Blondie's Comments You Will Not Hear at the 06-05-2011 WT Study (SERIOUSNESS)

by blondie 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • blondie

    Comments You Will Not Hear at the 06-05-11 WT Study (APRIL 15, 2011, pages 9-13)(SERIOUSNESS)

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    “Whatever things are of serious concern, . . .

    continue considering these things.”—PHIL. 4:8.


    The WTS thinks their organization is the only one worshiping God correctly, with seriousness. Taking a look at other religions, I see quite a bit of seriousness as well. Are jws serious about their vocation to preach? How many have had a “progressive” bible study, even with their own children? This is a hodgepodge article served up under the guise of “seriousness.” Like a shepherd’s pie….


    1, 2. What has caused many in this world to have a

    frivolous view of life, prompting what questions?

    WE LIVE in a world that is experiencing

    some of the most difficult and tragic

    times in human history. For people who do

    not have a sound spiritual foundation, coping

    with these “critical times hard to deal

    with” can be nearly impossible. (2 Tim. 3:

    1-5) Only their own fortitude gets them

    through each day—with limited success. In

    an effort to avoid taking life too seriously,

    many turn to the constant flow of amusements

    of the entertainment world.


    There have been other times that have been most difficult and tragic—Black Plague.

    “people who do not have a sound spiritual foundation = ALL NON-JWS


    MANY turn to CONSTANT…AMUSEMENTS = many = all non-jws

    2 To cope with the stresses of life, people

    often put the desire for pleasures in first

    place. If not careful, Christians could easily

    get caught up in this way of living. How can

    we avoid that? Would it require that we be

    serious all the time? How do we strike a balance

    between pleasures and responsibilities?

    What Scriptural principles should guide us,

    so that while we are sober about life, we do

    not take ourselves too seriously?


    CHRISTIANS = only JWs

    Serious all the time…balanced???

    Scriptural principles = WTS directives

    What if other jws take us too seriously?

    Being Serious in a World That Loves Pleasure

    3, 4. How do the Scriptures help us to value the

    need for being serious?

    3 Needless to say, this world places undue

    importance on ‘love of pleasure.’ (2 Tim.

    3:4) Its emphasis on having a good time can

    be a threat to our spirituality. (Prov. 21:17)

    Thus, for good reason the apostle Paul’s

    letters to Timothy and Titus also include

    counsel regarding the subject of seriousness.

    Applying that counsel will help us to counteract

    the world’s frivolous view of life.

    —Read 1 Timothy 2:1, 2; Titus 2:2-8.


    Do the scriptures help or WT “bible-based” publications?

    Emphasis on having a good time = JW parties

    4 Centuries earlier, Solomon wrote about

    the value of forgoing pleasures at times in

    order to take life seriously. (Eccl. 3:4; 7:2-4)

    Indeed, because of the shortness of life, we

    need to ‘exert ourselves vigorously’ to attain

    salvation. (Luke 13:24) To that end, we need

    to keep considering all the things that are of

    “serious concern.” (Phil. 4:8, 9) That means

    giving careful attention to every facet of

    Christian life.


    Solomon = did he forgo pleasures to take life seriously = 1,000 wives?

    So salvation is earned?

    Christian life = only jws are true Christians

    5. What is one area of life that we should take seriously?

    5 For example, in imitation of Jehovah

    and Jesus, Christians take seriously their responsibility

    to work hard. (John 5:17) As a result,

    they are often praised for their good

    work ethic and dependability. Especially are

    family heads concerned about working hard

    to support their families. After all, not providing

    materially for one’s household is tantamount

    to having “disowned Jehovah”!

    —1 Tim. 5:8, ftn.


    Christians = only JWs are TRUE Christians

    Family heads = women as well if they have children but no husband

    What happens if a jw women is the material support of her family and jw husband is jobless?

    How do other jws judge whether another jw is materialistic?

    A Serious yet Joyful View of Our Worship

    6. How do we know that we should take seriously

    our worship of Jehovah?

    6 Jehovah has never taken true worship

    lightly. As an example, under the Mosaic

    Law, the Israelites experienced severe consequences

    when they veered from their worship

    of Jehovah. (Josh. 23:12, 13) In the first

    century C.E., Christ’s followers needed to

    put up a vigorous fight to keep true worship

    free of corrupt teachings and attitudes.

