Your baby has been stolen by the angels......

by watersprout 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • watersprout

    I just received this email.....

    PLEASE PLEASE stop by ......... Boutique and have a go at our raffle?? some of the proceeds will be going to .......... for permature babies who are sadly stole away to be angels in the sky.

    This angered me greatly! Babies stolen by angels???

    I have noticed on facebook that there are quite a few pages on about babies that have been taken/stolen by angels.... If (God forbid) I lost Babysprout and someone came up to me and said... The angels needed a new angel/she has become an angel in heaven/God saw her and took her.... I even read one where it said ''your baby was too beautiful for this earth so was taken to become a beautiful angel.... And this one... God needed some more angels..... You know what I would do??? Yeah that's right... A face full of my fist!

    Why why why would you say that to a grieving parent??? What's happened to ''I'm soo sorry'' or a hug to show that you care....

    It's just an unbelievably sick thing to say... These people make God out to be a monster! Oh my goodness I am soo mad.

    Anywhoo I really need cake now.... I'm shaking with fury. Just really needed to vent.


  • J. Hofer
    J. Hofer

    god seems to cause most abortions... i don't understand why many godists are trying to work against his will.

    (father of a baby who needed blood, the gorgeous boy would have died if i would have believed the JW shizzle)

  • watersprout
    god seems to cause most abortions... i don't understand why many godists are trying to work against his will.

    God doesn't cause abortions... Not sure what you mean by the second part of your comment.

    (father of a baby who needed blood, the gorgeous boy would have died if i would have believed the JW shizzle)

    How wonderful that you didn't believe all that rubbish and your son received life saving treatment.


  • Girlie

    "Why why why would you say that to a grieving parent??? What's happened to ''I'm soo sorry'' or a hug to show that you care...."

    Honestly, I never heard anyone say anything like that to me or around me to a grieving individual. As a matter of fact, the first time I have actually heard this phrase was from Jehovah's Witnesses, but they were using this more as an illustration of their disbelief in all will go to heaven.

    I will either say my condolences for your loss and/or will give a person a comforting hug letting them know that I care and am there for them. If the person wishes to talk, I will be a listening ear to them.

    I can only guess the reason for such a phrase is because many can not understand nor accept the fact that innocent small children and babies die and use that phrase as a means of acceptance for a great loss.

  • ChunkyMonkey

    J - are you trying to say that if god really wanted babies up in heave to be angels then all these abortions would be his will? And all these people fighting abortions would then be fighting god. It's using their stupid reasoning against the idiots.

    I've always hated that whole - they are happier in heaven with god. God wanted them. Be happy your loved one is in heaven. SO stupid and insensative. I want to reply -- good, when I stab you then for saying that - you should be happy to go to god, right? Get me a knife! ARGH!

    (I'm kidding! I've never murdered anyone. I promise!)

    Also, J - good for you saving your baby. Amazing!

  • PinkPajamasx

    I saw this post Watersprout and had to get to the nearest computer, I haven't figured out to post from my Iphone yet.

    When my daughter passed, I was told all kinds of insensitive comments, "well God needed a beautiful flower for his garden" "at least you didn't get a chance to know her so she won't be missed as much" "you should get rid of all her stuff" the list can go on and on but the one that got me the most was when a woman asked me what was her name, I told her Allana and she said, "what a waste of a beautiful name" I didn't have the strength for an all out assault on the woman. To this day it still bothers me, 17 years and I can't get past it.

    People should really think before they speak, especially when it comes to someone who is grieving...

  • watersprout

    Girlie I have heard it loads... That's the tragic thing, it seems to be the acceptable thing to say.

    For me personally I would find it very offensive and would be greatly distressed if someone said that to me. Maybe it comforts some people, who am I to say.

    It's difficult to offer comfort to a grieving parent.


  • J. Hofer
    J. Hofer

    well, i know there are all flavours of christians. i'm talking about those who say that heaven is some sort of reward. if heaven is some sort of reward, every single one of those christians should go around with their knives and stab people to death, because that probably means salvation (just as suicide is a free ticket for JWs to go do paradise).

    and they should condone abortion too of course. why are they against it, when they say at the same time that babies who died before birth are going to heaven or whatever else place, but they don't go to hell.

    two of my SILs lost a baby and i know several more who lost one. i'm not sure if i'm right about this, but JWs don't really believe in the resurrection of lost babies, and if they do i can't imagine how that would take place. but if god does not resurrect unborn babies, abortion is not wrong in any way.

  • Girlie

    Watersprout, I am with you on that one. I myself would never utter such a statement as I too find it distasteful and very disrespectful. I was saying that some may think it is acceptable to do so and their beliefs as to why.

    I second you, Pink. Some people do need to think before they speak.

  • watersprout
    I've always hated that whole - they are happier in heaven with god. God wanted them. Be happy your loved one is in heaven. SO stupid and insensative. I want to reply -- good, when I stab you then for saying that - you should be happy to go to god, right? Get me a knife! ARGH!

    Welcome Chunky Monkey! Yeah it makes my blood boil... Mind you you made me laugh when I read your comment.

    Pinkpajamasx welcome! I'm soo soo sorry you lost your daughter! I'm in tears reading your comment... Those people that said those awful comments to you needed a smack up the back of their heads! I don't know what to say.... I can offer a sprouty hug??


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