letter to the elders about wanting to fade

by focariedu21 22 Replies latest jw experiences

  • focariedu21

    I wrote a letter to the elders of my congregation about my family wanting to fade and voicing my disgust at the way they handled matters with my self and family whilst i was in their congregation as we were treated with contempt and so were my children just because we were different. I personaly sacrificed my entire life for these brothers giving and giving and giving my self materially and physically, and every other way possible together with my family to the point of loosing all my posessions including my family and most recently my mother who contracted parkinsons. As you all know we looked after her for many years together with my wife and kids without the help of the congregation nor my siblings. So I wrote this letter stating that their attitudes and the way they handled matters was appaling. One of the elders happens to be my brother in law and I'VE BEEN CORRESPONDING WITH HIM about the situation as he's been a major down side to the problem and I just received an email from him this morning here in Sydney which says. " Let's be very clear on this. We have by no means disregarded or rejected your letter, on the contrary we have given you the opportunity to meet and discuss these matters with us. You have made it very clear you do not want to meet. The opportunity to and invitation to meet is still open if you change your mind. This will be the last email I will be sending you and I will not be accepting any further correspondence please address it in writing to either the watchtower bible & tract society or directly to the congregation. The various emails I've received from him about the meetings the've had about my concerns have not touched on any points i raised with them . One email asked me which point did I want them to eleborate on as there were many, but all were about the same thing..elders not doing their job and us as a family having to look outside the congregation when mum was sick because my sibblings and the elders refused to help us. In fact we ended up paying a witness to look after mum some days of the week because we needed to go to work.

    Need your help ...What do you think I should reply to this email my brother in law has sent me..THE HYPOCRITE!?


  • Honesty

    Shun him.

  • focariedu21

    They haven't spoken to us for years and shunned us all AND NOW THEY WANT TO TRY AND MEET WITH US . I told him just like I corresponded with them they can do the same I do not want to meet with Hypocrites as they ruined my life...my wife the other was shopping and two sisters passed right beside her looked her in the face and kept walking, My brother in law my wife's brother has always been an elders boy/man and always and never supported us as a family particularly his sister that did so much for him, his mum that passed away with cancer and so many others in the congregation..all that for nothing and we looked after her as well for four years whilst they went out preaching together with his other brother also a witness and sister, My wife is a gem cannot say how much of a decent person she is always giving to people and this is her reward. what a P...K

  • Rocky_Girl

    If you wanted to fade, you shouldn't have written a letter. 'Fade' isn't an option they offer, it is something you do without them knowing. It sounds like your wife and kids are with you, so focus on that instead of the JWs.

  • leavingwt

    I'm sorry that you're being treated this way.

    What I'm about to tell you is true. It's also not pretty.

    The Watchtower organization and its (loyal) members do not care about you. If you do not want to be obedient, they have no use for you. Writing a letter to complain about ANYTHING is fuel for them to disfellowship you. They can disfellowship you for ANYTHING that three elders agree upon.

  • focariedu21

    Rockyg and Leavingwt; My friends you're both absolutly on the ball..but you see my wife and I are prepared for disfellowshipping as we have had enough of their tyranny and bulshit. They are spreading rumors about my family in the community that's completly untrue and we decided that they will not get away with it that easily, we will put up a fight even if it means taking them to court for defamation...they are simply and utterly EVIL

  • leavingwt
    my wife and I are prepared for disfellowshipping

    OK. I just wanted to understand. It sounds like you're prepared.

    IMHO, there is absolutely nothing else to say to any JWs. You're done with them. Further emails/conversations will simply be a waste of your time.

  • Hairyhegoat

    These jw's have a closed mind and even family who leave the fold are classed as apostate ! You are better off shunning them and moving on with your life, Example my mom died 3 years ago and we as a family of 6 were still jw's then. But the reaction from the congregation we got was to say the least the turning point in my 44 years as a jw. Since then we are shunned by all family still in dad aswell . This is pissing me off big time now and me and my df brother have a plan to mess up the next memorial.. These people are dangerous and will split your family up just like they did to mine


  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises

    Writing letters to the elders or the WTS is useless, unless you're prepared to crawl back to the Society on your hands and knees.

    I'm not sure what you want from the elders - an apology? Assistance with your parent who is still alive?

    If you just want to be left alone, this is what you do - leave them alone. As leavingWT said, they don't care about you. They're not worth it unless you believe that the JWs are the one true religion and all the elders are appointed by Jehovah.

    Move on with your life, you'll be happier for it.

  • Rocky_Girl

    I agree with leaving; just walk away and don't look back. Who cares what they think? Enjoy the other 99.9% of the population. :D

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