New Here, Hello Guys - New website idea

by garbonzo 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mat

    Hi Garbonzo, you are welcome, of course. The fact that most of us are shunned by the JW's has made some bitter, but I'm sure you can work out for yourself who are the arseholes.

    I think your website idea is a very good one. Before I left I started to notice how most of the information is just repeating the same old rubbish we've been told for years, and really none of it is really all that practical in real life.

    The members would have to be anonymous because if "the elders" found out about it they would not like it. What would happen to members if they left the JW's? Besides, reading and contributing could prove to be just as much effort as studying it anyway, etc, so yea, all kinds of considerations I suppose.

    In the meantime here is an idea for you. Just to make it look like I studied the Watchtower (when I started having doubts), I would highlight anything in the Watchtower paragraphs. I didn't even read what I was highlighting. It looked impressive, and no one ever did look all that closely to see my highlights were random. Would they know even if they did?

    For a bit more credability (if needed) choose 2 scriptures from the article (randomly of course) and just read up on them two. People in the Hall will think your are very clever. You'll be promoted to MS in no time and your parents will be very impressed.

  • TotallyADD

    Welcome Barbonzo & Bar Kockba. Please get a copy of Steve Hassen on Combating Cult Mind Control. You will see why many feel harshly about the Borg. Good thread and thank you for your imput. Totally ADD

  • TotallyADD

    Sorry I misspelled your name Bar Kockhba. Again Welcome. Totally ADD

  • Satanus

    There are some jws, here. They are on tricky ground. On the one hand, they aren't supposed to be here, per the wt strict instructions. On the other hand, they have a very tough fight, since wt bs doesn't fly far, at all. As well, they are up against superior numbers. The jw who sticks around and actively takes the jw stand is either really brave and independent thinking or stupid and thick skulled. Either way, they take regular beatings. That's why there aren't very many.


  • Satanus

    Welcome, and congratulations on finding out that the religion is false.


  • garbonzo

    Hi and welcome Garbonzo,

    My name is Teeny Pyjamas. I am an active JW, although I am an atheists and am only still in until they finally figure out who I am and disfellowship me. I am the founder of the website. I created it for people who have always thought there was something seriously wrong with the Bible.

    As we are currently working on improving the site, I advise you visit for the time being. I am also the founding member of You can go there for all your other JW non-truths and needs. Use JWB as a supplementary guide. You can find out all you ever need, right here, on JWN.

    With regards to your idea of a site, it simply wouldn't work, as I think we "apostates" would possibly take over.

    Can I ask why you think evolution is ridiculous? Read through some of the articles on Atheists Weekly or some of the posts on here. I think you'll find it's the Bible's account of creation that is completely and utterly ridiculous.

    My two cents...

    I agree that the Bible's account of creation is ridiculous. But, I also do not believe in Evolution in the forum that it's in, currently. Maybe it's true, maybe it isn't. I'm not ruling it out, or saying it's impossible, just improbable to me. Everything that we have around us developed by chance? It's weird that anyone, except a phyco like Darwin would even think of such a thing. That's why the Evolution theory and now Natural Selection (right?) has come SUCH a long way from Darwin. It reminds me of JWs with Russel. All came from 1 man. If ALL / 90% of scientists agree that this is definitely what happened, sure I would believe, but there are so much mixed statements and theories, it's stupid to me. If anything was right and there was so much evidence to back it up, why are not more people seeing it? It's the same as religion, and ultimately the reason why I decided this way. There are so much things Evolution in general has in common with religion, it's not even funny. I know a lot of highly regarded scientists believe that the universe was created by some force not yet known, so I choose the same, as I'm sure most others who aren't religious.

    P.S. Why can't I quote directly on this site? It comes up with an error. :P

    Usually, the only thing that can convert a JW is him/herself . . . such is the nature of mind-control. Bear in mind that the majority here are not 17 year olds like yourself with your adult life ahead of you. Most have lost 20, 30, 40 years and even more to a deception . . . the best years of thier lives . . . I think most would be a little angry or resentful in those circumstances.

    If your going to get anything from this religion, it's the principles they teach you and SHOULD stick with you, even when you leave, such as kindness for neighbor, forgiveness, etc.

    The Bible may not be right all the time, but it got the Fruitage of the Spirit correct, for the most part. You agree? Would you be resentful at your cat if it spilled your cup of coffee on the carpet when it was jumping up on you? I would hope not, he/she didn't do it on purpose. Same with JWs.

    Also, I was talking about the "Governing Body" themselves thinking their doing God's work.

    And while the website idea is not a bad one, the Brooklyn mafia would soon shut it down.


    Offshore host FTW. :P If it's good enough to host Warez, it's good enough to not be touched by whatever copyright laws that would allow them to shut it down. :)

  • garbonzo

    The members would have to be anonymous because if "the elders" found out about it they would not like it. What would happen to members if they left the JW's? Besides, reading and contributing could prove to be just as much effort as studying it anyway, etc, so yea, all kinds of considerations I suppose.

    In the meantime here is an idea for you. Just to make it look like I studied the Watchtower (when I started having doubts), I would highlight anything in the Watchtower paragraphs. I didn't even read what I was highlighting. It looked impressive, and no one ever did look all that closely to see my highlights were random. Would they know even if they did?

    For a bit more credability (if needed) choose 2 scriptures from the article (randomly of course) and just read up on them two. People in the Hall will think your are very clever. You'll be promoted to MS in no time and your parents will be very impressed.

    I probably wouldn't make it so that you have to register. Just fill in what you want to sumbit and a captcha (to prevent bots). Well it might be the same amount of time I devot to the website, but I'd at least be getting a little money for it. :P (No pop-ups, though. Those are annoying.) Plus, maintaining a website is much more fun than studying something I don't believe in. :P

    For visitors to the site, all they have to do is look / listen to it and done. :P

    I have done that (underlining randomly) once and got busted by the parents. (Yes, they are that intrusive, yet they miss meetings sometimes for months. I loathe hypocrites like that, but of course I still love them. :P Although I can't complain, it's a lot easier on me rather than if I had an elder for a dad. He used to be an Elder (I don't know how, lol, he doesn't seem the type), but not anymore after a fiasco in another congregation with Elder wars, etc. So we moved back to our old cong, long story, lol.)

    They don't check all the time, but I can't take the chance.

    I am not looking to be "promoted" to MS. It's more work, and I don't want to impress my parents, just not lose them. :P

    Thanks everyone for the kind words!

  • garbonzo

    There are *tons* of websites like that already, actually.

    Where? Why do you say "tons", but not even list 1? :/

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