    (2 John 7-11; Rev. 2:14-16) Today, true Christians

    continue to take their worship seriously.—

    1 Tim. 6:20.


    True worship = only WTS teachings: what is worship per WTS?

    True Christians = only JWs

    7. How did Paul prepare for his ministry?

    7 Our field ministry is a source of joy.

    However, in order to maintain joy in the

    ministry, we need to give it serious thought

    and advance preparation. Paul explained

    how he took into consideration the people

    he taught. He wrote: “I have become all

    things to people of all sorts, that I might by

    all means save some. But I do all things for

    the sake of the good news, that I may become

    a sharer of it with others.” (1 Cor. 9:22,

    23) Paul found pleasure in helping people

    spiritually, and he gave serious thought to

    how he would provide for the specific needs

    of his listeners. Thus, he was able to give

    them encouragement and incentive to worship



    Field ministry = joy?

    Serious thought and advance preparation:

    Being a gardener, I know that it is more rewarding and “joyful” the more effective I am and the more produce I reap. Planting haphazardly, not weeding, not watering is sure to get me nothing.

    Do jws “think” and “prepare?”

    How many have even read a small part of the publication they are presenting…

    With the view of interesting someone else?

    How many even look at the canned presentation the WTS provides or listens to the part of the service meeting (assuming they are there…in congregations I attended this was the meeting least attended.)

    How many actually return quickly to water the “seed” they planted in the form of a WTS publication or a conversation? How long would seeds or plants last in a garden if they were watered only once a month or later?

    Are jws interested in the eternal lives of the people they call on or are the only doing this to “earn” their own eternal life? Or are they convinced that 99.9% of these people are “goats” and will never listen?

    Do jws discuss Jesus or God? How often do the canned presentations feature “Jesus” or “kingdom”?

    8. (a) What should be our attitude toward the people we

    teach in our ministry? (b)How may conducting

    a Bible study contribute to a joyful ministry?

    8 How serious was Paul about his ministry?

    He was willing to “slave” both for Jehovah

    and for those who would listen to the

    message of truth. (Rom. 12:11; 1 Cor. 9:19)

    When we take on the responsibility to teach

    people God’s Word—either during a home

    Bible study, a Christian meeting, or a Family

    Worship session—do we sense our responsibility

    toward those we are teaching? Perhaps

    we feel that conducting a regular Bible study

    is too much of a burden for us to take on.

    Granted, it usually calls for taking time from

    our personal pursuits and devoting that

    time to helping others. But is that not in the

    spirit of Jesus’ words that “there is more

    happiness in giving than there is in receiving”?

    (Acts 20:35) Personally teaching others

    the way to salvation will bring us happiness

    that cannot be compared with any other



    Do jws “slave” where most put in under 10 hours a month? How much time do they spend watching TV each month…much more than 10 hours?

    How many jws really want to be tied down to teaching people “God’s Word” (WTS publications)? How many try to turn this over to pioneers, elders, other jws…they do feel it is a burden, interfering with the entertainment.

    If conducting a study brings so much happiness, why are few conducted here in the US, even with one’s own family? What happens when all the children living at home are baptized and the parents can no longer “count time.” Do they still conduct one?

    I’ve told this before but it fits, the COBOE in my last congregation said that of the 20 studies reported only 2 were with people other than minor, unbaptized children and that much literature was reported as having been placed, but the number of return visits reported did not reflect that people had gone back. Now he was a special pioneer and understood the process.

    9, 10. (a) Does being serious mean that we cannot

    relax and enjoy spending time with people? Explain.

    (b)What will help an elder to be encouraging

    and approachable?

    9 Being serious does not mean that we

    cannot have a relaxing and enjoyable time

    with people. Jesus set the perfect example of

    taking time not only to teach but also to relax

    and develop meaningful relationships

    with others. (Luke 5:27-29; John 12:1, 2) Being

    serious also does not mean that we

    should always have an appearance of severity.

    Had Jesus had a stern, overly serious nature,

    people certainly would not have been

    drawn to him. Even children were comfortable

    with him. (Mark 10:13-16) How can we

    imitate Jesus’ balanced manner?


