JW's are so hot on their views being respected but they do not respect anyone elses!

by highdose 27 Replies latest jw experiences

  • FatFreek 2005
    FatFreek 2005

    For the next time they come to your door --

    The following single-page document contains 6 cutouts / handouts which can easily fit in a billfold, shirt pocket, purse, etc. They are miniature tables of the infamous series of 8 Watchtower contradictions (yes, no, yes, etc) of whether Sodomites will receive a resurrection.

    Most will, of course, discard it. But you never know and they may explore it further, looking up the full-fledge essay on the subject.


  • Quirky1
  • Quendi

    I am very glad we are having this discussion. I want to thank Cherrypye and LongHairGal who have responded directly to my first post on this thread. I am not in disagreement with anyone. I only wanted to remind all of us that there are different angles to this question. I am reminded of the adage that there are three sides to every story: your side, my side, and the true side.

    I agree that most Witnesses are rather obtuse when it comes to observing etiquette and courtesy in the field ministry. They don't pay attention to their surroundings, either. So they will march right past clearly posted signs that should tell them not to call on this house or even leave any literature behind. Many don't care about the people in the territory either. They engage in the field ministry because it is required and not because they really care about the people they are preaching to.

    I don't want any of us to become like them. While some Witnesses are sincere and have true concern and even love for their neighbors, many, if not most, are apathetic, or even worse, self-righteous to a fault like Cherrypye's mother-in-law. Well, as Jesus said of the hypocritical Pharisees of his day, "Let them be." Having escaped from the clutches of this cult, we should know better than to imitate its attitudes. For my part, if and when Jehovah's Witnesses ever knock on my door, they will be welcome to come in and talk. I'm sure they will hastily take their leave once they learn I am disfellowshipped and have no intention of returning. But I hope that if we do talk, there can be a frank and respectful exchange of views. If there is, so much the better. If there isn't, the fault will rest with them, but my conscience will be clear.


  • highdose

    Quendi: what about my right as a home owner to be able to refuse to allow people to come to my home? I have told JW's to list me as a DNC... still they come though!

    And can anyone find me in the bible a scripture that features Jesus or his disiples going from house to house??? ( i threw out my bible ages ago)


    When I had a Sign on my door that read..

    "No Religious Representatives"

    I would watch JW`s Read the sign then discuss if they should knock anyway..

    They always ignored the sign and knocked..

    I would point out the sign and they would deny ever seeing it..

    The 1st thing out of their JW mouths at my door,was a lie..


    The WBT $ ..

    Jehovah`s Witness..


    ............................ ...OUTLAW

  • MrFreeze

    So you would rather be acosted in public than to have them knock at your door and you tell them to put you on the do not call list?

  • highdose

    Mr Freeze, yes, i in a word, in a public setting i have the ablity to walk away. Whats more i'm in a public setting not my own home.

  • Quendi

    Hello highdose:

    I understand your frustration with Witnesses who continue to call on your home when you have expressly told them not to. May I suggest that you now call the local congregations in your area and state your wishes? You may have to call several and leave a voice message, but at least you will be directly contacting those who can do something about this. Good times to call would be on Sundays, as well as Tuesday and Thursday nights, the normal meeting times when you know the Hall will be occupied. And as for how to react when Witnesses continue to call on you, I would say that the best way is to politely, kindly, but firmly let them know that you were once one of Jehovah's Witnesses but have left the organization with no desire to return. They will probably view you as an "apostate" and word will spread very quickly that your home is to be avoided at all costs!

    As for a scripture that discusses the methodology of the first century Christians, Acts 5:42 says that after the apostles had been commanded by the Sanhedrin to stop their preaching, their reaction was: "And every day in the temple and from house to house they continued without letup teaching and declaring the good news about the Christ, Jesus." So the apostles and other Chrisitans engaged in the house-to-house ministry. It is difficult to imagine them doing so unless they had seen Jesus do this himself. And in fact, he gave them explicit orders to do so at Matthew 10:11-13, telling them to search out "deserving" people in any city they entered. They did so by contacting individual households.

    The Gospel account says: " 'Into whatever city or village you enter, search out who in it is deserving, and stay there until you leave. When you are entering into the house, greet the household; and if the house is deserving, let the peach you wish it come upon it, but if it is not deserving, let the peace from you return upon you.' "

    As I have posted above, I think it is very important that we do not let our own dislike of the organization cause us to act in a way that only makes us look bad. True, the calls Jehovah's Witnesses make on their neighbors are unwanted and unwelcomed by many. Nevertheless, we want to give them the benefit of the doubt and treat them with decency and respect. We also don't want to tar them all with the same brush, viewing them as stupid, ignorant, fanatic, apathetic, etc. They already do that to those of us who have left their organization, thinking of us as immoral, indecent, mentally diseased, and other derogatory terms. Let's not stoop to their level if we can help it.


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