Grand Theft Auto 5: Patterson Edition

by Mr. Falcon 11 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • undercover
    Recently, I have heard several comments during the Watchtower Study regarding how today's ultra-violent entertainment might actually be "training and preparing people to butcher their own families when the Great Tribulation hits." This rather dystopian thought was also alluded to in several convention talks within the past year or so.

    Unless read word for word from the WT mag itself, anything said at a WT study is likely the product of irrational and paranoid shit-for-brain numbskulls talking out of their ass cause their brain is filled with shit. Wait... how is that different from the magazine itself? Er, nevermind, back to the point...

    I can see Sister Generation-of-1914-and-pissed-cause-the-end-ain't-here-yet coming up with some ridiculous conspiracy theory but as a WT sanctioned and directed by Holy Spirit spiritual food at the right moment comment? That's reaching a bit. What Biblical stance do they have for such a thought? Even as out there as John was, I don't remember him having visions of Tiger Woods Golf(and new for 2011: Golf and Sex) or Grand Theft Auto...

  • glenster

    "I believe one of my g'sons has all the Grand Theft games."

    If he needs any help on PC, see glenster:

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