A Typical Witnessing Letter from JW Family

by mummatron 18 Replies latest jw experiences

  • mummatron

    Godrulz and DesirousOfChange, Don't get me wrong, I appreciate that she does still have contact with me (albeit this is the full extent of it) and that she does acknowledge my childrens' existence, particularly as my own sister doesn't. I completely agree that the WTBTS has her under their full control - she was enticed by the promise of a resurrection - and I feel sorry for her that her personal grief has led her down this path and that a brief preaching note and tract is what she considers caring lifesaving behaviour. However, I'm saddened that, considering I DA'd myself over a decade ago, 8 years before my 1st child was born, that this is the only kind of relationship my innocent, blameless children get with her, yet my Wordly cousins can actually have a proper grandparent & grandchild relationship.

    My daughter was hospitalised for 3 weeks, it was a very traumatic experience for me and for her. We are still awaiting results to discover if the cause of her problems is a rare disorder as common causes have been ruled out. It pains me that " S***** (& all of you) are in my prayers daily, S***** particularly at this time - Mummatron's Dad & Mummatron's Mum are keeping us up to date with her progress" is the only mention of what she went through. I know that if it were my great-grandchild, I'd want to see them, spend some time with them and show them that they are loved. Likewise with my gran being ill, if I'd been made aware of it at the time I would have sent a card and gift and attempted to visit her to show I care. The WTBTS have a lot to answer for for the way they manipulate families.

    StephanieH, I read your introduction but didn't get time to reply. I can identify with a fair bit of your background. ((Hugs)) You're a brave girl and I hope you can be reunited with your Mom. You're completely right about friends. You can't choose your family but thank goodness you can choose your friends! I'm lucky I have 2 very good friends who are like sisters to me, never judge and drop everything in a heartbeat when I need their help. They have totally debunked the Borg myth on Worldly associations.

  • StephanieH

    I actually have been able to keep some contact over the years with my mom. We finally got to see each other for the first time in over six years a couple month ago, although she has never 'recovered' from her life as a JW I am trying to help her along my way, we keep contact and plan to see each other in the near future (we have both moved away from where I grew up).

    Inside everyone of us, uniquely designed, we all have strength to go through the worst of time. Everyone keeps saying how brave I am, how strong I am, but I know there must be some reason I managed to find this strength. I was always the shy one who didn't speak up nor take up for myself. Now somewhere I found courage, mostly through seeking, reading anything I can get my hands on, and in my case therapy has been a great help.

    And I completely know what you mean having friends like sisters. As the youngest of in my family, my two real sisters and one step sister(who was also df'ed) my step sister is more of a sister than my real sisters and I have some wonderful friends who are like sisters to me, even a mother or two. Hold onto those who truly love you, the ones who stand by your side. I lost sight of that for a while and still need reminders at times. The people who love you most and who are willing to stand beside you when times are tough, that is your true family.

    This To Shall Pass as an old friend of mine would I know be telling me right now. Hang tough, I think most here understand us.

  • godrulz

    I have noticed that the average JW does not seem to understand unconditional, agape, godly love. It seems very conditional, superficial, arbitrary, manipulated. There is a noticeable lack of true love, joy, peace, things one would expect from those filled with the Spirit (which they are not).

  • mummatron

    Very TRUE! I had a conversation with my sister about that around the time that I left. I was very much troubled by the fact that this was apparent in my congregation. Sadly she had (and still has) blinders on to it.

  • the-illuminator81

    I'm sorry but if they were truly concerned then they should try to do more than slinging literature at people.

  • godrulz

    Jesus knew the truth about heaven/hell. Even He did not spend every second of the day sharing it.

  • luna2

    JW families do what all families do. They talk about what is important to them. If a part of the family doesn't believe the same way, they get preached to. My mother, who became sort of a born again something or other when she and my father moved to Texas 6 years ago, preaches to me about her faith. Its annoying, sad and funny all at the same time. Annoying because she persists as though I'm not an adult and as though I don't know my own mind; sad because...well, all that devotion to religion is such a waste of time; Funny because I finally see the light (about what a crock the WTS is) and my parents and sister become these goofy born-againers.

    I guess its human nature to yap at our family members about what we believe in, whether we are Jehovah's Witnesses or athiests or Baptists. JWs are probably more persistant and noisy about it, but they aren't the only ones out there harrassing their families.

  • snakeface

    If I were to receive something like that I'd wipe my hiney with it and then send it back to them.

  • designs

    Got one of those type of letter's the other day from an old JW friend, very flowery I'd call it, but oddly no extension of Hey Let's Get Together. Always at arm's reach you know because we may be.....sheesh 'apostates'.

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