How would you respond to this JW apologist??

by Black Man 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • Black Man
    Black Man

    Hey all - as some of you may know, I've been engaged in a pretty big debate with family members as well as internet acquaintances over whether the JW's are a cult. THANKS to EVERYONE who have posted links to threads that have helped me in my dialogue with them - its actually WORKING. The latest is that one of the posters I've been dialoging and he says that agrees with me on many points but he brought up the following response and I ask (HOW WOULD YOU RESPOND TO THIS) that I have posted below (by the way, the person he references as GQ is me - its my username on that web site):


    "I'm gonna probably regret typing all of this, but it's like 2 in the morning so I'ont care and chances are ain't nobody gonna read it anyway lol. my mother started studying with the JWs in 1977 and got baptisted in 1982. I've been associated with JWs since I was 7 and I've got aunts, an uncle, cousins that are baptisted JWs. in my family there's 4 elders, 2 ministerial servants, and a grip of full time and auxilary pioneers.

    I appreciate GQ cause I've been him. one of my aunts got disfellowshipped when I was young and I didn't like that I couldn't talk to her & I didn't understand. I didn't like going to meeting on Sundays and since my dad wasn't a JW my moms couldn't make me go out in field service cause he'd tell her if I didn't wanna go I didn't have to. I rebelled big time.

    I can remember embarrassing the heck outta moms because I used to do stuff like cut peace signs in my hair when we had to go to assemblies. in the parking lot I used to play Ice T or 2 Live Crew with the windows down, just wilding out. all the JW kids were square to me & when moms invited them over, I would leave and go to my best friend's house. she tried to get me to study with this young brother & when he would come over I wouldn't open the door.

    when we grew up, my favorite cousin & I got jumped on Beale St. my cousin got beat up pretty bad & I had a gun pulled on me. I got knocked down & one of the guys caught up with me. dude pointed a gun at me and pulled the trigger but the gun jammed. some friends of ours that was with us ran up and dude fired at them about 3 times. he put the gun back on me & fired again but the gun jammed again. I got out of that unharmed but had another run in with those guys at Crystal Palace. this time I was with some ohter cats and we got to scuffling again but no guns or knives were drawn this time. got into it again at a bowling alley on American Way. I got sick of Memphis & went to GA

    my cousin got sick of wilding out and started talking to my mom. she got to him some kinda way and he started studying. he was changing up on me & it began to piss me off cause when I would come to Memphis we would hit them streets, now he ain't wanna hang no more. I started trying to talk him out of taking his study so I dug up a lot of the very same info that GQ is posting up. I was bitter and selfish cause I wasn't looking at the positive changes he was making in his life, I just wanted my cousin back that used to hit them streets and get at women.

    at the end of the day I look at the organization of the world. how everything has a certain order. just look at your bodily functions. what would happen if your heart decided it wanted to beat a different way. if you blood wanted to pump differently, or something simple like your cells having a sickle shape. you get sick when something invades your body or something in your body doesn't do what it's supposed to do. our whole universe has some type of order to it, so why wouldn't God want people to have order in the way we live.

    in trying to find myself, i went to a lot of churches even went to mosque a few times but I believed in the bible. the fact of the matter is that on that night when that guy put that gun to my head and that gun jammed, I actually felt like Jehovah caused that gun to jam and it SCARED the heck outta me! I recognized what had happened but I fought it for years and tried to distance myself from what I felt was the realization that HE had revealed HIMSELF to me. I started to pay attention to my family. I was the only one that went to school out of my cousins that are JWs but they are all doing doing FAR better than I am. most of them are married and have been for years and they're all happy. those JW kids I used to ditch, all doing well with nice homes and families. my aunt that was DF'ed has been reinstated and she's doing well.

    in researching JWs a lot of the information GQ posted is true, some of it isn't but at the end of the day nothing is perfect, but as a believer in the bible, I'd rather take my chances with the religion that actually uses it and makes you be accountable for your actions. as far as people feeling that JWs divide families & stunt growth, well Jesus himself said in Matthew 10:34-36 - "34)Do not think that I came to bring peace on the earth; I did not come to bring peace, but a sword. 35) For I came to set a man against his father, and a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law; 36) and a man's enemies will be the members of his household." of course JWs are imperfect men & we'll make mistakes but Satan caused perfect angels in heaven to give up their positions and follow him so how am I to expect there won't be some imperfection in Jehovah's earthly kingdom? geesh, even one of the men who help spread the earlier kingdom work later turned apostate.

    I've had a different experience than a lot of the people posting their stories in here because most of the stuff I thought I was being held from, wasn't even worth it in the long run. I like my life a whole lot better having structure. I'm happier and I'm a lot happier and living in the last days doesn't frighten me at all. matter of fact I welcome it cause this world ain't so nice anyway. if JWs are wrong then so be it, my conscience is clean because I'm living in harmony with the scriptures to the best of my ability & that's good enough for me. for everybody that's chasing what this world has to offer, I pray that you at least have faith in something and recognize that God is a God of order so it would make sense for Him to have an organized religion."


    Again I ask how would you respond to this?? He's basically acknowledged that a lot of the JW BS is garbage, but that his friends and family seem prosperous being in the cult. What are good ways to counter this thinking? THANK YOU IN ADVANCE for any thoughts here!!

