JWmatch dating site

by sspo 16 Replies latest social relationships

  • LongHairGal


    I doubt if those particular posters even post on the forum anymore. But, thanks for reviving this thirteen year-old thread.

    I feel sorry for the African American sister you mentioned who you say got ‘taken by a Nigerian’ on a dating site.

    Strangely,.. I once came across a Facebook profile of a young African American woman who placed a banner on her profile that said: “NO AFRICANS I’M NOT INTERESTED”.

    To be honest, I would be scared to go on dating sites... The idea of having to peel the layers of mystery of some stranger is not appealing.. As a poster above humorously said: “On the internet anyone can be a woman (or man).” …But, I would never judge other people who feel they want to take a chance to do this… Good luck.

  • Ron.W.

    A good post LHG. - Thank you.

    Made we wonder, are there any EX JW Dating sites?

  • stan livedeath
  • Balaamsass2

    At under 1% of the general population, JWs are a very small pool of people to date. EX JWs would be an even smaller subset.

    A few extended JW family spinsters took the GB's advice to "only date servants"....time marched on, the "end" never came, and they never married or had children. In their 20s they were looking for "Circuit overseers with a Gold Card", and movie star looks, but they never found one :). They are approaching 50 now, broke, and alone. :(

    We have an old POMO friend who uses JW dating sites. He is astounded how many "sisters" could care less about his disbelief in Watchtower's "inspiration" and the Governing Body's advice.

  • LongHairGal


    I am sorry about any JW woman who didn’t get married because she wouldn’t look outside the religion for a man. It’s too bad they are broke as you say…no doubt because they wouldn’t be caught dead in a full-time job like I had.

    I was not raised a JW but came in as a young working woman. My impression of Witness men was that all the ‘good’ ones were taken. Most single men there seemed ‘odd’ or were momma’s boys. A few might have shown interest but they weren’t for me…. (Perhaps another reason I was disliked in the gossip mill.)…

    Even in the ‘world’ nowadays it is hard for women to find a man they want.

  • TxNVSue2023

    I'm in my mid40s, married & divorced twice. My only child is grown & out of the house. I absolutely love being single/spinster! The peace & freedom are unrivaled.

    I have everything I need! I have a Bachelor's degree, make a six figure salary, own two houses ( 1 paid off) & will have a state pension in retirement. I love my life, my fur babies & my freedom! I do what I want/when I want. Take 2 vacations a year!

    Men have always been terrified of me because I'm attractive, intelligent & independent. Their worst nightmare! At the same time I have never found a man that was worth anything. Usually less intelligent & with a lot to hide.

  • TxNVSue2023

    Ten years ago a single man in his early thirties ( never married/no kids) became an active study in the congregation (it was assumed he was working his way to baptism). He was good looking, I'll give him that. But that was all he had going for him. He was immature, playboy type & not at all 'spiritual'. So two single women in their 30s ( 1 was an acquaintance, the other was my friend - both active in the congregation). They both jumped on this guy like they'd been starving for years! He was a cad, so he was seeing both of them privately.

    Then the women started fighting over him & gossiping about each other. My friend actually had all of us called to a private meeting so we could 'set the matter straight between them with me as the mediator. It was acquaintance girl, her mom, my friend & me.. So acquaintance girl is all upset because she had her hooks in 1st & my friend was brazenly trying to steal her boyfriend. They both aired their grievances about each other/the situation. The mom was saying " This is my daughter's chance to get married in the truth".

    I was so shocked at the mentality of all of them. So I say, you both do realize that #1 this guy is not even baptised, #2 He is leading both of you on/playing with you both - he's the one who is lying, & #3 what kind of ' spiritual man" is texting dick pics? This guy is all around trash & yet you're both fighting over him?

    The acquaintance girl is like - you don't know him like I do. Basically all this stupid drama because not one of them had an intelligent thought in their head!

    Fast forward to years later & dude has dropped both of them & is seeing someone else & STILL not baptized!

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