
by DeViL DriVeR 76 13 Replies latest jw experiences

  • DeViL DriVeR 76
    DeViL DriVeR 76

    I completely forgot about this place until today. I had an epiphany two das ago. I must admit I was taking "legal plant food" and still have not gone to bed. Anyway taking a substance to just relax for the first time in my life(this does not include recreational use) made me realize alot of things. I had so many skeletons in my closet they were pouring into the room. For the first time in five years, actually forever, I felt that today was the day I get these things off my chest. I tell my girlfriend things that I never expected to tell anyone ever even if I was dieing. What a relief!

    I really felt that WT was a cult for the past few years but I just went to . And for the first time I read with an open mind. OH MY GOD!!! I feel completely devastated and feel completely lost. I must say I was brought into the FALSE! , feels great to say that now, when I was 5 years old. My parents were very poor and I was one of the only white people in my neighborhood. For some reason, actually I know the reason now mind control!!! I can't seem to remember much anymore. I am 34 years old and this started when I was in elementary school. Anyway as anyone from any race knows moving to an area where you are the minority is horrible. In addition to being called whitey and cracker which really offends me and should offend blacks as well, seeing it's short for whip-cracker, on top of that I am in some new religion just took me away from a decent catholic school and thrown in some school were I'm completely different. A recipie for disaster. I don't even remember how many fights I got into, and of course I couldn't take a self defense class. Why fight when you can turn the other cheek and get a two-for. Anyway My parents were beyond strict, the beatings were real grown man fists pummeling a little boy while his little brother watches crying, not because of what I'm getting but for what he's about to get. What horrible offense did we do to earn such a beating you may ask? Why falling asleep in the meeting of course!

    The competition for holiest started early in my congregation. Of course my parents threw me into the lions den Right after the first young one decided to give it a try. Public speaking is the number one fear even over death I read or heard somewhere. And due to my memory I can't even remember when I started, but it was deffinitely young I think I was like 7 or 8 if I remember correct. Of course I get assigned to the main school. I get up and have no idea how to adjust that stupid podiem thing, I'm frantically trying to get the thing adjusted and I think someone was kind enough to adjust the mic. Theres a stepstool I have to stand on and I'm opening up the big bible trying to get my papers in order. Then I look at the crowd, that's when the panic stes in. All I want to do is go home but if I do that not only will I get a beating at home, my dad would oftentimes bring me into the bathroom for a public flogging sometimes even in front of my so-called "friends". Anyway once I start speaking it's obvious that my voice is trembling, but I pull it together and get through it with no mistakes. This damn elder tells me I did good but have to work on timing, because I was like 20 seconds off! How dare they judge a little child in front of a whole congregation like that! I got baptized at around 11 or 12 and that was nerve wrecking as well. Needless to say I was doing what I had to do to make it into the new system right! The 80's were horrible and the 90's were even worse.

    The beatings went on my entire young adult life until one day my father chased me with an oak snack table. I immediately picked up two knives from the kitchen thinking this is it, he's finally going to kill me! He edges towards me yelling drop the knife while I'm pleading no please leave me alone you going to kill me with that thing, I'll leave! No obey your father he says, I say nope I'm done getting bullied by you. This infuriates him and he swings and cracks me in the back of the head. The only reason I got hit in the back of the head was because we lunged pretty much at the same time. This was the first time in my life I felt bad for my father, I stabbed him in the back pretty deep and the dr's said it was a fraction of an inch from his heart. He had to leave the hospital to come drop the charges in person or the DA was going to press charges against me. My parents tell me to thank Jehovah for protecting my dad. Isn't it insane that everything good that happens to Witnesses they thank Jehovah and blame Satan for anything bad that happens? Well this time they thanked Jehovah and blamed Satan for the same thing!!! How is that even possible? anyway before then my entire childhood was just horrible, guilt, guilt and more guilt. anyway I'm 20 or 21 at the time and I have to be out in 1 day. Now me and my Dad have somewhat of a decent relationship. I feel it's only out of fear of me, since that's what sheep seem to thrive off of. Nowadays he's a nervous wreck. He hears voices and is extremely paranoid about everything. He can't get more than 4 or 5 sentences out without going back and retelling the same old tune... "I'm so sorry I was so rough on you guys but I did it out of love!" It seems all Christians have a warped view on what love is. They forbid gambling but we are here due to a bet! If there really is a god how could he let all of us suffer for years and years due to a bet presented by the devil?

    Anyway after reading the articles with an open mind I was so shocked to see how I have every single sympton in the children raised in cult categories. I am currently on anti-depressents and am prescribed xanax which I don't use. The anti depressants seemed to help a tiny bit with my anger issues but now I am calling my Dr and am getting off all prescription meds. I am sorry if I posted any of this stuff before, I have no idea how to check posts that I made. Anyway even though I knew it was a lie, reading the cult descriptions and finally figuring out what's wrong with me is deffinitely going to help me progress into a healthier human being. I could use some friends now more than ever soPM me if you have any suggestions on what type of shrink deals with these issues! Thanks!

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    Welcome back.

    Your story reminds me how lucky I was to get out relatively unscathed.

    I got a lot of help from the previous edition of this book

    There is info on it here

    Click on your user name to see your profile and previous posts.



  • nugget

    I am so sorry that you had such a rough time. Cult plus violence is a recipie for long term screw ups and it will take time to get to a healthier place mentally. Coupled with that finding out your belief system is a lie is a form of bereavement with all the susequent issues that spring from that.

    It is important to vent and the board is excellent for that and people here truly get what you are going through.

    To look at historic posts click on your name top right and across the top there are topics started and topics posted on you can check back over old posts.