    “Being serious does not mean that we

    cannot have a relaxing and enjoyable time

    with people.”

    But it does mean it has to follow the rules and directives from the WTS. I remember in the early 80’s the WTS said we have to be sure that too many people did not attend…but it would not say what was too big and what was small enough.

    Can you think of other rules that determine what activities are acceptable?

    Did Jesus tell the family that held the wedding that they could not have more than 200 people and that too much wine could not be served, or that someone had to guard it so that someone did not drink too much?

    How many elders are approachable, even children (except for the pedophiles)?

    10 Referring to an elder, one brother stated,

    “He expects much from himself but never

    expects perfection from others.” Can that

    be said of you? It is proper to have some reasonable

    expectations of others. For example,

    children respond well when parents set

    reasonable goals and help the children to

    reach them. Similarly, elders may encourage

    individuals in the congregation to grow

    spiritually and offer them specific suggestions

    on how to do so. Furthermore, when

    an elder has a balanced view of himself, he

    will have a warm and refreshing manner.

    (Rom. 12: 3) One sister said: “I don’t want an

    elder to take everything as a joke. But if he is

    serious all the time, it is difficult to approach

    him.” Another said that she feels

    that some elders “can be very intimidating

    because they have an extremely serious nature.”

    Never would elders want to diminish

    the joyful view that all believers should

    have of their worship of Jehovah, “the happy

    God.”—1 Tim.1:11.


    Many if not most elders, Cos, Dos, expect perfection from others but not themselves; by excusing their mistakes due to human imperfection.

    Proper to have reasonable expectations: Who decides what is reasonable for grown jws…do elders encourage or rather make feel guilty for not doing more, at the same time these elders do not set an example in the “field ministry”?

    How many elders are there? With over 100,000 congregations, assume 3 per congregation, 300,000 plus elders. So we are to assume this one exemplifies 300,000 men?

    Taking On Responsibility in the Congregation

    11. What does it mean to be “reaching out” in the


    11 When Paul encouraged the men in the

    congregation to strive to qualify for greater

    responsibility, his intention was not to

    encourage anyone to satisfy personal ambition.

    Instead, he wrote: “If any man is

    reaching out for an office of overseer, he

    is desirous of a fine work.” (1 Tim. 3:1, 4)

    “Reaching out” requires of Christian men

    that they develop a strong desire to work

    hard at acquiring needed spiritual qualities

    in order to serve their brothers. If a brother

    has been baptized at least one year and to a

    reasonable degree meets the Scriptural qualifications

    for ministerial servants outlined at

    1 Timothy 3:8-13, he can be recommended

    for appointment. Note that verse 8 specifically

    states: “Ministerial servants should

    likewise be serious.”


    Paul “encouraged.” Is that what you brothers found in your congregation, or were you pressured to “reach out” shamed?

    What are the spiritual qualities the WTS wants to see, loving, forgiving, hopeful, see the good not the bad?

    Where in the Bible does it set out the being baptized one year requirement?

    12, 13. Describe ways young brothers may reach

    out for responsibility.

    12 Are you a serious baptized brother in

    your late teens? There are several ways that

    you can reach out. One is by improving your

    personal share in the field ministry. Are you

    the sort who enjoys working with brothers

    of all age groups in the field service? Are you

    trying to find someone with whom you can

    study the Bible? When you conduct a Bible

    study according to the suggestions given at

    Christian meetings, you will improve your

    teaching ability. Moreover, you will learn to

    have empathy for the one learning Jehovah’s

    ways. As your student begins to see the

    need for making changes, you will learn

    —patiently and discreetly—to help him to

    apply Bible principles.


    So what value to serious baptized sisters have in the congregation? What can they “reach out” for.

    Improving personal share = the national average hours around 10

    So how many brothers are conducting a family study let alone with someone outside the family?

    So these men cannot learn empathy by how they treat their family? If a brother abuses his wife and children, will he be appointed?

    Teach to apply WTS directives = “Bible principles”

    13 You young brothers can make yourselves

    available to older ones in the congregation,

    offering to assist them in any way

    possible. You can also show an interest in the

    appearance of the Kingdom Hall, helping to

    keep it clean and neat. When you offer to

    help out in any way you can, your willing

    spirit gives evidence that you are serious

    about your ministry. Like Timothy, you can

    learn to care genuinely for the needs of the

    congregation.—Read Philippians 2:19-22.


