We have all fallen for a FRAUD(s)

by Terry 31 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Terry

    Any of us who were JW's fell for one kind of fraud. (Faithful and Discreet Slave/Governing Body)

    We were perfectly sincere. We totally believed. We were convinced and worse; we tried our best to convince others.

    But, how many other FRAUDS have we fallen for?

    How many of the following listed PseudoScience Frauds do we currently BELIEVE the same way we were convinced of Watchtower Truth.

    I thought it would be fun to post this list and stand back and watch.

    I'm quite certain every single one of us on this board had fallen for several of these.

    It should be sick fun watching irate responses.

    Remember, an active JW will fight bitterly against claims he is in a Cult.

    When you find the thing on this list YOU TOTALLY BELIEVE...before you blow your fuse--think about THAT for a moment.

    Here goes:

    Astronomy and space sciences

    Earth and Earth sciences

    • 366 geometry or Megalithic geometry – posits the existence of an Earth-based geometry dating back to at least 3500 BC, and the possibility that such a system is still in use in modern Freemasonry. According to Alexander Thom and, later, Alan Butler and Christopher Knight, megalithic civilizations in Britain and Brittany had advanced knowledge of geometry, mathematics, and the size of the Earth. Butler correlates Thom's megalithic yard to the polar circumference of Earth using a circle divided into 366 degrees. [ 21 ] [ 22 ]
    • The Bermuda Triangle – a region of the Atlantic Ocean that lies between Bermuda, Puerto Rico, and (in its most popular version) Florida. Disappearances and ship and aircraft disasters perceived as frequent in this area have led to the circulation of stories of unusual natural phenomena, paranormal encounters, and interactions with extraterrestrials. [ 17 ]
    • Biodynamic agriculture – method of organic farming that treats farms as unified and individual organisms. Biodynamics uses a calender which has been characterized as astrological and unconventional preparations and composts. For example, field mice are countered by deploying ashes prepared from field mice skin when Venus is in the Scorpius constellation. [ 23 ] [ 24 ] [ 25 ] [ 26 ]
    • Lysenkoism, or Lysenko-Michurinism – denotes the biological inheritance principle which Trofim Lysenko subscribed to and which derive from theories of the heritability of acquired characteristics, [ 27 ] a body of biological inheritance theory which departs from Mendelism and that Lysenko named "Michurinism". Lysenko's theories came to prominence in the Soviet Union during the late 1940s and early 1950s, when genetics was declared a "bourgeois science", in the wake of the famines caused by Joseph Stalin's collectivization campaign. The Soviet Union quietly abandoned Lysenko's agricultural practices in favor of modern agricultural practices after the crop yields he promised failed to materialize and by the mid 1950s, his influence had declined considerably. Today Lysenko's agricultural experimentation and research is largely viewed as fraudulent. [ 28 ]

    Paranormal and ufology

    Paranormal subjects [ 10 ] [ 15 ] [ 29 ] [ 30 ] have been subject to critiques from a wide range of sources including the following claims of paranormal significance:


