I remember an illustration "something" like this in a talk one time LOL

by therevealer 17 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • OnTheWayOut

    This speaker had a clear large jar with a banana in it. He reached in and grabbed the banana. The opening was too small for his hand around the banana to come out of the jar.

    He said "Many won't let go of some fleshly desires. They could be just like a monkey with his hand stuck in a jar. But if you let go of that desire on Saturday morning and 'get out' in service (pulls his hand out after letting go of the banana), you can fully serve Jehovah and then (turns the jar to dump out the banana) you can have a snack while you are out to satisfy that weak flesh."

    Well, it was something like that. I figured a monkey would just break the jar.

  • StephanieH

    That illustration I have heard but actually it was from one of my college professors not an elder. It's sad they can't come up with anything unique and new, seeing as they are a sort of 'chosen people' lol I guess as they keep on with their cover ups they will also still and aply illustrations as well as scriptures as they please!

  • fade_away

    Yes, it's an over-used and old illustration that even as recent as last year it was still being used. Another over used phrase, was a joke that has been told in the spanish congregations time and time again by many different brothers: Basically when the brother told everyone to open their bibles, in that period of silence where everyone is looking for the text, the brother goes "Take your time guys, we're all gonna live forever afterall."

    A bit funny the first time....annoying the 1000th time.

  • Haulin Oats
    Haulin Oats

    Our CO used ping pong balls and dry beans. Lols @ "grabbing a banana to satisfy a fleshly desire". Anyone else see the perversion in this?

    The one I heard years ago that always made me call "bullshit" was this:

    The pony express needed to hire a man to drive a horse and wagon the last 10 mile stretch on a delivery route to the pony express mail building. This building is located at the end of a road that comes down a hill and across a wooden bridge with no sides. (the setting of this nonsense tale is set in the late 1800's). The interview guy interviews 3 men. He asks the first man "why should we hire you?" 1st man says "see that hill? I can ride a horse and buggy down the hill full-speed and come across the bridge with the edge of my wagon wheels right at the edge of the bridge without wrecking the buggy". The interview guy says "wow, i'll keep you in mind". 2nd guy says "see that hill? I can drive my buggy full-speed down the hill and across the bridge with my wagon wheels half way off the bridge without wrecking the buggy". Interview guy says "holy wow, you have to be the best man for the job." 3rd guy says "see that hill? I can operate my buggy at a safe speed and I keep it in the middle of the bridge". 3rd guy gets the job.

    Its some stupid story about how we need to stay in the middle of the cong. and not try to get on the edge of serving god. Come on. Its been a long time since I'd heard it, but its still the dumbest story i've ever heard.

  • Joliette

    LO freakin L!

  • therevealer

    I actually attended the "school" in _______ and at that school it was related (in a talk/demo) that a brother had become to elaborate with a demo in his talk. He had actually built a board with lights that would blink to identify the cities (I think it was one of the trips of Paul or one of those zealous early "pioneers"). Anyhoo the electrical circuit shorted out and actually caught the thing on fire. Apparently this was going to far according to the counsel we received.

  • DesirousOfChange

    When I heard the illustration, the final entry into the mayonaise jar was two beers.

    Same story, put the important (big) things in first and the little ones will fit too.

    The beer: A couples beer is good for the soul and any ole reason no matter what you're doing with the other things in life.



  • AllTimeJeff

    That is as old as the hills. For what its worth, my favorite version of this is in the book "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People".

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