Awesome quote from the Watchtower!

by TimothyT 21 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Ding

    Evidently, they got new light!

  • MrMonroe

    A comprehensive article on the split is at Wikipedia here.

    It was a very nasty business, where Rutherford began imposing his own harsh personality on the Bible Student movement. If there was such a thing as a faithful slave class or governing body at the time, he very clearly ignored and overruled both in order to get what he wanted.

    The WTS has never been able to explain that ... and continues to denigrate as "ambitious" and "cunning" the majority of the WTBTS seven-man board who wanted Rutherford's feathers clipped.

  • poopsiecakes

    Poor Charles must be spinning in his grave...

  • Anony Mous
    Anony Mous

    The Bible Students ( are still around although WTBTS took over most of the legal names in the past, they adhere more closely to the teachings of Russell and the bible.

    From the site:

    The Bible Students are an independent, non-denominational Christian fellowship. Congregations are worldwide. Each local congregation is totally independent; we have no central headquarters.

    They are what Jehovah's Witnesses should have remained. IF JW's claim they were inspired by God in the 1800's, they are the apostate organization and this would be the 'right' one. They teach exegesis and still print "The Divine Plan of the Ages"

  • jwfacts

    Here is a scan of it.

  • palmtree67

    jwfacts: That is a good example of why I LOVE this site. Thanks for posting that scan.

    And Timothy: Thanks for the thread. Nicely done.

  • Scott77

    Well said, guys and gals. Its noteworthy that information as written in the bible remains same over the years but so with the Watchtower teaching. Its something of an eyebrow for an organisation claiming to be recieving God's direction as to its teachings.


  • Franklin Massey
    Franklin Massey

    It's a repeat cycle with religion in general. Anytime a religion goes beyond principles and starts clamping down with official and "unquestionable" doctrines, weighty rules, demands for strict obedience to leaders, and "us vs. them" speech - it becomes nearly valueless. The principles become drowned in the flood. The sad thing is that it's the earnest followers who end up getting hurt the most.

    As good as this quote from Russell is, we have to remember that he was also borrowing from other apocalyptic groups and creating wild end-of-days theories based on numerology and pyramidology. Just goes to show that that there is no such thing as the "one true religion."

  • WontLeave

    we have to remember that he was also borrowing from other apocalyptic groups and creating wild end-of-days theories based on numerology and pyramidology

    And that's exactly the point. Nobody was required to believe everything he said. Just like the Bereans, we could check the Scriptures and use our God-given minds to decide what parts we would accept and reject. Now, we must adopt the entirety of JW doctrine, wholesale. There is no opportunity to reject false doctrine, as we must swallow it along with the truth.

    Here's an interesting quote one could use to shove down some throats when confronted with "independent thinking":

    Man possesses a mind and a heart, not controlled automatically by instinct, but capable of independent thinking and reasoning, making plans and decisions, exercising a free will, building up strong desires and motivation. That is why you are capable of exercising the fine qualities of love and loyalty, of devotion and integrity. That is why you are also capable of understanding what God has revealed in his Word respecting his will and purpose, and how you can find achievement and contentment in bringing your own life into complete harmony therewith. - w3/15/1972 p170
  • sd-7

    Isn't that quote at the very beginning of 'Crisis of Conscience'? There are other quotes that prove devastating. If I recall correctly, see the January 1, 1929 Watchtower for a real whopper about that issue. I did a thread on it awhile ago, I believe..."On the Governing Body", something like that, it was called? Shamelessly self-promot'd!!


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