    • Attachment therapy – common name for a set of potentially fatal [ 56 ] clinical interventions and parenting techniques aimed at controlling aggressive, disobedient, or unaffectionate children using "restraint and physical and psychological abuse to seek their desired results." [ 57 ] (The term "attachment therapy" may sometimes be used loosely to refer to mainstream approaches based on attachment theory, usually outside the USA where pseudoscientific form of attachment therapy is less known). Probably the most common form is holding therapy in which the child is restrained by adults for the purpose of supposed cathartic release of suppressed rage and regression. Perhaps the most extreme, but much less common, is "rebirthing", in which the child is wrapped tightly in a blanket and then made to simulate emergence from a birth canal. This is done by encouraging the child to struggle and pushing and squeezing him/her to mimic contractions. [ 17 ] Despite its name it is not based on attachment theory or research. [ 58 ] In 2006 it was the subject of an almost entirely critical Taskforce Report commissioned by the American Professional Society on the Abuse of Children (APSAC). [ 59 ] Not all forms of attachment therapy are coercive and since the Candace Newmaker case there has been a move towards less coercive practices by leaders in the field. [ 59 ]
    • Conversion therapy – sometimes called reparative therapy, seeks to change a non-heterosexual person's sexual orientation so they will no longer be homosexual or bisexual. [ 60 ] The American Psychiatric Association defines Reparative therapy as "psychiatric treatment...which is based upon the assumption that homosexuality per se is a mental disorder or based upon the a priori assumption that a patient should change his/her sexual homosexual orientation." [ 61 ] [ 62 ] [ 63 ]
    • Graphology – psychological test based on a belief that personality traits unconsciously and consistently influence handwriting morphology – that certain types of people exhibit certain quirks of the pen. Analysis of handwriting attributes provides no better than chance correspondence with personality, and neuroscientist Barry Beyerstein likened the assigned correlations to sympathetic magic. [ 17 ] [ 64 ] [ 65 ] [ 66 ] Graphology is only superficially related to forensic document examination, which also examines handwriting.
    • Memetics – approach to evolutionary models of cultural information transfer based on the concept that units of information, or "memes", have an independent existence, are self-replicating, and are subject to selective evolution through environmental forces. [ 67 ] Starting from a proposition put forward in the writings of Richard Dawkins, it has since turned into a new area of study, one that looks at the self-replicating units of culture. It has been proposed that just as memes are analogous to genes, memetics is analogous to genetics. Memetics has been deemed a pseudoscience on several fronts. [ 67 ] Its proponents' assertions have been labeled "untested, unsupported or incorrect." [ 67 ]
    • Parapsychology – controversial discipline that seeks to investigate the existence and causes of psychic abilities and life after death using the scientific method. Parapsychological experiments have included the use of random number generators to test for evidence of precognition and psychokinesis with both human and animal subjects [ 68 ] [ 69 ] [ 70 ] and Ganzfeld experiments to test for extrasensory perception.
    • Phrenology – now defunct theory for determining personality traits by feeling bumps on the skull proposed by 18th century physiologist Franz Joseph Gall. [ 17 ] In an early recorded use of the term "pseudo-science", François Magendie referred to phrenology as "a pseudo-science of the present day". [ 71 ] The assumption that personality can be read from bumps in the skull has since been thoroughly discredited. However, Gall's assumption that character, thoughts, and emotions are located in the brain is considered an important historical advance toward neuropsychology (see also localization of brain function, Brodmann's areas, neuro-imaging, modularity of mind or faculty psychology). [ 72 ]
    • Primal therapy – sometimes presented as a science. [ 73 ] The Gale Encyclopedia of Psychology (2001) states that: "The theoretical basis for the therapy is the supposition that prenatal experiences and birth trauma form people's primary impressions of life and that they subsequently influence the direction our lives take... Truth be known, primal therapy cannot be defended on scientifically established principles. This is not surprising considering its questionable theoretical rationale." [ 74 ] Other sources have also questioned the scientific validity of primal therapy, some using the term "pseudoscience" (see Criticism of Primal Therapy).
    • Psychoanalysis – body of ideas developed by Austrian physician Sigmund Freud and his followers, which is devoted to the study of human psychological functioning and behavior. It has been controversial ever since its inception. [ 75 ] Karl Popper characterized it as pseudoscience based on psychoanalysis failing the requirement for falsifiability. [ 76 ] [ 77 ] Frank Cioffi argued that "though Popper is correct to say that psychoanalysis is pseudoscientific and correct to say that it is unfalsifiable, he is mistaken to suggest that it is pseudoscientific because it is unfalsifiable. […] It is when [Freud] insists that he has confirmed (not just instantiated) [his empirical theses] that he is being pseudoscientific." [ 78 ]
    • Subliminal perception – visual or auditory information that is discerned below the threshold of conscious awareness and has an effect on human behavior. It went into disrepute in the late 1970s [ 79 ] but there has been renewed research interest recently. [ 17 ] [ 80 ]

