research impossible

by sowhatnow 12 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • sowhatnow

    so, now that nearly all of the past knowledge that Jw's has had is slowly being deleted, how does anyone do any research on any subject?

    meetings are pretty boring as it is, all they do is parrot the society's writings.

    how is this going to work?

    I have to wonder , what point is the service meeting , once you know how to walk up to a door and hand someone a magazine. why go anymore?

  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    More realistically, the situation now is:

    I have to wonder , what point is the service meeting , once you know how to walk up to a door and hand someone a magazine tell someone to go to JW.Org. why go anymore? *


    * answer: WT is focused on busy work for JWs, not productivity. 

  • DesirousOfChange

    I have to wonder , what point is the service meeting , once you know how to walk up to a door and hand someone a magazine. why go anymore?

    Why, sillyboy (JK), it's to encourage one another! You remember that scripture in Hebrews, right?  Although the preparation for FS is really about limited to what you have stated -- hand someone a magazine.

    The WTS does seem to be trying to "delete" their past history.  People, like many people here, won't let that happen.  I suspect they will keep their more toxic comments verbal in the future.


  • leaving_quietly
    The WT Library CD has stuff from before 2000. Also, old magazines and books are available in PDF form online. For example, if you're looking for a 1933 Watchtower, enter 1933 Watchtower into Google and you'll find it. The Internet Archive also has some older stuff. And, if you really are having a hard time finding something, just ask here. There's some good sleuths that seem to be able to find just about anything.
  • sowhatnow

    lol, i think you misunderstood my point, [but thats typical of my writing, people dont get me for some reason]

    I have all the old stuff , that isnt what i was getting at. its the irony that if someone who is a jw wants to do research, they cannot, because they cant find any 'right' answers. all the old stuff is  basically obsolete doctrine

    its like trying to research  how to  use an iPhone using a user Manuel for a rotary phone from 1975.

    wont work. so now no one will have any reason to look anything up. 

  • WTWizard
    The point is to waste your time.  You cannot be watching whatever good TV is still on while at the boasting session.  Also, they can guilt you into donating whatever little funds you have into the Worldwide Damnation Fund or wasting it on stupid Israel missions.  It also makes it difficult to do anything later, as the time between the end of the boasting session and the next morning's field circus is just enough to sleep.
  • Esse quam videri
    Esse quam videri

    I asked a street cart attender where I could find older WT publications at the library. They had an elder contact me by e-mail.  After further asking him for directions to these older publications I was sent the following e-mail.



    Hi ____,

    Thank you for your interest in the history of Jehovah's Witnesses. Unfortunately the writings of Russell and Rutherford have not been in circulation since the 1940's. The only way to see them would be in our library headquarters in Brooklyn NY. And at that they are not open to the public. 

    Sorry I could not be of any assistance to you in this matter. 
    I replied with the following e-mail

    Hi ___.

    Thanks for your effort. I did some further research and found archive sites that have almost all of the scanned publications. They are fascinating reading. This is the kind of thing we should be sharing with each other. What a marvelous tool the internet is.

    I will forward you the links from my home computer. Isn't it interesting to study history? So much to learn.

    Have a  productive day.
    I then sent the following e-mail


    Hi ___,

    Here are links to some excellent sources for scanned and archived Watchtower Society publications from 1874 - 1963.

    Many are pdf files to make searching more efficient.



    Well, that was three weeks ago and no reply. Wouldn't you think I would at least get a ' thank-you'?

     January 1, 1994 issue on page 21, stated;

    For the past 114 years, The Watchtower, like a skillful lawyer has established itself as a defender of Bible truth and doctrine .. it continues to be the principal instrument of 'the faithful and discreet slave' and its Governing Body for announcing Jehovah's established Kingdom and dispensing spiritual food 'at the proper time.'

    Why is this lawyer like skillful defense of Bible truth and doctrine, in older publications, not made available to researchers?

  • Listener
    The only way to see them would be in our library headquarters in Brooklyn NY. And at that they are not open to the public. 

    The elder wasn't honest, at least he could have said that the publications are no longer officially available to the public.

    I was thinking the same thing myself, sowhatnow.  And it's not only a problem that research now is impossible but their new ideas are not logical, make no sense and so loosely based on the bible that it's hard to make any JW see sense.

    With this March 2015 Watchtower it makes a lot of their past publications questionable.  Their parables are now being simplified and just about all the secondary fulfillments/anti-types are out the door.  This means that we don't know what from the past they will be retaining.  The end result means that the dubbies can only rely on all current publications.  This has to be their intended result and makes our job more difficult.  Any time we bring up anything from the past they will ignore it.  

    We need a new strategy.

  • goingthruthemotions

    from what i am gathering what you are saying. all the old stuff is gone. the JWombie is not allowed to go out side the box and do research. so they are limited to what the JWombie controllers give them. so in essence this is a new level of brainwashing. 

    I just wonder how the old timers are going to cope with the high level of Cognitive Disonance. 

    Talk about mental abuse to the 10th degree.



  • Listener

    Goingthruthemotions, we don't really know what they are saying because they keep contradicting themselves.  For instance, they say that they have dropped the idea of using types and antitypes unless it is clear from scripture that they should apply it, however even their date of 1914 is based on antitypes and they're sticking by that idea.

    Just look at the confusion in the recent thread about when the FDS was appointed, they say 1919 but this is also based on some antitype determination and they just aren't specific about how they get that date.  They are really being obscure in their recent new light so it appears that in some ways they want the sheepies to think that these dates are built on a solid basis but they aren't substantiating how they got those dates. 

    So it seems that it is pointless to research because we have no idea if they still believe what they taught in any particular teaching. 

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