Sarah Palin flubs the Paul Revere story 'Paul warned the British' HaahaaHaaaHaa

by designs 129 Replies latest social entertainment

  • james_woods

    Strange - I somehow thought this could never match the Anthony Weiner story for sheer hilarious value...

    Especially when it has become obvious that there is nothing to see here.

  • sir82
    How many here were aware that Revere was captured by the British and warned them not to attack the colonists before Palin brought this up?
    I for one was not.

    Neither was Sarah Palin, until the spinmeisters did research, hoping for something to bail her out.

    Poor girl used up all her luck...on this. Should have bought a lottery ticket that day instead.

  • designs

    Sarah thinks Paul Revere was supplying Rifles to the British because no one should be without Firearms..........

  • Terra Incognita
    Terra Incognita


    "How many here were aware that Revere was captured by the British and warned them not to attack the colonists before Palin brought this up?"

    Listen closely all you who can't make a close comparison between what Palin said.

    1. Paul Revere did not fire any warning shots at the British. He was on a covert mission to warn the townspeople. It would have been stupid of him to fire any warning shots since that would have made it easier for the British to capture him.
    2. Paul Revere did not go out to warn the British of anything; he was on a covert mission and was caught by them. It was only then that he warned the British about the size of the American Militia.
    3. Paul Revere did not ring any bells. The townspeople did that. Why would he waste time getting off his horse to do anything the townspeople could do themselves when his mission was to warn as many towns as possible?

    You know what, you who rim Sarah's ****? You people are the death of this nation. You don't need terrorists to destroy you. You are doing a wonderful job of that yourselves.

  • NeckBeard

    Neither was Sarah Palin, until the spinmeisters did research, hoping for something to bail her ou

    I didn't know that LA Times and Boston Globe were both Palin spinmeisters.

  • NeckBeard

    Terrabolo thinks he is funny.

  • snowbird

    LOL @ Sir 82.

    How many trips to the well before it dries up completely ... ?


  • james_woods
    Terrabolo thinks he is funny.

    I thought Terra was a girl...

  • Berengaria

    I took this pic that marks the spot.

  • james_woods

    Thank you, Berengeria. I cannot read it from that, but it is probably (at least) on topic.

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