    Health and medicine

    • Alternative medicine has been described as pseudoscientific. The National Science Foundation has conducted surveys of the "Public Attitudes and Public Understanding" of "Science Fiction and Pseudoscience", which includes studying the popularity of alternative medicine. It considers belief in alternative medicine a matter of concern, defining it as "all treatments that have not been proven effective using scientific methods." After quoting the Committee for Skeptical Inquiry's listing of alternative medicine as one of many pseudoscientific subjects, as well as mentioning the concerns of individual scientists, organizations, and members of the science policymaking community, it comments that "nevertheless, the popularity of alternative medicine [with the public] appears to be increasing." [ 81 ] "At least 60 percent of U.S. medical schools devote classroom time to the teaching of alternative therapies, generating controversy within the scientific community." [ 81 ] It has been reported that universities are "increasingly turning their backs on homoeopathy and complementary medicine amid opposition from the scientific community to “pseudo-science” degrees." [ 82 ] Degrees in alternative medicine have been described as "'pseudo-science' degrees", [ 81 ] [ 82 ] [ 83 ] "anti-scientific", and "harmful". [ 84 ]
    • Anthroposophic medicine, or anthroposophically extended medicine – school of complementary medicine [ 85 ] founded in the 1920s by Rudolf Steiner in conjunction with Ita Wegman based on the spiritual philosophy of anthroposophy. It is an individualized holistic and salutogenic approach to health, deemphasizing randomized controlled trials. [ 86 ] [ 87 ] Medications are formulated to stimulate healing by matching "key dynamic forces" with symptoms, [ 88 ] and are prepared for external, oral, or parenteral introduction in various dilutions ranging from whole to homeopathic. [ 89 ] The use of vaccinations, antibiotics, and antipyretics is generally restricted or delayed. [ 90 ] [ 91 ] [ 92 ] Skeptic Robert Carroll likens to sympathetic magic the principle that curative plants may be identified by distortions or abnormalities in their morphology or physiology. [ 93 ] Carroll and others state that the system is not based in science. [ 93 ] [ 94 ] [ 95 ] Despite a very considerable body of academic research into anthroposophic medicine, [ 96 ] [ 97 ] [ 98 ] Edzard Ernst suggests that no thorough scientific analysis of the efficacy of anthroposophical medicine as a system independent of its philosophical underpinnings has been undertaken; and that no evidence-based conclusion can be drawn as to the overall efficacy of the system. [ 99 ] The medical approach has achieved some academic recognition: there is a chair of anthroposophic medicine at the University of Witten/Herdecke within its Department for Medical theory, Integrative, and Anthroposophical Medicine, [ 100 ] and the Institute of Complementary Medicine at the University of Bern includes a division focusing on anthroposophic medicine. [ 101 ]
    • The Bates method for better eyesight – an educational method developed by ophthalmologist William Bates intended to improve vision "naturally" to the point at which it can allegedly eliminate the need for glasses by undoing a habitual strain to see. [ 102 ] In 1929 Bates was cited by the FTC for false or misleading advertising in connection with his book describing the method, Perfect Sight Without Glasses, [ 103 ] though the complaint was later dismissed. [ 104 ] Although some people claim to have improved their eyesight by following his principles, Bates' ideas about vision and accommodation have been rejected by mainstream ophthalmology and optometry. [ 105 ] [ 106 ] [ 107 ] [ 108 ] [ 109 ]
    • Biorhythms – hypothesis holding that human physiology and behavior are governed by physical, emotional, and intellectual cycles lasting 23, 28, and 33 days, respectively. The system posits that, for instance, errors in judgment are more probable on days when an individual's intellectual cycle, as determined by days since birth, is near a minimum. No biophysical mechanism of action has been discovered, and the predictive power of biorhythms charts is no better than chance. [ 17 ] [ 110 ] [ 111 ] [ 112 ] For the scientific study of biological cycles such as circadian rhythms, see chronobiology.
    • Body memory – hypothesis that the body itself is capable of storing memories, as opposed to only the brain. This is used to explain having memories for events where the brain was not in a position to store memories and is sometimes a catalyst for repressed memories recovery. [ 113 ] These memories are often characterised with phantom pain in a part or parts of the body – the body appearing to remember the past trauma. The idea of body memory is a belief frequently associated with the idea of repressed memories, in which memories of incest or sexual abuse can be retained and recovered through physical sensations. [ 113 ] [ 114 ]