  • jgnat

    What strikes me about this intelligent young man is that if Jehovah’s Witnesses were just another religion, with perhaps a comfortable order to it, then he would feel free to leave without consequence. But is this what happens? Does he have former family and friends, no longer witnesses - who he cannot talk to any more? This is not freedom. It is cultish.

    Fine that he admires the bible and attends a religion that claims to follow it closely. In his wild days, though, he missed few churches, not cultish about membership, who perhaps have a better claim. This includes the Seventh Day Adventists, Mennonites, and house churches. (One might argue, though, that the shunning of Mennonites is just as severe at the Witnesses).

    Regarding Jesus speaking about bringing strife, remember that scripture balances scripture. There is also this, “As far as it is possible for you be at peace with all men.” (Romans 12:18). It is not evidence of true religion to bring strife down on your head. Christians should not be out, as in the Crusades, looking for a fight. There are a few beliefs of the Witnesses that do bring out (justified) alarm from close friends and family. This includes no longer “associating” with them, and not attending regular social events including holidays and weddings. And don’t try and tell me there is a biblical prohibition to celebrating Thanksgiving.

  • sizemik

    Jehovah jammed the gun for him while he was behaving like a criminal? . . . I have no idea how to counter that type of thinking and venture to say that few, if any, could.

    Sorry I can't offer anything of substance . . . but in the words of Mr Joe Walsh . . . "You can't argue with a sick mind"

    I think only a highly trained psychologist could counter this thinking . . . and even then it would need his co-operation.

    But that's just my opinion . . . maybe someone knows better?

  • OnTheWayOut

    It is understandable that people who had stable lives growing up can be stable as adults. Comparing JW's to non-JW's is not the issue. If it were, we should have to include people who grew up in stable environments outside of the JW's to those who grew up JW in stable environments. Even then, how much are we assuming that some people are truly "happy" because they say so?

    On a gun jamming twice (or any number of times) to spare a person who thinks it was "Jehovah" sparing him for a higher purpose, suppose I were to find similar examples within Mormons or Adventists? Suppose I were to find Catholics and non-Christians who talked of a miracle that saved their lives? It is great, wonderful, but it's just a coincidence. That's probably what a JW would say if I found a Buddhist who had a similar experience. Such experiences are out there.

    I give little weight to anecdotal evidences such as personal life-changing experiences and comparisons between lives. Certainly, we want to be happy and we want to live lifes that avoid being threatened with bullets and stabbings and the like.

    The issue is whether JW's have "the truth" or not. Stick to that stuff and read CRISIS OF CONSCIENCE and CAPTIVES OF A CONCEPT. Stick to silly doctrines such as the "overlap generation" and "blood fractions." Stick to the cruelty of shunning. Ask if God really wants us, as individuals, to avoid "apostate" materials or if God prefers each individual to use his free will and examine what they want to. If the latter, then why would God be okay with family shunning those who do the latter. Talk of whether it's okay for the Governing Body to go beyond the Bible and condemn a college education.

  • Tuesday

    My response would be simple really,

    "Every time I go to a website regarding Scientology there are all sorts of success stories. People say that they were on psychotropic drugs and thanks to Dianetics they are off the drugs and functioning normal in society. John Travolta, Tom Cruise, the entire cast of My Name Is Earl are Scientologists and prosperous people, does that change the fact they're a cult?"

    Chances are he's going to say no, therefore apply the same reasoning to his argument. People prosper in many different situations, people lose weight on the cabbage soup diet, that doesn't make it healthy.

  • Justitia Themis
    Justitia Themis

    He's basically acknowledged that a lot of the JW BS is garbage, but that his friends and family seem prosperous being in the cult. What are good ways to counter this thinking?

    Why do you feel the need to counter his thinking?

  • nugget

    It is hard because it is these sort of experiences that lead to converts because they feel that god has spoken to him directly. The question I would ask him is why did god make the gun jam in this instance preserving your life when he failed to protect other witnesses who have been shot on the serviice or had car accidents whilst on the service. Is a god of order that random in who he chooses to save. It might be that this was just a coincidence someone failed to service their weapon and as a result it was unreliable.

    It is true that Jehovah's witnesses love rules and order oompahs thread shows the level of the rule making in the organisation. But is a craving for order a good reason for dedicating your life to a lie. In Proverbs we are told that God hates the lie so are we to believe that God would want us to follow any organisation that lies. Espeacially if it calls itself "the truth"? Everything it says and preaches should be true. It is not just an aspiration but a statement of what they must be. If it can be proved that they have failed in this and if he truly believe that God saved him for a higher purpose then can the two things be compatible.

    In addition if this person only lived in chaos in the world then he has not judged fairly he is choosing between bad choices and bad religion. These are not the only options for him.


    if JWs are wrong then so be it,

    He doesn`t care if it`s all Bullshit.....He`s Happy with WBT$/JW Bullshit..

    Let him be Happy..

    ..................... ...OUTLAW

  • sabastious

    If he is young he won't last in the Org. I held similar thoughts about the Watchtower as a group of "imperfect men." Eventually I had to stop lying to myself. There is a difference between "imperfection" and corruption. We can live with our imperfections forver, but we can't do the same under the cold rule of corruption.


  • Borgia

    Typical moderate mumbo jumbo.



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