Conversation I overheard this morning...

by Morbidzbaby 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • LV101

    OUTLAW --- too much to do today/tonite and was stressed, BUT you've made my blue funk disappear. UNREAL. THANK YOU SO MUCH.

  • orangefatcat

    Quite frankly it is rather disgusting to see class distinctions in congregations, beleive it or not though it happens even among whites and they are picked on as well. For example when I was a pioneer in Montreal I was always getting guff from sisters abut the clothing I wore, it wasn't up to their standards or the way I had my hair as I wore it plain not curled, or I didn't wear make up and nylons and that disturbed them, and I told them to leave me alone, nylons caused my legs to bleed after hours in the service and makeup I hated it I would rather be myself then look like a painted person, But it happened all the time to the point where even my own sister started dispising me. I told her if she preferred being with shallow friends that was fine with me but i wouldn't associate with them they were two faced and mean. Eventually some of these moved away and the couple who picked on me the most were eventually disfellowshipped and I told my sister, see they were only superficial friends not true friends. She had to agree.

    I know of cases were black persons were picked on and hurt by other persons. This is hard to comprehend in a faith that is suppose to be the TRUTH, but I knew a long time ago that if you pick on a person no matter the colour of their skin your no christain because Jesus Chrsit would never have done such a thing he said to love one another as I have loved you. It will not suprise me if this witness and her friends eventually leave the organization. The organization is so shallow and so are the congregations. No wonder people leave.

  • Farkel

    : but i remember an elder telling us "There is NO racism in God's Organization, sometimes there is just prejudice".

    So much for the thinking ability of the chronically braindead morons in the WT organization. The fuckwit can't even see the non sequitor in his own words. Yet, he is a "glorious one" according to his religious Masters.

    Why does "Jehovah" have such a fondness for fuckwits, anyway!



  • Crisis of Conscience
    Crisis of Conscience

    Wow Morbidzbaby! Awesome opportunity! Thanks for sharing!

    You don't hear those type of conversations everyday!


  • White Dove
    White Dove

    Sounds just like my story only reverse discrimination.

    I was in a hall with 1/2 black and 1/2 white and all the elders were black.

    I was a white divorced mother of two.

    Yeah, lower than shit on their shoes.

    I believe that where ever you go that you are of the minority, you will see discrimination, however subtle it may be.

  • orangefatcat

    i recall reading in the Studies of the Scriptures published by CT Russell he clearly stated that the black race was an inferior race, and he stated that this was because of the shape of the inferior skull shapes. I was sick when I read that, what an idiot. He should have been tarred and feathered for that comment. And he called himself a christian. What a farce. No wonder there is racism in this world because of morons like him.


  • PinkPajamasx

    My hubby told me that an elder pulled him aside to tell him to never wear all black again to the kingdom hall. He told him he looks like a ninja. My husband is Filipino and I took that as borderline stero-typing and racist. It still angers me to this day to think about it. Oh, BTW the elder was white and I think if he told his mom, she would of defended the elder. SAD, strange religion.

  • ziddina
    "i recall reading in the Studies of the Scriptures published by CT Russell he clearly stated that the black race was an inferior race, and he stated that this was because of the shape of the inferior skull shapes. ..."


    Actually, a study published in the 1970's demonstrated that black people's skulls are 1% - 2% BIGGER than white people's skulls...!!


  • aSphereisnotaCircle

    an elder pulled him aside to tell him to never wear all black again to the kingdom hall. He told him he looks like a ninja.

    It is stereotyping, and it is wrong,

    But I find this incident hilarious, how could the one being counseled not laugh in the elders face?

    I wonder how many elders have cautioned the bros to "not look like ninjas"

    That elder read to many comic books

  • orangefatcat

    Like I said Russell was arrogant and had no idea what he was talking about, kind of like that miracle wheat he professed to have which was bogus too . the Dawner's a branch of today's Russellites go strictly by the studies of the scriptures and i wonder what they think when they read that and study those books to this day.

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