    • Brain Gym – commercial training program that claims that any learning challenges can be overcome by finding the right movements, to subsequently create new pathways in the brain. They claim that the repetition of the 26 Brain Gym movements "activates the brain for optimal storage and retrieval of information", [ 115 ] and are designed to "integrate body and mind" in order to improve "concentration, memory, reading, writing, organizing, listening, physical coordination, and more." [ 116 ] Its theoretical foundation has been thoroughly discredited by the scientific community, who describe it as pseudoscience. [ 117 ] [ 118 ] [ 119 ] [ 120 ] Peer reviewed scientific studies into Brain Gym have found no significant improvement in general academic skills. Its claimed results have been put down to the placebo effect and the benefits of breaks and exercise. Its founder, Paul Dennison, has admitted that many of Brain Gym's claims are not based on good science, but on his "hunches". [ 121 ]
    • Chiropracticalternative medicine practice focusing on spinal manipulation. Many modern chiropractors target solely mechanical dysfunction, and offer health and lifestyle counseling. [ 122 ] [ 123 ] Many others, however, base their practice on the vitalism of D.D. Palmer and B. J. Palmer, maintaining that all or many organic diseases are the result of hypothetical spinal dysfunctions known as vertebral subluxations and the impaired flow of Innate intelligence, a form of putative energy. [ 124 ] [ 125 ] These ideas are not based in science, and along with the lack of a strong research base are in part responsible for the historical conflict between chiropractic and mainstream medicine. [ 126 ] [ 127 ] [ 128 ] [ 129 ] Recent systematic reviews indicate the possibility of moderate effectiveness for spinal manipulation in the management of nonspecific low back pain. [ 130 ] [ 131 ] [ 132 ] The effectiveness of chiropractic spinal manipulation has not been demonstrated according to the principles of evidence-based medicine for any other condition. [ 133 ] Adverse events with possible neurologic involvement following spinal manipulation, particularly upper spinal manipulation, occur with a frequency of between 33% and 61%. Most events are minor, such as mild soreness, fainting, dizziness, light headedness, headache, or numbness or tingling in the upper limbs; serious complications such as subarachnoid hemorrhage, vertebral artery dissection, or myelopathy are observed infrequently. [ 134 ] [ 135 ] [ 136 ] [ 137 ] [ 138 ]
      • Applied kinesiology (AK) – a chiropracticdiagnostic method using manual muscle-strength testing for medical diagnosis and a subsequent determination of prescribed therapy, which proponents believe can identify health problems or nutritional deficiencies through practitioner assessment of external physical qualities such as muscle response, posture, or motion analysis. A variety of therapies are prescribed based on tested weakness or smoothness of muscle action and a conjectured viscerosomatic association between particular muscles and organs. For example, a practitioner will give the patient a jar containing a substance to hold in one hand, then test for muscle strength in the other hand; if there is little resistance, the practitioner may conclude that the patient is allergic to that substance. The sole use of Applied Kinesiology to diagnose or treat any allergy [ 139 ] or illness [ 140 ] [ 141 ] is not scientifically supported, and the International College of Applied Kinesiology requires concurrent use of standard diagnostic techniques. [ 142 ] Applied kinesiologists are often chiropractors, but may also be naturopaths, physicians, dentists, nutritionists, physical therapists, massage therapists, and nurses. [ 140 ] Applied Kinesiology should not be confused with kinesiology, the scientific study of human movement.
      • Innate intelligence – form of putative energy, the flow of which is considered by some chiropractors to be responsible for patient health. Chiropractic historian Joseph C. Keating, Jr., PhD. stated: "So long as we propound the 'One cause, one cure' rhetoric of Innate, we should expect to be met by ridicule from the wider health science community. Chiropractors can’t have it both ways. Our theories cannot be both dogmatically held vitalistic constructs and be scientific at the same time. The purposiveness, consciousness and rigidity of the Palmers’ Innate should be rejected." [ 143 ]
      • Vertebral subluxation – a Chiropractic term that describes variously a site of impaired flow of innate or a spinal lesion that is postulated to cause neuromusculoskeletal or visceral dysfunction. Scientific consensus does not support the existence of chiropractic's vertebral subluxation. [ 144 ]
    • Colon cleansing (colonics, colon hydrotherapy) – encompasses a number of alternative medical therapies intended to remove fecal waste and unidentified toxins from the colon and intestinal tract. Practitioners believe that accumulations of putrefied feces line the walls of the large intestine and that they harbor parasites or pathogenic gut flora, causing nonspecific symptoms and general ill-health. This "auto-intoxication" hypothesis is based on medical beliefs of the Ancient Egyptians and Greeks, and was discredited in the early 20th century. [ 145 ] [ 146 ]
