To All Elders/MS's/ Publishers Who Come Here

by metatron 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • metatron

    Who says we're lying? I, for one, assert that Watchtower statistics are bogus and that the organization is corrupt. Adding to those fictions hardly constitutes a lie. It is they who claim otherwise.


  • The Quiet One
    The Quiet One

    I know what you're saying, but the report is basically a written statement to say that you've done a certain amount of hours and placements etc. Unless the time you state that you've done was spent on a waste of time activity that still technically could be seen as witnessing (spending 3 hours writing a letter, stood at a bus stop holding a wt magazine, standing outside an empty house on the ministry or something inefficient like that), it's a lie, plain and simple. But perhaps that's what you were referring to.. Please forgive me if I misunderstood what you meant :)

  • Midget-Sasquatch

    Trust me, as a former MS, its best to be totally honest about how very little time you put into the ministry. You're guaranteed to be offered sheperding calls, and multiple attempts by "friends", elders etc. to arrange times to go out together in service. But these people aren't blind to who is really there or not. Made up numbers are not something they'll approach you with directly but you're then watched much more closely on all you say or do.

    With the clear stance as inactive, you definitely can stem off getting even more work loaded onto you for congregation and schools parts AND better still likely get your decision to step down accepted with little or no hassle.

    Edited to add: I don't think we should underestimate the malaise that a once well respected MS or elder can have on the publishers as a whole if he/they slow down with service etc over time. Much more long lasting negative impact on the flock than just fudging the numbers.

  • rocketman

    Breakfastofchampions wrote:

    "My FS report for last month includes:
    2 hours
    1 rv
    2 Grande Bold Starbucks
    1 scone

    And that's the truth!"

    This one had me cracking up! I can only imagine what the secretary thought of this report.

  • Mr. Falcon
    Mr. Falcon

    field service is the ultimate Sisyphean task. Utterly pointless and waste of time. Not to mention how stupid you feel standing on somebody's porch in 110 degree weather wearing a tie. That doesn't exactly scream "mentally competent".

  • therevealer

    I know that individual reports are not necessarily fully accurate. I was with one of the elders that I was good friends with on a couple of occasions when we had to fill in reports at the last minute (we were spending a lot of time on an assembly hall build at the time) and his comment was "I must have gotten ten hours" and that is what he reported. But I somehow think that the borg itself takes the moral highground and makes an effort to make the report accurate, as if it mattered a damn. The reason I say this is, if they were okay with fudging why would they not fudge the partakers number downward. By reporting what appears to be the accurate number, they are basically embarassed. If they have no compunction about lying wouldn't this be the place for it?

  • willyloman
    But I somehow think that the borg itself takes the moral highground and makes an effort to make the report accurate, as if it mattered a damn. The reason I say this is, if they were okay with fudging why would they not fudge the partakers number downward. By reporting what appears to be the accurate number, they are basically embarassed. If they have no compunction about lying wouldn't this be the place for it?

    Or, perhaps they have an ulterior motive for wanting the parktaker numbers to increase.

    We already know what their track record is with respect to reporting numbers. In just the past decade, two significant procedural changes were made to impact reports. First, they stopped demonizing youthful baptisms and we began to see little kids get dunked at the assemblies. Second, they sent elders a letter allowing some publishers to count field service time in 15-minute increments, which led to an increase in field service activity reports.

    Both of these adjustments came at a time when baptisms and field service hours were running counter to WTS desires. In both instances, the dubs took a cue from the 19th century Mormons, who had a "revelation" ending polygamy at the precise moment Federal troops were en route to Salt Lake City.

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