    I watched a 10 year old NOT baptized brother be allowed to handle the timing in the theocratic school = is that right?

    Yes, the elders want to know what kind of CHORE BOY you will prove to be (a brother gave me that term).

    When the elders are forced to handle the mikes because there are hardly any brothers “qualified” to do it, it is demeaning for them. They have progressed past that point. I wonder who would have been the brother in charge of foot washing, not an elder.

    14. How can young brothers be “tested as to fitness”

    to serve in the congregation?

    14 Elders, be conscious of putting to work

    young brothers who are endeavoring to

    “flee from the desires incidental to youth”

    and who are pursuing “righteousness, faith,

    love, peace,” along with other serious traits.

    (2 Tim. 2:22) By assigning them things to do

    In the congregation, they can be “tested as to

    fitness” to shoulder responsibility, so that

    their “advancement may be manifest to all

    persons.”—1 Tim. 3:10; 4:15.


    Young brothers = that seems to confirm by implication that few older adult men are being found and converted to be jws.

    Tested as to fitness = do they show up and on time. In congregations I have attended many young brothers were late and other “really reliable” men had to cover for them, week after week yet they were still appointed as MS, where they continued to be late and have someone else cover for them.

    Demonstrating Seriousness in the Congregation and the Family

    15. According to 1 Timothy 5:1, 2, how may we

    show seriousness in our view of others?

    15 Seriousness includes according our

    brothers and sisters dignity. In his counsel to

    Timothy, Paul addressed the need to view

    others with respect. (Read 1 Timothy 5:

    1, 2.) This is especially important when

    dealing with those of the opposite sex. Job’s

    example of dignifying women, especially his

    marriage mate, is worthy of imitation. He

    made a conscious effort to keep from gazing

    lustfully at another woman. (Job 31:1) Taking

    our brothers and sisters seriously would

    rule out flirting with them or doing anything

    that would make a brother or a sister

    feel uncomfortable around us. Dignifying

    others is especially important when two

    people are pursuing a romantic relationship

    with marriage in mind. A serious Christian

    would never toy with the emotions of one of

    the opposite sex.—Prov. 12:22.


    What do they mean by dignifying women?

    *** w07 2/15 p. 15 par. 9***

    Wisely, Christian men—both married and those considering marriage—will study the dignified way in which Jesus treated women. He welcomed them into the group accompanying him in his ministry, and he treated them with kindness and respect. On one occasion, Jesus even revealed a most startling truth to women first, telling them to inform the men about it!—Matthew 28:1, 8-10; Luke 8:1-3.

    So how many times do you see men go with women in the field service, even their own wives or daughters? The men jump into the car with each other under the guise of combining manly duties with field service, or training a brother as the women are relegated with the small children and the rest of the women.

    Do you think articles comparing women to cows sexually is dignifying? Where are the scriptures of words from Christ to this matter? Rather Jesus talked about men divorcing their wives for no reason and that if men looked on a woman with lust it was the same as having sex with her.

    Jesus did not wait for the men to show up to reveal himself.

    ***w61 12/15 pp. 767-768 Questions From Readers ***

    Howcan girls guard against temptation in this sex - crazy world?

    When a girl reaches the age of puberty or physical maturity, her body has developed in the matter of sex more than in the mind. Young folks like to be together, first in groups, later in twos. If they have not been instructed by their parents in regard to the matter of sex, a boy and a girl are likely to become too familiar and to engage in what is popularly called petting or necking. They may practice this for a time and see no bad results. However, the time will come when there will be great danger in such actions. Why? In answer to this question, we can learn about nature and sex from the bovine family of mammals, both wild and tame.

    Large herds of cattle, both male and female, wander over the plains feeding. Ordinarily the male or bull would not think of approaching the female or cow for sex purposes. If he did approach he would not receive a hearty welcome, but, rather, he might be gored by the cow’s horns. There is no petting or sex relations between bull and cow permitted, because the female is not in physical condition to breed. The bull seems to understand this and keeps in his own place. However, when the female of the species is in condition to breed, she makes the matter known. If there is no male in the herd, she will go elsewhere looking for one and she is unsettled until she finds one and then is bred by him. Now she is contented, and the end result is a calf. In this connection it is interesting to note that the male animal has no season at which he is not willing to engage in the breeding act.

