David Splane information anyone?

by VM44 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • VM44

    We need more information as to what sort of person GB member David Splane is.

    There is very little about him that is known.

  • palmtree67

    He was the representative from Bethel for a circuit assembly I attended many years ago.

    He was an amazing speaker - very dynamic and motivating. It seemed like he spoke exactly God's words.

    There was a large deaf community at all our assemblies, with interpretors for them. At the close of the sessions, Splane said he wanted to speak directly to them. He told them that even though most of us couldn't really communicate with them, that we loved them very much and appreciated their presence. I can't remember what else, but his speech to them went on for quite a long time.

    The entire auditorium erupted in tears.

  • Terry

    OMG, a Jw with, gulp, charisma!

  • VM44

    Thank you palmtree67.

    Some of David Splane's talks are online, I will have to listen to some of them to hear how his speaks.

    Some other items that are known about him are:

    * He speaks french

    * He plays the piano.

  • fokyc
  • VM44

    Hi Fokyc,

    Yes, I did, but the first thread is about two years old, and the amount of information is still limited.

    The reason for repeating this information request is that someone might have something new to add.

    Also, it turns out that Splane might be one of the leaders of the GB (the other being Lösch), so it is important to know more about who he is.

  • eruption

    He speaks FRENCH, HE plays PIANO, he.s GAY

  • deep-blue-sea

    He has been invited as member of the GB to give a talk at the DC in July 2005 in Switzerland.

    Good speaker, he knows how to work on emotions...

    One sentence remains in my head..he said: If we have committed some errors? Jehovah's spirit knows where Adams street is located, and can help us to make some adjustments!!!!!!

    I thought that God would inspire them to...not commit errors!!!!! It smells...arrogance and haughtiness!

    Regards, Claudia

  • Cadellin

    I had him as a sub CO many years ago and can confirm that he is, indeed, a gifted orator. Charisma up the ying yang--well, let me clarify--that is, when he's publicly speaking. In person, I have no idea. But on the platform, pontificating into a mike? He could draw tears from Navy Seal.

  • designs

    David Splane was the last GB member I ever heard or saw live at a Circuit Assembly. He was so crazy pounding the Podium and ranting angrily at the audinece I took my cue and never went back Yea!!!! Thanks Davey!

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