After leaving Jw's did you go into another religion or serv. god ur own way?

by average joe 31 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • TDaze

    Go to another church?

    Prfrt. I stopped believing altogether. Really, going from one religion to another (be it organised or not) is just jumping from the frying pan into the fire.

  • mochamint22

    My husband is Evangelical Christian, I think is what its called. HA HA. I was very surprised to know that his beliefs are somewhat similar to my old beliefs. Basically all the good stuff without the guilt trip and control! He knows and uses Jehovah's name - which was a revelation in of itself to me since i was brought up - in the truth- to believe that no one but JWs use God's name. He wants us to go to a church together but I still haven't because everytime I think about it, i have this little voice that tells me i'd be committing Idolatry by stepping foot into another place of worship other than a KH. I want to go but i'm scared. i guess right now, i've kind of written off religion and don't like to talk about it because of the mental and emotional scars i have from being JW for so long. I do, eventually, want to get to that place where I can go to a christian church. i like to listen to sermons on my podcast like Marcos Witt who is a part of the Lakewood Church in Houston. I live in WA state but i enjoy listening to his sermons and listening to his songs so much. I also enjoy listening to other singers of christian music as well. when i listen to it, the songs bring tears to my eyes. i can't even describe why or how it happens. Its like i'm singing the words and then my eyes well up with joy and pride to know jehovah and his works. its moments like those that make me want to really delve back into having a spiritual life. apart from jw's of course. if i did go to a church it would have to be something like the evangelical or baptist religion, but for right now, i'm kind of like the others on this post that dont want to have anything to do with organized religion and just want to BE. to enjoy singing to my god and trying to live a good life that brings him joy and to be proud of me.

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