" ...but did you know that God has a name? A personal name?" Nine Billion of them.

by Duncan 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • designs

    I believe in the God Bob, Bob's alright, let's me know when the surf's up and the trout are in season other than that he pretty much leaves me alone, thanks Bob

  • cantleave

    Thought provoking stuff Duncan. Ahhh - QI is worth spending the time on!

  • startingover


  • Duncan

    Dear everyone,

    many thanks for your replies.

    Hello 20571pnt428571 (snappy posting-name there!), you quote, from Ezekiel:

    "...the utterance of the Sovereign Lord Jehovah, ‘that my rage will come up into my nose. 19 And in my ardor, in the fire of my fury, I shall have to speak. Surely in that day a great quaking will occur..."

    I think that this is the kind of passage that thoughful, Christian people shudder when they read - it's an embarrassment, really. Do you think that the Great Supreme Being of our universe actually has any need for rage and fury? Do you think it becomes him? That He can't achieve His ends without making a spectacular fool of himself?

    I don't know about you, but on those occasions when I have witnessed a fellow human being simply overcome by fury, when someone really loses it and just flies into an uncontrollable rage, that person is forever dimished in my eyes, I can't ever look on them the same way. Stop projecting human frailties on to your God.

    Hi Syl, thanbks for posting a reply! Everyone's getting 10 on the quiz today.

    Poppers, thanks for your thoughtful reply, also. You said:

    ...God, who by definition must be unknowable, yet people think they know God because they think they know his name and stories associated with him? Preposterous.

    Pretty close to what I believe, too. I didn't want my post to get too deep, too lost in the swamps of philosophy, which is easily done, but I did want to make the point that there's so much more to think about, in pondering this Name business than the standard Witness line "Well you have a name, and I have a name, why shouldn't God have a name? " which might be fine for six-year old children, but is dreadfully shallow and unsatisfying for proper grown-up people.

    regards to all,

    Duncan - the Not-Very Mighty, and The Tries-Not-To-Get-Furious One. (but he has his moments, I guess, like all of us)

  • coolcurrent4u


    You have just expressed your thoughts, that i presume you must have acquired within a short number of years, right?

    Could you ask yourself, why just one person dosen't rule any country, or even state or community as a whole by him/her self ?

    Man has lived for so many years, but we are still lerning right?

    Have you been aske a questiong by a small child and you just smile at his/her misunderstanding?

    If you had asked most scientist in the 17th and 18 century, that i will able to communicate with you from my bedroom, while you are thousands of kilometers away, will they quickly beleive you?

    Have you ever wondered why despite our immune system, we still get sick, grow old and die?

    if you are smart enough, i guess you get the point


  • White Dove
    White Dove


    I'm smart enough and well enough educated, but I don't get your point.

    Truly smart people will just say it. Be out with it instead of using a lot of words, when a few will do.

  • Morbidzbaby

    Uh yeah, what White Dove said lol... There was zero point to that post, unless of course your questions and scenarios are somehow pointing to the theory that there MUST be a god and we can't fully understand things about him because we're all simple-minded and can't comprehend the myths that were made up thousands of years ago because we're not JW's...in that case then, yeah I got your point.

  • Duncan

    Dear Coolcurrent,

    Thanks for your reply, but like the previous two chaps, I am having some trouble understanding your point.

    It seems to be - "there are many questions in this world that we don't know the answer to, and none of us can claim to be the cleverest person in the world; therefore: ...er... God exists, and the Witnesses are right!"

    Is that it?

  • coolcurrent4u

    you don't understand what i mean? in one sentence, what is your point?

  • Duncan

    Yes. I don't understand what you mean.

    I said: " I am having some trouble understanding your point."

    I made a guess at what you might mean, but hoped you would clarify.

    If all you meant to say to ME was: "what is YOUR point?" - then let me tell you:

    I post some thoughts on a topic that I find interesting, and I hope the readers will find interesting; maybe I'll make some people see something in a new way; I'm only hoping that the post will be informative and entertaining.


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