    If we humans would take a lesson from these creatures, we would learn something of importance in matters of sex , as to its purpose and the results of its operation.

    As with a cow, when a young girl who has reached her puberty is in physical condition to conceive and become pregnant, her sex emotions are greatly aroused. If she has association with a boy, she is inclined to think that it is the sweetness of the “boy friend” that causes this delightful and new feeling, and so she becomes infatuated with him. If the boy friend should become sexually aroused and lets her know it and then she yields her body to the advances of the amorous boy friend, she is likely to become pregnant as a result of just one sex experience of this kind.

    Some persons foolishly think that they know when it is “safe” to have sex contact with those of the opposite sex and thus avoid becoming pregnant, but this is a serious mistake on their part. Even learned biologists do not know exactly when there is no danger of conception for a woman. This is due to certain irregularities in the case of various females.

    When the ovum, that is, the egg cell from which the baby starts, is at large or is on its way from the woman’s ovary through her Fallopian tube to the uterus, there it remains for an uncertain length of time, which varies greatly with different females. Then is the time when conception can take place if the ovum is met by a male life sperm. During that same time the female is sexually aroused and is ready for the sex act that at this time will cause a baby to result. This bearing of children is the sole privilege of the female. In fact, this is one main reason for creating the female of the human species.

    There are cases where a girl became pregnant as a result of one sex interview with a boy. What a price for a girl, a virgin, to pay for a few minutes of satisfied sex emotions! When persons start in this dangerous and sinful course, they find it hard to overcome future temptations. When a young, unmarried girl falls to the temptation, the price she pays is terrible: shame, sorrow, a ruined reputation, endless troubles, with the danger of being disfellowshiped from a congregation if the girl is a dedicated member. It is high time for girls to understand the make-up of their bodies and its functions, especially with regard to sex. Then if a girl understandingly takes care of herself while the ovum is at large and is causing sex disturbance and cravings within her, she will be able to act like a true lady of irreproachable morals at all times. She will avoid the violating of her virginity and the shame and conscience-stricken state due to this; and wisely she will direct her young life so as to end up in the position of a clean, happy wife and mother of legitimate children, journeying to the new world of righteousness, where there will be no sex problems amid a sex-crazy population.


    Do you realize that in Job’s day he could have multiple wives and still have God’s blessing? What about have sex with them….in the Law he would have had to pay a fine to the father and marry them.

    What is flirting? One elder was told he was talking too much to the sisters about their problems at the KH. Not the same sister over and over and not without a chaperone or in the KH…so if the elders do not counsel the sisters, who will, the elders’ wives?

    Toy with the emotions….serious Christian = only jws

    16. Contrast the view some in the world have of the

    role of husband and father with how the Bible describes

    his role.

    16 We also need to be careful to maintain

    a serious view of our God-given roles in the

    family. Satan’s world is making a mockery of

    the role of husband and father. The entertainment

    industry takes pleasure in reducing

    the family head to a mere subject of ridicule

    and disrespect. However, the Scriptures

    place a great deal of responsibility on the

    husband, assigning him as “head of his

    wife.”—Eph. 5:23; 1 Cor.11:3.


    God-given roles in the family.

    I guess most if not all tv and movie comedies are forbidden then.

    17. Explain how our participation in family worship

    can show that we are serious about our responsibilities.

    17 A husband may provide materially for

    his family. But if he does not provide spiritual

    direction, he would be displaying a lack of

    discretion and wisdom. (Deut. 6:6, 7) Thus,

    1 Timothy 3:4 says that if you are the head of

    a family and are reaching out for extra privileges

    in the congregation, you must be

    a man who is “presiding over his own household

    in a fine manner, having children in

    subjection with all seriousness.” In this regard,

    ask yourself, ‘Do I regularly set aside

    time for family worship in my household?’

    Some Christian wives virtually have to beg

    their husbands to take the lead spiritually.

    Each husband should take a serious look

    at his own view of this responsibility. Of

    course, a Christian wife should be supporting

    the Family Worship arrangement and be

    cooperating with her husband to make it

    a success.