    • Crystal healing – belief that crystals have healing properties. Once common among pre-scientific and indigenous peoples, it has recently enjoyed a resurgence in popularity with the New Age movement. [ 147 ] [ 148 ] [ 149 ]
    • Electromagnetic hypersensitivity (EHS) – reported sensitivity to electric and magnetic fields or electromagnetic radiation of various frequencies at exposure levels well below established safety standards. Symptoms are inconsistent, but can include headache, fatigue, difficulty sleeping, and similar non-specific indications. [ 150 ] Provocation studies find that the discomfort of sufferers is unrelated to hidden sources of radiation, [ 151 ] [ 152 ] and "no scientific basis currently exists for a connection between EHS and exposure to [electromagnetic fields]." [ 153 ]
    • Faith healing – act of curing disease by such means as prayer and laying on of hands. No material benefit in excess of that expected by placebo is observed. [ 17 ] [ 154 ] [ 155 ] However, faith-healing advocates respond by stating that what doctors describe as the placebo effect is a form of faith healing. [ 156 ]
    • Homeopathy – belief in giving a patient with symptoms of an illness extremely dilute remedies that are thought to produce those same symptoms in healthy people. These preparations are often diluted beyond the point where any treatment molecule is likely to remain. [ 157 ] Studies of homeopathic practice have been largely negative or inconclusive. [ 158 ] [ 159 ] [ 160 ] [ 161 ] No scientific basis for homeopathic principles has been substantiated. [ 30 ] [ 162 ] [ 163 ] [ 164 ] [ 165 ] [ 166 ] [ 167 ]
    • Hypnosis – state of extreme relaxation and inner focus in which a person is unusually responsive to suggestions made by the hypnotist. The modern practice has its roots in the idea of animal magnetism, or mesmerism, originated by Franz Mesmer. [ 168 ] Mesmer's explanations were thoroughly discredited, and to this day there is no agreement amongst researchers whether hypnosis is a real phenomena, or merely a form of participatory role- enactment. [ 17 ] [ 80 ] [ 169 ] Some aspects of suggestion have been clinically useful. [ 170 ] [ 171 ] Other claimed uses of hypnosis more clearly fall within the area of pseudoscience. Such areas include the use of hypnotic regression beyond plausible limits, including past life regression. [ 172 ] Also see false memory syndrome.
    • Iridology – means of medical diagnosis which proponents believe can identify and diagnose health problems through close examination of the markings and patterns of the iris. Practitioners divide the iris into 80-90 zones, each of which is connected to a particular body region or organ. This connection has not been scientifically validated, and disorder detection is neither selective nor specific. [ 173 ] [ 174 ] [ 175 ] Because iris texture is a phenotypical feature which develops during gestation and remains unchanged after birth (which makes the iris useful for Biometrics), Iridology is all but impossible.
    • Magnet therapy – practice of using magnetic fields to positively influence health. While there are legitimate medical uses for magnets and magnetic fields, the field strength used in magnetic therapy is too low to effect any biological change, and the methods used have no scientific validity. [ 17 ] [ 176 ] [ 177 ]
    • Maharishi Ayurveda – traditional Ayurveda is a 5,000 year old alternative medical practice with roots in ancient India based on a mind-body set of beliefs. [ 178 ] [ 179 ] Imbalance or stress in an individual’s consciousness is believed to be the reason of diseases. [ 178 ] Patients are classified by body types (three doshas, which are considered to control mind-body harmony, determine an individual’s "body type"); and treatment is aimed at restoring balance to the mind-body system. [ 178 ] [ 179 ] It has long been the main traditional system of health care in India, [ 179 ] and it has become institutionalized in India's colleges and schools, although unlicensed practitioners are common. [ 180 ] As with other traditional knowledge, much of it was lost; in the West, current practice is mostly based on the teachings of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi in the 1980s, [ 181 ] who mixed it with Transcendental Meditation. The most notable advocate of Ayurveda in America is Deepak Chopra, who claims that Maharishi's Ayurveda is based on quantum mysticism. [ 181 ]
    • Radionics – means of medical diagnosis and therapy which proponents believe can diagnose and remedy health problems using various frequencies in a putative energy field coupled to the practitioner's electronic device. The first such "black box" devices were designed and promoted by Albert Abrams, and were definitively proven useless by an independent investigation commissioned by Scientific American in 1924. [ 182 ] The internal circuitry of radionics devices is often obfuscated and irrelevant, leading proponents to conjecture dowsing and ESP as operating principles. [ 183 ] [ 184 ] Similar devices continue to be marketed under various names, though none is approved by the US Food and Drug Administration; there is no scientific evidence for the efficacy or underlying premise of radionics devices. [ 185 ] [ 186 ] The radionics of Albert Abrams and his intellectual descendants should not be confused with similarly named reputable and legitimate companies, products, or medical treatments such as radiotherapy or radiofrequency ablation.
