Why do Americans still dislike atheists?

by behemot 91 Replies latest jw friends

  • Nickolas

    Dawkins is rather an evangelical atheist. He tells people that something is so and doesn't allow the validity of an alternative point of view.

    Can you site specific examples of the above assertion, Charliklo? A direct quote or two?

  • Chariklo


    No, to be honest, I can't, because I haven't read a lot of his writing, but I have heard him speak a lot and seen a lot of programmes featuring him in debate as well as watched a long film created by him (maybe 5 months or so ago) in which he did his best to prove that there is no God.

    I have read articles written by him, both popular and academic, but not any of his books. He speaks frequently on radio and TV as well as guest lecturing in the UK.

    My asserion is born as much from his manner of proclaiming his theories, almost, to me, like "preaching the truth", and, to me, and I think not only to me, as if hie is right and anyone who holds a contrary opinion is not only wrong but obtuse. It's not a stance I like much.

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