    So only husbands provide materially? Most families I see have husband and wife working and not for the extras.

    How many families have only a mother at the head…what about their efforts?

    Christian wives = only jws

    If they have to beg their husbands, would he qualify for an MS or elder. If it is not a success, is the blame then on the wife for not “cooperating” “to make it a success? What comes first, congregation duties or family duties?

    18. How may children learn to be serious?

    18 Children are also encouraged to take life

    seriously. (Eccl. 12:1) There is no harm in

    young children learning to work hard, doing

    chores in the home that are reasonable for

    their age and abilities. (Lam. 3:27) When

    King David was still a young boy, he learned

    to be a fine shepherd. He also learned to

    be a musician and a composer—skills that

    led him to serve before the ruler of Israel.

    (1 Sam. 16:11, 12, 18-21) No doubt, as a lad

    David knew how to be playful, but he also

    learned valuable skills that he later used

    to praise Jehovah. His skills as a shepherd

    helped him to lead the nation of Israel patiently.

    You young people, how many useful

    skills are you learning—skills that will help

    you to serve your Creator and prepare you

    for future responsibilities?


    So should boys do the dishes and laundry or is that a female task? Yes, even as an adult David knew how to be “playful” by taking another man’s wife sexually and having him killed to cover up his sin. Obviously, his “patience” was not evident in his treatment of Bathsheba and her husband.

    Young people = only jws or children of = skills that need not be learned in college/university, of course.

    ***w05 10/1 p. 31 par. 18 Parents—What Future Do You Want for Your Children? ***

    Studies show that in many countries, there is an acute need, not for university graduates, but for people to work in the trades and services. USAToday reports that “70% of the workers in the coming decades will not need a four-year college degree, but, rather, an associate degree from a community college or some type of technical certificate.” Many such institutions offer short courses in office skills, auto repair, computer repair, plumbing, hairdressing, and a host of other trades. Are these desirable jobs? Certainly! Perhaps they are not as glamorous as some might envision, but they do offer the means and the flexibility needed by those whose true vocation is service to Jehovah.

    A husband must provide both materially

    and spiritually for his family

    Keeping a Balanced View

    19, 20. What balanced attitude are you determined

    to maintain toward yourself and your worship?

    19 We can all strive to keep a balanced

    view of ourselves—not taking ourselves too

    seriously. We would not want to become

    “righteous overmuch.” (Eccl. 7:16) Some

    levity can break tense moments, whether in

    the home, at work, or when dealing with

    our Christian brothers and sisters. Family

    members will want to be careful about being

    overly critical so that they do not erode

    the safe haven of peace that a home should

    be. In the congregation, all can learn to

    laugh with and enjoy one another, keeping

    conversations and our teaching manner upbuilding

    and positive.—2 Cor. 13:10; Eph.



    Are elders “righteous overmuch” when they expect “double honor” from the rank and file when they are “good-for-nothing slaves” doing what they ought?

    (Luke 17:10) So YOU, also, when YOU have done all the things assigned to YOU, say, ‘We are good-for-nothing slaves. What we have done is what we ought to have done.’”

    Here is the WTS definition of being “righteous overmuch.” Can you think of some man-made (WTS) rules that are “too” important?

    *** w98 8/1 p. 11 par. 16 *** The example of the scribes and Pharisees, on the other hand, reminds us that if we would exercise divine justice, we should not be “righteous overmuch.” (Ecclesiastes 7:16) Seeking to impress others with showy displays of righteousness or attaching excessive importance to man-made rules will not bring us God’s approval.—Matthew 6:1.

    “some levity” = of course, determined by the WTS as to what is appropriate

    *** w91 11/15 p. 22 par. 16*** A public speaker should be a model of confidence and poise. Some try to amuse their hearers with many witty remarks made just for the purpose of getting laughs.

    “overly critical” = implies that being critical is a good thing, what happened to advice and encouragement?

    20 We live in a world that does not take

    Jehovah or his laws seriously. In contrast,

    Jehovah’s people are very concerned about

    their obedience and loyalty to their God.

    What a pleasure it is to be part of such a large

    association of people who worship Jehovah

    “with all seriousness”! May we be determined

    To maintain a serious view of our life and worship.