    • Therapeutic touch – form of vitalism where a practitioner, who may be also a nurse, [ 187 ] passes his or her hands over and around a patient to "realign" or "rebalance" a putative energy field. [ 35 ] A recent Cochrane Review concluded that "[t]here is no evidence that [Therapeutic Touch] promotes healing of acute wounds." [ 188 ] No biophysical basis for such an energy field has been found. [ 189 ] [ 190 ]
    • Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) – traditional medical system originating in China and practiced as an alternative medicine throughout much of the world. It contains elements based in Taoism, Buddhism, and Neo-Confucianism, [ 191 ] and considers the human body more in functional and vitalistic than anatomical terms. [ 192 ] [ 193 ] Health and illness in TCM follow the principle of yin and yang, and are ascribed to balance or imbalance in the flow of a vital force, qi. [ 194 ] [ 195 ] Diagnostic methods are solely external, including pulse examination at six points, examination of a patient's tongue, and a patient interview; interpractitioner diagnostic agreement is poor. [ 192 ] [ 196 ] [ 197 ] [ 198 ] The TCM theory of the function and structure of the human body is fundamentally different from modern medicine, though some of the procedures and remedies have shown promise under scientific investigation. [ 194 ] [ 199 ]
      • Acupuncture – use of fine needles to stimulate acupuncture points and balance the flow of qi. There is no known anatomical or histological basis for the existence of acupuncture points or meridians. [ 196 ] [ 200 ] Some acupuncturists regard them as functional rather than structural entities, useful in guiding evaluation and care of patients. [ 194 ] [ 201 ] [ 202 ] Dry needling is the therapeutic insertion of fine needles without regard to TCM theory. Acupuncture has been the subject of active scientific research since the late 20th century, [ 203 ] and its effects and application remain controversial among Western medical researchers and clinicians. [ 203 ] Because it is a procedure rather than a pill, the design of controlled studies is challenging, as with surgical and other procedures. [ 194 ] [ 203 ] [ 204 ] [ 205 ] [ 206 ] :126 Some scholarly reviews conclude that acupuncture's effects are mainly placebo, [ 207 ] [ 208 ] and others find likelihood of efficacy for particular conditions. [ 203 ] [ 209 ] [ 210 ] [ 211 ]
        • Acupressuremanual non-invasive stimulation of acupuncture points. [ 212 ]
        • Acupuncture points or acupoints – collection of several hundred points on the body lying along meridians. According to TCM theory, each corresponds to a particular organ or function. [ 212 ]
      • Meridians – TCM are the channels through which qi flows, connecting the several zang-fu organ pairs. [ 192 ] [ 213 ] There is no known anatomical or histological basis for the existence of acupuncture points or meridians. [ 196 ] [ 200 ]
      • Moxibustion – application on or above the skin of smoldering mugwort, or moxa, to stimulate acupuncture points.
      • Qivital energy whose flow must be balanced for health. Qi has never been directly observed, and is unrelated to the energy used in science. [ 214 ] [ 215 ] [ 216 ]
      • TCM materia medica – a collection of crude medicines used in Traditional Chinese medicine. These include many plants in part or whole, such as ginseng and wolfberry, as well as more exotic ingredients such as seahorses. Preparations generally include several ingredients in combination, with selection based on physical characteristics such as taste or shape, or relationship to the organs of TCM. [ 217 ] Most preparations have not been rigorously evaluated or give no indication of efficacy. [ 199 ] [ 218 ] [ 219 ] Pharmacognosy research for potential active ingredients present in these preparations is active, though the applications do not always correspond to those of TCM. [ 220 ]
      • Zang-fu – concept of organs as functional yin and yang entities for the storage and manipulation of qi. [ 192 ] These organs are not based in anatomy.
    • Urine therapy – drinking either one's own undiluted urine or homeopathic potions of urine for treatment of a wide variety of diseases is based on pseudoscience. [ 221 ]
    • Vitalism – doctrine that the processes of life are not explicable by the laws of physics and chemistry alone and that life is in some part self-determining. The book Encyclopedia of Pseudoscience stated "today, vitalism is one of the ideas that form the basis for many pseudoscientific health systems that claim that illnesses are caused by a disturbance or imbalance of the body's vital force." "Vitalists claim to be scientific, but in fact they reject the scientific method with its basic postulates of cause and effect and of provability. They often regard subjective experience to be more valid than objective material reality." [ 222 ]

