JWs having children lack faith

by Lore 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • therevealer

    Please do stuck. I think the more you can do that the more seccessful you can/will be. It can be a rough/tough row however.

  • flipper

    This is one thing that really sticks in my craw about the WT society and JW organization. Even as far back as J.F. Rutherford he was telling people at the 1941 District convention to NOT have children in this system of things as Armageddon's too close ! He discouraged marriage AND having children back then. So imagine if a man or woman had followed that counsel 70 years ago ? They would be 90 yrs.old now never having been married or have children and STILL be waiting for the alleged " Paradise ". Ridiculous.

    A couple years ago I shared this with my youngest JW daughter. Both my JW daughters 24 & 22 are regular pioneers and have been married 5 & 4 year each. No children yet. And both are being told the same crap that rutherford told people their age in the early 1940's - " Oooooh, the end is close ! Now's not the time to have children ! Put Jehovah first and preach the Kingdom ! " I doubt I'll EVER be a grandfather unles my older non-JW son has kids first or if my daughters exit the JW cult. I hate this cult how it wastes people's lives - especially young people who are being duped by it

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