    The WTS says there are no TRUE Christians except jws = all others do not take God and his laws seriously. I wonder what the Baptists, or others would think of this statement?

    Jehovah’s people = jws are only concerned about their loyalty and obedience to the WTS. Not part of them no access to God (or Jesus for that matter).

    How Would You Answer?

    Why should we counteract the

    world’s frivolous view of life?

    How can we be joyful yet serious

    about our ministry?

    How does our view of taking on

    responsibility show whether we are

    serious or not?

    Explain why dignifying our brothers

    and family members is a serious



    Next week, MAKE DECISIONS THAT HONOR GOD, or that honor the WTS? Is it that too many jws are not making decisions that the WTS approves of?

    Love, Blondie

  • TotallyADD

    Thanks Blondie. These days you are the only source of what the WT study is all about. That 61 WT is a riot. I wonder which sick person came up with that one. No wonder everybody who leaves is messed up to a degree. Totally ADD

  • nancy drew
    nancy drew

    Articles like this just increase the possibilities of more suicides among young adult jw's.

  • ldrnomo

    Thanks Blondie, great WT study.

    I'm serious.

    When I was an elder some used to call me the fun elder. But now I see the error of my ways.

  • JW GoneBad
    JW GoneBad

    Are JWs serious about there vocation to preach?

    I think..........................NOT!

  • ziddina

    Thanks for posting this, Blondie!!

    Flowers for you - if Photof*ket hasn't "exceeded my bandwidth", that is...


  • BluesBrother

    So the young men in the congregations today are not taking it seriously and they are short of M/Servants.....Will this exhortation make them face up to their responsibilities? or not?

    One or two choice lines in here :-

    10] Another said that she feels that some elders “can be very intimidating because they have an extremely serious nature.”

    Wow! that is an admission....Far from being "gifts in men" the WT admits that they can be intimidating, indeed, very intimidating! I have known a few like that , just like Christendom - isn't it?

    11] If a brother has been baptized at least one year and to a reasonable degree meets the Scriptural qualifications for ministerial servants outlined at 1 Timothy 3:8-13, he can be recommended

    Hmmm. Just a year and keep your nose clean and you may have the inestimable privilege of counting out the magazines, my boy....

    16] The entertainment industry takes pleasure in reducing the family head to a mere subject of ridicule and disrespect.

    Yes....that can be true but should we be taking ourselves so seriously. Can anybody think of any comedy examples that would be known on both sides of the Atlantic?

    So it is just another article to be underlined, a study sat through then off to enjoy ourselves....unless we they are taking it seriously

  • WTWizard

    Another poorly written disinformation washtowel article. To start, I never found field circus enjoyable. I never found it enjoyable to go out in field circus to waste time talking with men (and they made sure it would be just men, to a remarkable degree). I find these disgustingly ugly old men that will take the rags, usually living in a pigpen--and I am supposed to be attracted to that?

    And it does virtually ban entertainment. Anything that the hounders feel is "entertaining" is not "serious" and they will impose bans on things they feel are "frivolous". Of course, they won't need any other Washtowel littera-trash to back up that ban--just that "brazen conduct" crap they came up with last year. You are supposed to give up the prospect of a decent life, and pio-sneer. Anyone not pio-sneering is not taking things "seriously".

    Critical times hard to deal with? I have found that the rags do nothing to prepare anyone for them. "Do not trust in material things"--how is that going to prepare one for hyperinflation? Can you live without things? Apparently, it is not important enough to the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger to prepare us for hyperinflation--despite that they had major inflation in South America, and the recent hyperinflation where the Zimbabwe dollar became toilet paper. Are they even discussing ways to protect your own investments from when this happens in England and the United Tyranny of America? Never a word about buying precious metals to protect your money from becoming toilet paper--just "don't depend too much on it".

  • Sayswho

    Thanks for the "lesson"...


  • garbonzo

    You mention too much "Christians = JWs". Once or twice, but not every paragraph. xD

    I'm surprised you didn't mention on par 5. where it says, " not providing

    materially for one’s household is tantamount

    to having “disowned Jehovah”!"

    What if it wasn't your fault, you lost your job, etc.? You disowned God, and you are doomed? :P Can't be homeless with a family and be a JW...

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