    Religious and spiritual beliefs

    Spiritual and religious practices and beliefs, according to Carl Sagan, are normally not classified as pseudoscience. [ 223 ] However, the following religious/spiritual items have been related to or classified as pseudoscience in some way:



    • Cosmetics and cleaning products frequently make pseudoscientific claims about their products. [ 257 ] Claims are made about both the benefits or toxicity of certain products or ingredients. Practices include Angel dusting where a minuscule amount of an active ingredientis used in a product insufficient to cause any measurable benefit. Examples of products include:
    • Scientific racism – claim that scientific evidence shows the inferiority or superiority of certain races, or alternatively the claim of "classifying" individuals of different phenotypes into discrete races or ethnicities. [ 259 ] [ 260 ]
      • Melanin theory – belief founded in the distortion of known physical properties of melanin, a natural polymer, that posits the inherent superiority of Black people and the essential inhumanity and an inferiority of Whites. [ 261 ] [ 262 ]
    • New Chronology - one of the theories of historical revisionism, the creation of Anatoly Fomenko [ 263 ] [ 264 ] [ 265 ] [ 266 ] [ 267 ] [ 268 ] .

  • Terry

    Here is my stupid:

    The Bates method for better eyesight – an educational method developed by ophthalmologist William Bates intended to improve vision "naturally" to the point at which it can allegedly eliminate the need for glasses by undoing a habitual strain to see. [ 102 ] In 1929 Bates was cited by the FTC for false or misleading advertising in connection with his book describing the method, Perfect Sight Without Glasses, [ 103 ] though the complaint was later dismissed. [ 104 ] Although some people claim to have improved their eyesight by following his principles, Bates' ideas about vision and accommodation have been rejected by mainstream ophthalmology and optometry.

    Believe it or not, from the time I was 14 I would stare directly at the sun! (For long moments) (Explains everything, doesn't it?:)

  • thetrueone

    I know of a multi-level marketing fraud called the Watchtower Publishing Corporation.

    They said all I had to do was read, buy and sell their literature and soon I would be rewarded with immortality in a

    earthly Paradise state.

    I never really fallen for it rather born and pushed into it by my parents.

  • thetrueone

    Good post by the way Terry, it pays to be aware how things can be presented to you with all the attached selling attributes, to look carefully what is

    really the truth about the product or the conceived idealogical concept.

  • Star tiger
    Star tiger


    I must admit to reading Zecharia Sitchin, Erich von Daniken, Davis Icke and Immanuel Velikovsky books during the last year and it is because as an ex Jehovah's witnesses we are all prone to conspiracy theories it goes with our shared experience of the ultimate con the Governing Body, we all expected to live forever, and now we find it's not very likely we feel compelled to find something that gives us the same kind of assurance!

    However as a small footnote, we don't no everything,lol

    I still feel very upset for all those years when my life was sorted, but now I have to think!

    Best Regards,

    Star Tiger

  • monk456
  • monk456
  • Terry

    I was a reader of Velikovsky too. I don't know how far I bought in to his theories. But, at the time I read them I was trying to build my own

    lean-to religious theories (having lost the Watchtower's) and I had to start somewhere (I thought!).

    There is little "truth" in the world and a whole heckuva lot of ideas, theories, imagination and convincing prose.

  • Star tiger
    Star tiger

    I'll second that, Sir!

    Star Tiger

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    I would never fall for such quackery!

    However, I do believe anything a fortune cookie tells me.

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