JW Debating about homosexuality, on facebook. Worth the full read.

by Sharpie 12 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • NewChapter

    It sounds good on a bumper sticker, but I think many of us have to work through the negativity before moving forward. Otherwise it's just sugar coatings and plastic smiles. For me, reading the FB post just validated the decisions I have made. If I ever have doubts, I just need to examine how I used to see things and how I used to reason. It nauseates me, but the reminder is good sometimes.


  • JonathanH

    I don't see anything. Highlights?

  • NewChapter

    Oh Jonathon, it's a super long debate on FB on the bible. It started out with homosexuality, and the JW started ranting on God's purpose which morphed into the validity of the bible. The person being debated didn't think the reasoning made any sense, and so, they started to argue that Chewbacca was born on one planet but lived on another planet---then they proved that by reference. The point was, just because he could prove where Chewbacca was from didn't mean it added anything to the debate---actually it made no sense at all. The JW supporting bible accounts like the fall of Ninevah etc. didn't add to the debate, which was about homosexuality. So proving the Bible's historical accuracy didn't actually address the issue of homosexuality. I think. THEN the part I found funny is that the person debating the JW put the JW's responses into google and identified all of the websites the JW's answers came from---100% word for word. I suspected the JW was pasting from the cd, and perhaps they were. The WT is known to plagerize so maybe they got their paragraphs from other sources---now easy to find with google.


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