooklyn. My memories of distirct assemblies are dim. Yankee Stadium was so large. It felt good to see it filled with Witnesses b/c there was so few Witnesses.

    My mom, pregnant with my sister, was one of the women. I am not exagerrating. In fact, I take umbrage at your statement. Rather than call me a liar what happened to such civility as I recall something else---of course, no two people have the same expereince.

    I was too young to conduct a statistical survey of people saving seats and the age groups and other status of those dnied seats when seats were empty. There was no 8 am in my day.

    I stand behind my statement. People can be very brusque and rude here. It isn't necessary to be rude and call someone something despicable to differ. To call someoone out on a SAUBJECTIVE, DIFFERENT TIME FRAME is to still be a culty Witness. A few extra words can buffer it so offense is not given.

    Some people here are very sophisticated and cool. Many others are just damn rude or lack social graces. So I stand up to the former Witness Inquisition. In fact, I will raise the ante.

  • cattails

    BotR: Pregnant women with small children were begging for seats.

    JnfB: I call BS on this! I know there's the rush in the morning, and the seat saving thing is a joke, - but Sorry -just trying to keep it real. I've been to conventions worldwide and the highlighted statement is just pure exaggeration.

    Actually... Well I wasn't pregnant but at several conventions because of a District Overseer called Bartell, the upper sections of the civic center were cordoned off, and attendants stationed there at the stairs telling people they were to look for seats in the lower areas.

    I saw several families, and I mean several, told to split up and sit a kid or two with mom here and the dad and another kid or two there. A young brother, with a family, totally refused out loud saying I know you're going to open up this area when it's almost time for the music because there's not going to be enough seats only in the lower area. The attendant told him: Well you'll just have to wait here and see what the direction from the brothers is.

    I also overheard one young attendant complaining to the attendant overseer that there was no way he was going to split up families and refused to not allow people to sit on the upper areas. The head attendant overseer had been told this young brother was not doing his job. The young brother said loud enough for everyone else around to hear: Well, if the Society paid for the whole auditorium why can't we use the whole auditorium? and... Why? Would Jesus split up families when he taught the crowds, there's so much room... why can't we use it? The head honcho whispered something near his ear and they both left. I didn't see that young (nice looking brother btw) again for the rest of the 3 days.

    The WTS likes to make up rules, but the DO's have a lot to say too, and each one has their own ideas. The next DO, a Brother Cook, did away with the whole cordoning off certain sections. Which goes to show you that some of these rules are just man-made and don't really make much sense, except in the twisted reasonings of company men who've never had children and don't know how hard it is on families to make these three day long mandatory indoctrination seminars.

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