research impossible

by sowhatnow 12 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • AndDontCallMeShirley
    January 1, 1994 issue on page 21, stated;

    For the past 114 years, The Watchtower, like a skillful lawyer has established itself as a defender of Bible truth and doctrine .. it continues to be the principal instrument of 'the faithful and discreet slave' and its Governing Body for announcing Jehovah's established Kingdom and dispensing spiritual food 'at the proper time.'


    Ironically, this quote also reveals how WT doctrine has changed, i.e. the identity of the 'faithful slave'. 1994... ancient history in WT Land.

     Why is this lawyer like skillful defense of Bible truth and doctrine, in older publications, not made available to researchers?


    For the same reason the Flock book is not made available to the public or the R&F JWs. Despite the fact that the inside cover of the Flock book says it is made available as part of a "worldwide educational work", in reality it is available only to a select few.

    It is a classic WT misdirect and false claim. 




  • leaving_quietly

    lol, i think you misunderstood my point, [but thats typical of my writing, people dont get me for some reason]

    I have all the old stuff , that isnt what i was getting at. its the irony that if someone who is a jw wants to do research, they cannot, because they cant find any 'right' answers. all the old stuff is  basically obsolete doctrine

    Sorry... yes, I missed your point.

    Actually, there is a rule of thumb among JWs: The most recent printing about a topic is still considered the truth.

    I have found stuff that hasn't been talked about in any publications since the 30s. Crazy as it sounds, by this rule of thumb, it's still considered truth. But, because none of that is easily available, or is so old, most JWs will consider it obsolete, as you said. Which is strange because the Bible is a whole lot older than anything JWs printed.

    Of course, using this rule of thumb, JWs are trained to ignore anything older than the most recent information on a topic.

    And the vast majority of JWs are kept so busy doing other things (meetings, service, family worship,, JW TV, assemblies) they don't have the time, energy or desire to actually research. So they let the organization do the research for them.

  • sowhatnow

    esse that was brilliant, lol, thats something Id do, and  no one has replied, well I wonder if they are visiting the sites! 

    I wonder how many sit at meetings and stare off into space, wondering why they are there.

    there are no articles in the wt that are light hearted encouraging sugestions on how to be pleasant and loving and helpful to all men of all nations.

    of all the subjects a person can write about that would educate someone, instead they choose to bore people to death with mysterious confusing nonsense that doesnt do a bit of good for anyone.

      for a very long time it has been  constant negativity.

    and all the focus is on those in charge who claim they are 'it'.  

    I happened to have here a july 15th watchtower study addition. and in it the article titled jehovah knows who belong to him, it made me think, hmm what happened to jesus?

    in that article on the first page the name jehovah is printed on that page 10 times, the next page 15 times the next 6 times the next15 timed the next 3 times Now for what reason does anyone have to use that name over and over again? Is that NOT using Gods name in vain?

    its disrespectful, if it was his name, to use it like it has no real meaning. its

    sickenning .

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