  • Pams girl
    Pams girl

    Agree with nugget, keep talking, keep posting. Damd, your good looking....x

    Do you think you can go forward with something like councelling? working through things often is very carthartic, get it off your chest?

    Paula x long have you been on the current dose of anti-ds? Sometimes, its worth talking to your gp/doc, they often need adjusting as the body/brain gets used to them x

  • Morbidzbaby

    Agreeing with nugget and Paula on all points (including that you're good-looking ). A large amount of JW's and those exiting are either on anti-depressants or need to be. I myself was severely depressed for years and had no idea why. Aren't we supposed to be the happiest people on earth? I was lethargic, had no energy, all I could do was make sure my kids were still alive and fed and clean, but as for interactions, I didn't have it in me for a long time. I know that empty void that gets filled with anger over the stupidest things. You feel nothing positive, only anger and sadness, and that overwhelming numbness. Anti-depressants, with the right dose, can help. I was on them for a little while (a year, just the smallest dose because I just wanted to feel a little better, not all foggy and high). I slowly weaned myself off after I left the JW's and I've been fine ever's been almost a year.

    Counseling has helped a lot of people. I'm going to start once I move next month and get settled in. I still have issues to work out that I don't think I can do on my own. I hope you will at least look into it.

    Finding out this was a cult kind of knocks you on your butt doesn't it? It's like you knew there was something "not right" for years, but you couldn't quite put your finger on it. Then when the puzzle pieces click together, it's a tempest of emotions. We're all here for you while you weather that storm.

    Child abuse is common in the Watchtower. You should know that you're in good company here. A lot of us suffered at the hands of our parents. I'm going to borrow a line from Good Will Hunting and just give you a hug and say "It's not your fault".

    Welcome back!!!


  • jean-luc picard
    jean-luc picard

    Hello DD.

    Your story is very touching. If you can talk about all those things, then it IS a good sign.

    For your medicaments: do listen to your doctors advice. It may not be good for you to stop cold turkey, but make it clear to him that you do want to stop.

    I think your fathers violence wasnt totally related to the Borg, though maybe that didnt help.

    My own mother was particulaly violent towards me, even before the Borg era. She too, now says it was because she loved me. I think these kind of people suffer from their own sickness, and find a refuge worshipping a violent god. It kind of justifies there own behaviour.

    Good luck as you onwards and upwards.


  • sizemik

    DeViL dRiVeR 76 . . . welcome to the Forum.

    From your description it appears your parents were converts when you were young? You also mentioned that your father is very paranoid and hears voices? This sounds very much like he too suffers from a mental illness. The conversion process has the potential to be very damaging. While I don't want to offer unwarranted excuses for abusive behavior, if you haven't already done so, you will find it very therapeutic to understand just why your family life was such an ordeal. This video interview about mental illness among JW's is well worth your time.

    It runs for an hour so give yourself time to view it. It will help in understanding your own personal trials and tribulations as well. The rest of the freeminds site is very helpful also (but you probably know this already?). I personally suffered a mental health problem after 26 years in the cult. This has taken several years to gain control over, but I'm in a very much better place now and enjoying life to the full.

    The WT experience is damaging on many fronts and many here have had similar struggles. You will find much support and understanding as a result. Something we have drummed into us in WT world is an inherent mistrust of Medical Practitioners . . . nowhere moreso than in the area of mental health. Put this mistrust behind you for there is much to be gained from availing yourself of modern treatments. Do not be overly anxious about medication. There is more risk in avoiding it's appropriate use, than in allowing it to perform it's function. It doesn't mean lifelong dependency . . . I am now medication free, but it has taken about 6 years.

    Counselling is also very helpful. It's not the mind-bending magic show that WT would have us believe. You can be helped to gain knowledge of why things are the way they are, as well as effective coping strategies.

    Feel free to PM me if you have any questions about the things covered here and continue to research matters. Talk frankly and openly to those in the Medical Profession about your feelings on your treatment . . . they will be happy to make adjustments. Adjusting your treatment will be an ongoing feature as you make progress.

    Aren't you glad the entrapment is over? . . . believe me, life will get a lot better for you from here on . . . you have much to enjoy and look forward to.

    All the best in the days ahead.

  • LouBelle

    Hey DD! You are so very welcome to this board. You will find some great people on here. I hope some are close enough to you that you could perhaps meet up with. That is one thing I miss living all the way in South Africa.

    But to the topic. You had a rough childhood as it was, without having the religion thing thrown into the mix. It is bound to effect you in some way and manifest. First of all - it's great that you are out. Take absolute joy and peace knowing that you are out and free to mix with who you want and free to do what you want. It's a small thing, but really take pure joy out of it.

    I commend you for seeking help with you anger issues and have pinpointed it's origin. Talk it out, share it out, write it out. It will help with healing the wound.

    Something that has helped me leave all of the anger and pain behind is to take something positive out of those years of captivity. It got me where I am today, my experience has moulded me into the person I am today and I can honestly say I'm in an excellent place and I really love the person I've become. My experience has opened up my heart, eyes, mind.

    I'm always happy to encourage and to listen if you need to share. You can PM me or find me on facebook or even mail me: [email protected]

  • sizemik

    DeViL dRiVeR 76 . . . check your PM's

  • Quandry

    Welcome to the forum.

    Doesn't it feel good to "open up" and get things off your chest? When you say the words, it makes you focus on the feelings, put them in order of events, and get at the roots of problems. Only then can you see clearly what you need to do in the future to feel better.

    You need something good to help you go forward. You are only 34. Can you get additional education? In my case, that has helped me to put depressing thoughts to the background and do something I can feel a sense of pride in-and I am 59!

    Perhaps volunteering will get the focus off yourself and on to others, helping you to move forward and not dwell on the past.

    So glad you are here with us, and are able to know that you are not alone. We understand.

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