
by wonderwoman77 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • proplog2

    I practice meditation everyday. Its a great way to get rid of the mental chatter. It helps my blood pressure and attention deficit.

  • Elsewhere

    I'm curious about what technique(s) each of you is using.

    When I meditate, I simply clear my mind of all thoughts and "sink" into a state of relaxation. At times I can get to the point that I no longer perceive my surroundings, or anything else for that matter – there is simply nothing and extreme relaxation. When that happens, long periods of time (an hour or so) can pass without my even knowing it until I come out of the meditation.

    I didn’t read any books or anything, I just figured out how to do it on my own.

    Religion Stops a Thinking Mind!
    <x ><

  • wonderwoman77

    Elsewhere, that is how I started meditating, but I wanting to do some more mindful meditation. I would like to read something and focus my thoughts on that. So I was looking for some guided things to read. I know there is a buddihist monk that writes some good ones, but cannot remember his name.

    Thanks to all of you that shared your thoughts..

    ISP, what wts overtones does meditation have?

  • Satanus


    Here is a fairly small book that gives instructions on how to check and clear chakras, how to clear other crud from ones energy.

    Robert bruce has a few energy movement lessons here:

    Mantack chia has a few books about daoist energy manipulation techniques.

    Hope you find something useful out of all this.


  • Satanus

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