Is It Normal for a JW to give a Return Visit print-outs of information?

by Broken Promises 15 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises

    Yesterday I had another visit from a JW who has started calling on me after a few discussions. I wrote about her in a previous thread: I'm pretending to be an interested one, and we've had some nice discussions. I am trying to get her to research her religion via "innocent" questions I bring up.

    I've noticed that each time she calls on me, she's given me printed information. Sheets that look like they're information that she has researched, typed up and saved as files and printed out. Only one was an article that she said came from the official website.

    But the rest looks like she's done research, written it up under various headings, and then prints it off as she needs it. It's definitely not photocopies or quotes of WT publications.

    So my question to current JWs is this: is this a normal practice or is it something she's doing of her own accord?

    She's definitely a thinker, and she admitted that she likes to research everything she believes. I'm hoping that by encouraging her to do research, she might at least have her eyes and mind opened to the religion she spruiks from door to door.

  • EmptyInside

    I don't think it's common. Is she using the CD-ROM? I would think some may print out an article to answer a question the return visit had asked. If the Witness didn't have that particular article,I could see them printing the information out.

  • cantleave

    It's not common or endorsed. If she really is a thinker you maybe doing some real good

  • witness2witness

    I've had the same experience. I later found out that my JW was merely printing articles from the CD-Rom.

    At one point I was meeting with the C.O. on one day, and a member from his congregation on another. The pioneer had printed off something that was not "official WT literature." When I asked the C.O. about it, he became upset and informed me that no JW should give out information that was not official.

  • yourmomma

    If she is giving you print outs of non-jw material, that is a great sign. is it normal for your average JW to do it? No. But its normal for people like myself when they were starting to research the JW docterine. I have a ton of print outs from that time. So I'd say that is a great sign.

  • NewChapter

    Interesting. If she's just giving you printouts of JW material, that's not so rare. However if she independently studied and is giving you THAT info, well it's only a matter of time until we meet her.


  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises

    I am starting to think that maybe it's from the CD-rom, I hadn't thought of that.

    I suppose the most logical thing to do is ask her, eh?

    I've been out for more than a decade, so I'm not as up to date with JW practice as I used to be. When I left, the cd-rom was still a new thing, and computers weren't as numerous in households as they are today. So, if you gave a r/v information, it was usually directly from a bound volume or the publication itself.

  • NomadSoul

    Broken, send me a copy of a print out and I can tell you if it was from the CD.

  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises

    Nomad, my scanner isn't working otherwise I could.

    I've read the printouts she gave me. One was "Our Readers Ask: Do all faithful Christians go to heaven?" (June 1, 2011) It must be from the public edition of the WT because it's written like it's being directed towards a 10 yr old. I'm almost insulted by the way the article reads. Not to mention the oversimplified illogical reasoning it presents to "prove" their belief. I'm very disappointed in the WTS if this is the best they can do.

    I've printed out some info on the 144000 not being literal from jwfacts and I'm thinking of trying to ask her to read it. She may refuse, but since she's been giving me printed information, why can't I do the same? I'll say that I did some research on the subject after reading the article she gave me, and would like to discuss it with her.

    Of course, she could very likely refuse outright, and even suspect I've found the information from (*gasp*) apostate sources.

    Any thoughts?

  • NewChapter

    When I was in, I remember doing acrabatics so I didn't have to accept literature from other people. We even discussed it on parts. One brother's solution was to say that he came to the door to share his news. If they have news to share, they can come to his door. One sister panicked and couldn't think of what to say when offered some literature, so she took it but threw it in a ditch. You may be able to give her your research, and maybe she'll read it, but chances are against that.


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