If I do not go and speak with the elders by Sunday, then he will speak with them on my behalf.

by TimothyT 44 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • NewChapter

    I think United Church of Christ is pretty liberal and also Unitarian Universalists. You'd find a welcoming crew in either one of those.


  • snakeface

    As Rocky Girl said, they only have as much authority over you as you allow. You've already said you don't want to discuss it with them. So if they approach you, just keep saying that even though you don't owe them any answer at all.

    If a police officer pulls you over, you are required to show him whatever documentation he requests (license, car registration, etc). If you receive a supeona for a court appearance, you are required to go and to answer the judge's questions.

    However, the elders are not in such positions of authority. They are not police officers, they are not court judges. They have no more authority over you than I do. They have seen that you have not been at meetings. Now they know (thanks to this tattle-tale false friend) is it not because you have been in the hospital or overseas or are dead; they can conclude the reason you haven't been there is simply because you do not want to be. They don't need a college degree to figure that out. Nothing else is owed to them.

  • NewChapter

    Good thing since they probably don't have college degrees.

  • snakeface

    I see that some posters have mentioned various gay-accepting religions which is a good idea. Check out Unity Church unity.org and United Church of Christ ucc.org/lgbt/

    On one of those 2 sites (I can't find it now) I read some very enlightening information about the scriptures commonly misused to condemn homosexuality. If I find it I'll PM the links to you because they are very encouraging.

  • snakeface

    I've found the link and decided to post it here because others might benefit from it, gay or not. It's from the site gaychurch.org http://www.gaychurch.org/Gay_and_Christian_YES/gay_and_christian_yes.htm

    For example I scrolled down to "Sodom and Gomorrah" and learned quite a bit! This passage is not about "gay sex" but rather male rape. God did not destroy those people because of homosexuality (didn't the citizens have wives and children?) but because of violence. Also, Jesus himself never commented on the subject of homosexuality. Apparently (or can we say "evidently"?) it was not even an issue with him.

    Sorry to get away from the original poster's topic, but I feel this is helpful information that can help him and all of us disabuse our minds.

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