What would be your reaction if the original ten commandments were found written in hieroglyphic

by Joey Jo-Jo 20 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Joey Jo-Jo
    Joey Jo-Jo

    Thanks Aguest, always enjoy reading your posts, I find this all rather fascinating, I read a lot of things in the first five books that didn't sound right

    1. polytheism.

    2. Drinking gold (used in alchemy) meaning Moses most likely learned the secret arts of pharaoh.

    3. Joseph (in GENESIS) was a dream interpreter and god was fine with this.

    After realising that Moses was egyptian royalty (and Ezra) certain aspects of the story started to make sense.

    here is another take on all this, egyptians have the first account records on using witchcraft, till this day freemasons continue to use some of these arts, there is a historic account in italy that one of the catholic pops summoned a deity to remove another deity from a possesed person. there were many countries that were influenced by egypt and ruled it. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_Egypt

    But why later in the books it becomes more monotheist and anti-occultism?


  • wobble

    What would be my reaction if the original Ten Words were found ?

    The same as if Noah's Ark turns up:

    IT'S A FAKE !!!!

  • AGuest

    You are quite welcome, dear JJ (peace to you!).

    Do modern-day Israelis and Arabs realize they are the same group.

    I don't get that they do so realize it today, dear BOTR (peace to you!), but it is the truth. The "Israelis" are actually the descendants of the 2-tribe kingdom of Judah (well, some of them, not all. Very few, in fact, TRULY descend from Judah and Benjamin). Arabs are the descendants of the 10-tribe kingdom of Israel. Both kept the Law Covenant to some extent; however, the first worshipped at the temple in Jerusalem, with the latter... due to engaging in false worship at Bethel and "in the mountains"... eventually were overcome by the beliefs of "Ishmael" (Islam). This is because, while trying to return to the worship of Abraham, they chose Ishmael over Isaac... due to their conflicts with the Jews (Isaac).

    No worries - in the recreation, it'll all be sorted out. Whole LOT of folks gonna be quite surprised, however, because some Arabs who hate Jews/Israelis are going to find that they're actually Jews... and vice versa.

    BTW - dear JJ... Moses... and ALL of Israel combined what remnants they still possessed of the Hebrew ways of worship with what they'd learned in Egypt over 400 years. Again, that is why the Most Holy One of Israel needed to call them OUT: to celebrate a festival to HIM. Of course, they weren't able to DO that... because the Law [that was on the hearts of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Joseph] was not on THEIR hearts... and so He had to literally write stuff down for them.

    Again, peace to you all!

    A slave of Christ,


  • Awen

    As to the similarities between the 10 Commandments and the laws found in Egypt, I put forward for your perusal, the 42 Purifications of Kemetic (Egyptian) law. It should be noted that some are mentioned more than once. The reason for this is to put emphasis on the particular purification.

    I agree with Shelby that the reason the 42 Purifications bear such a striking similarity with the 10 Commandments is becuse they were already known by the Israelites and the Egyptians simply adopted the 10 Commandments and edited them slightly. Least I think that's what she was saying.


    Peace and Love,


  • *lost*

    bumped for later.

    I am thinking on the importance of the Ten Commandments, and how relevent they are to people of supposed faith.

    We were instructed to keep the commandments of God. so just having some thoughts on it all at the moment.

  • Xanthippe

    Or the original Klingon?

  • prologos

    if they found it, it would be a miracle, they have found no trace of the leftovers of 2 million people camping in the desert for 40 years, a desert environment that would preserve most artifacts, but no broken tablets, no broken jars,

    only broken beliefs.

    The trillions of little pits dug with those pegs say it all.

  • slimboyfat

    What would be your reaction if the original ten commandments were found written in hieroglyphic

    Incomprehension, mainly.
  • cofty

    There are no "ten" commanments. There are 3 contradictory lists in the OT.

    Nobody ever includes not boiling a kid in its mother's milk. Why not?

  • Comatose

    Millions of people in the area would have set up some types of camps and left evidence they were there. Trash pits, broken pottery, or evidence of their existence. There is no archeological evidence they existed. Try the book Unearthing the Bible.

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