JW Buzz Words And Phrases Explained

by ladonna 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • ladonna

    Surfing around and I came across an interesting site that explains all those little "buzz words" that we love to hate....an example...

    in the Truth
    The state of being a dedicated, baptized servant of Jehovah. <<How long have you been in the Truth?>> <<I have no fleshly relatives who are in the Truth.>> (See also {Truth}.)
    NOTE: The phrase does not intend to imply anything about how well a person might be doing in the Truth. <<So you've been in the Truth for ten years, huh? But how long has the Truth been in you?>> An admittedly cheeky question.
    And two of my all time favorites,
    bad association
    1. A scriptural phrase denoting persons whose beliefs and conduct are contrary to the Bible's standards, and who might influence Christians to follow a similar standard. (1Co 15:33)[33] Everyone who is not a servant of Jehovah is potentially bad association. It is also true that not everyone in the congregation is automatically {good association}. Note that Paul's words originally applied to some anointed Christians within the congregation in Corinth. (See {associate}.) 2. [obs] Formerly, unbaptized {associates} of the congregation who were {publishers} were treated in much the same way as those who are baptized. When such a person was found to be unrepentantly guilty of {wrongdoing}, he was dealt with in a manner essentially the same as {disfellowshipped} persons. Instead of announcing that the person was disfellowshipped, a notice would be read that he was to be regarded as bad association. When we realized that there is scripturally no such thing as an {unbaptized Christian}, we dropped this terminology along with the practice. A side benefit of correcting this has been a reduction in legal problems that resulted from publicly labeling someone ``bad''.
    [33] This verse is like a mantra to every Christian parent of teenage children.
    The range of electromagnetic radiation that is visible to the human eye, the opposite of darkness. The Bible speaks of light in a figurative sense frequently to represent divine truth. Jehovah is the source of all of light. (Isa 45:7) It is he who makes it possible for his creatures to see light. (Psa 36:9) Knowledge of Jehovah is increasing today as never before. The Bible compares the trek of his people along this way to the increasing light of a new day. (Pro 4:18) Accordingly, Jehovah's people frequently speak of newly understood and recently revealed truths as ``new light''. <<Paragraph ten of last week's Watchtower Study shed new light on our understanding of Jehovah's great love.>>
    To see the rest, and look up you favorite peeve....

    Have fun!

  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    A person engrossed in the concerns of the world, a {worldly} person. Although a perfectly legitimate word, it is sometimes spoken with a supercilious air of superiority as though to elevate the speaker above the one to whom it is applied. <<Do you see that worldling across the street, the one with long hair and shabby clothes?>> One brother remarked: <<When I see the word worldling it reminds me of earthling, and that makes me think of a Martian with green skin and antennae sticking out of his head.>>

    my all time favourite dub term.

  • alamb

    I remember rendevouz being corrected to "the meeting for field service".

    I also remember a long part about not calling the board where stuff was posted the "bulletin board", something to do with papal bull?

    That was WAY back though, probably the late 60's early 70's.

    Just a thought from a worldling a.k.a. bad associate a.k.a. former elder's wife and pioneer

  • LB

    that raised in the truth always bugged me a lot. Sort of like, since I'm raised in the truth, you can never be as good as me, no matter how you try.

    aaaah, glad I don't give a shit

    Never Squat With Yer Spurs On

  • ladonna


    Oh yes!! I had forgotten that one

    Sort of elitist behavior, hmmm???


    Manners require time, and nothing is more vulgar than haste.
    —Ralph Waldo Emerson

  • safe4kids


    I vaguely remember that about the bulletin board...sheesh! What a load o' horse poop!


    Yaknow, revisiting these old terms has left me melancholy and longing for the days when I was a JW...oh, how I miss them.....


  • slipnslidemaster

    OH MY GOD!!!!! The FUCKING bulletin board. I had completely forgotten about that!!!

    Oh yes, HOW DARE we call it that. It's an information board. It's not a bulletin board. Oh sweet Jeebus. ANOTHER instance of picking and choosing what's ok and what's not. Completely subjective. This word is ok, this word isn't. This phrase is ok, this isn't.

    If we need to disprove something, then we will look in ANY language at ANY time in the whole of human history to come up with something, anything to make it directly from Satan's mouth itself.

    Pornea is my favorite. Anyone notice that word get's applied to just about anything anymore. Pornography, sex, smoking, et al.

    Slipnslidemaster: "Just because I look sexy on the cover of Rolling Stone doesn't mean I'm naughty."
    - Britney Spears

  • Smoldering Wick
    Smoldering Wick

    "On a Donation Basis" NOT FREE DAMNIT!

    Remember it had to be drilled in our poor little heads that the Magazines were going to be free from now on...but, we really couldn't mention to anyone that they were actually FREE!!! There were demonstrations on how to ask for donations for the World Wide Work...where to put the money (seperate from our own contributions)and how we should not forget to put it in the "Contribution to the World Wide Work of JWs" box NOT the REGULAR "Contribution" box.

    DAMN! I was so cornfused. I'm glad STOOPS came to the rescue and actually printed it on a coin purse so my dumb little ass wouldn't forget and spend the money at Mr. Donut.

    BTW...If any of you would like to order an "Elder's Leather File Case" they come in Black or Burgandy!


  • ballistic

    Another term explained:

    "The Last Days" = any year since the Jehovah's Witnesses started up.

    The witnesses have preached that we are in the last days ever since they started, well over a hundred years ago now.

    I was just reading in the book studies in the scriptures printed in 1913 that we are in "the last days".

  • Farkel

    : I was just reading in the book studies in the scriptures printed in 1913 that we are in "the last days".

    Until about 1930, the society taught that the "last days" began in 1799.


    "I didn't mean what I meant."

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