what was your "back burner?"

by stillin 21 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • designs

    jwfacts- That one broke my heart and I realized we were on our own, now its ok, Masters of our own Ships.

  • thetrueone

    Gods' only chosen organization that spilled out a long train of conniving bullshit such as 1975.

    So much derisive bullshit by the only truth in the world, pushed out by a religious publishing house.

    After a while I think JW members are so used to having the WTS do their thinking for them that they

    become complacent to the WTS teachings / propaganda / dogma it becomes their personal identity.

    To turn renegade or uninterested in the whole thing just seems like they would lose their own built up self image of themselves

    that the WTS. created. When a JWS, they are something special in a very special organization, out side of it by the WTS own description they are lost

    without hope or redemption, evil, disposed to serve the wicked god Satan, bound to be destroyed soon the list is long to be sure.

    Stupidity and corruption formulated in a publishing Empire/Kingdom.

  • umadevi

    For me one of it was the education thing. Being a college graduate I could never accept the JW reasoning on higher education. Why can't one pursue a degree and worship God at the same time?

  • Velour

    I had a few. I'm a massage therapist and was warned about Thai massage because it is similar to yoga in it's teaching of aligning the body's energy. Though I don't give a rat's a** about messing with energies, I was excited about the relaxing stretches in Thai massage.

    Then I read that accupuncture was ok!!! WTF New York?!!!

    I also could never reconcile the idea that god is the same always and forever and then switch my brain from 'this god allows slave women to be beaten raped and murdered' to 'this god cares so much as to heal a sick woman's irregular blood flow'. Never quite worked for me.

    And a big one- I wasn't ok with god killing billions of people because they didn't convert to being a JW after some 3 min rehearsed spiel at their door. I thought about how devoted we were to our god and how we weren't having any of the Mormons' ideas when they knocked on our door yet, the Mormons had to take our stuff. Major disconnect.

  • Found Sheep
    Found Sheep

    I never quite felt the GB proved they are God's spoksmen. I hardly know anything about any of them yet they are going to tell me fow to worship God?

    I never believed all non-jw's will be destroyed and world was only going to jw's on it.

    What's so wrong with saying "god bless you" when someone sneezes. Those stiped non bibical man-made rules always bothered me. I thought the Bible discribed the "truth" as being refreshing?!

    The submisivness role that woman had. Um where in the Bible does it say a woman can't run the mikes? Why would this non baptized boy be treated with more "provledges"

    Elders - who do how died and made them king?

  • agent zero
    agent zero

    for me a big issue on the back burner (but that eventually got the ball rolling) was the idea that all non-jws would be destroyed, but particularly in conjunction with the fact that i was feeling that nobody actually truely chose to reject jehovah. i was always somehow able to see things from the householder's perspective, and i thought turning down a magazine about poverty or whatever from a teenager at your door because you're trying to sleep in, does in NO WAY amount to the same thing as rejecting Jehovah as the supreme ruler of the universe. yet that is what they say "we give everyone a fair chance by going to their doors.. when Armageddon comes they'll cry out 'We should have listened!!'"

    add to that the fact that people from the Middle East, Asia, etc that don't already have a christian background are tremendously less inclined to become witnesses because they don't have the bible as common ground, and i felt that god was damn prejudiced.

  • Anony Mous
    Anony Mous

    I never understood why God allowed suffering. Of all the subjects, that one is the most beat to death one by JW's as an 'entry-level' question however they could never answer it satisfactory because the answer generates in itself more questions. If God wanted something answered why did he wait so long? Why could he not have answered it himself? Shouldn't Adam and Eve dying be proof enough? Didn't Job answer it, Moses, David, Abraham, Jesus?

    Then also, if this is the "Truth" and an organization led by Holy Spirit why do I see constantly that people leave, people are pharisaic, people talk behind your back, people need 5 sheets of paper to explain how to put in the correct numbers for finance and still mess it up, why does the Holy Spirit need to know on paper how much hours I spent in service this month, why do people think it's not Truth if they go to college, why does the "Truth" have to change, why are some of the most incompetent baffoons appointed, why is everyone so poor and lowly educated (I actually put that last question in an essay (I got as punishment) to my parents when I was about 12 years old)?

  • straightshooter

    1975, blood beliefs, and their original explanation on transplants being cannibalism always stuck in the middle of my mind as my back burner.

  • stillin

    some of these thoughts reminded me of the whole "pagans did such-and-such so it is forbidden for us to do it."

    Pagans lived and breathed, they raised their glasses in a toast of good cheer and well-wishing. They did all kinds of things that weren't evil and wicked. They may have said "good luck" to each other without invoking demons, simply hoping that the mathematical probabilities went in somebody's favor.

  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    The 'fact' that my 'worldly' father and sister would be killed at Armageddon deeply troubled me.

    ANONY MOUS - Why god allows suffering also bothered me, but I relieved my cognitive dissonance with the society's 'reasoning'....

    ...until about 6 years ago when I got sick and suffered as no human being should.

    The question went from Why? to HOW could god allow suffering? The thought of HOW an all powerful creator could allow suffering really pissed me off. I mean...


    I guess now you know one of the reasons I'm here....

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