JWs having children lack faith

by Lore 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • Lore

    If you're a witness couple and you choose to have a child together, it means you think armageddon is not going to arrive for at LEAST 9 more months. And then you'll be nursing it for at least 6 months.

    That's almost a year and a half. If armageddon started within that time: WOE TO YOU!

    But woe to those who are pregnant and to those who are nursing babies in those days!

    And you probably don't want your child to have to live through armageddon while it's young, that would suck. Even if you live forever you only get one childhood. Who would want their one and only childhood to be spent cowering on a mountain being fed mannah or canned beans while billions of people are slaughtered around you?

    So having a child now indicates to me that you don't think armageddon isn't gonna come for at least 10 years or so. Either that or you think it WILL come within that time and you are a horrible person.

  • No Room For George
    No Room For George

    I co-sign everything you said 100%. I've never understood die hard JWs that decide to have children. The thing that really gets me is, myself personally speaking from the perspective a born-in, why would you have children while being aware how many grow up and don't remain in the religion? Why have a child, only for them to grow up later and have to make the agonizing choice between their family or their sanity over a man made religion? It's not only stupid and shows a lack of faith in key doctrines, but also cruel.

  • stuckinamovement

    My wife and I have had two kids in the last few years. Armageddon isn't coming in one year, or 10 years or ever.

    Waiting anxiously for an event that will not happen is equivalent to wasting your life. Having kids and being able to see them grow and learn and love is the most rewarding thing you can do and makes life worth living.

    SIAM (lack of faith class)

  • VM44

    "Faith is believing what you know ain't so." -- Mark Twain,

  • LostGeneration

    Deep, deep, deep, down, (I mean really deep) I would say 98% of JWs know Armageddon is never going to happen.

    You may not EVER get one to admit it, but if you really, really, believed in the JW Armageddon you would probably never have children, along with many other changes.

  • therevealer

    W a i t ... for them to get old enough to cause you, possibly, to rethink that stuckinamovement (the most rewarding thing part). I will reiterate what the others said though. And when you think that if they can't keep them loyal to Jah, then they gave birth to a human that will be destroyed. If they look around at the success rate, you would think that would be enough to do what they can to avoid having a child.

  • WontLeave

    Are you kidding? The entire JW brain is a cesspool of cognitive dissonance. We're spirit-guided, but we'd never claim to be spirit-inspired. We have one leader - Christ - but we follow the Governing Body. We each are allowed our own conscience, but we must conform to every detail lest we stumble someone. The Bible is our sole source of doctrine, but the Watchtower explains that the words don't mean what they say. The list goes on and on but the more I type out the more pissed off I get, so I'll let that suffice.

    Really, you can't figure out why a JW would do something totally contrary to what they claim to believe?

  • therevealer

    WontLeave . . . of the 100% dead on class.

  • stuckinamovement

    Lol @ revealer, You know many people say that. Your probably right. Hey can't I wear the rose colored glasses for a while?

  • DesirousOfChange

    Having children is a CHOICE??

    Wish someone would have told me that 20 years ago........

    (Catholic school didn't demonstrate how to put a condom on a banana, let alone suggest the real thing!)

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