Richard Dawkins believes in intelligent design?

by slimboyfat 78 Replies latest jw friends

  • The Oracle
    The Oracle

    After reading the thread and doing a little research on Richard Dawkins here is my answer:

    No. I don't think Richard Dawkins believes in intelligent design as an explanation for how life, as we observe it now, came to be on this planet.

    Yet he appears balanced in his thinking to a very high degree.

    So much so that he does not summarily dismiss the notion, no matter how fanciful it may sound, that it is indeed possible that there could have been some kind of intelligent meddling in the process. He makes it clear that the intelligent meddlers, or aliens, would they themselves be the product of Darwinian evolution, but from another planet. All rational thoughts. It is clear he chooses not to believe that to be the case himself.

    I tend to agree with Dawkins that this is extremely unlikley, but like Dawkins, I cannot summarily dismiss it as "absolutely not possible".

    Yet I can weigh the evidence and choose not to believe it, as Dawkins has done. The same way Dawkins chooses not believe in the existance of pink unicorns yet he cannot summarliy dismiss the possibility that somewhere on some remote undiscovered island they could exist.

    Peace to all.

    The Oracle

  • ballistic

    Perhaps the mistake is to think about there being a "time" before the universe. There is no time before time begins.

    ... and yet we are here and got here by some means, so...

    In what to us seems like a blip of time because nothing really happens in sequence, probability said that everything (read infinite)was going to happen all at once, and that included a universe in which time exists, and so do we, the rest is history...

  • whereami
  • ballistic

    WHEREAMI, what exactly are you comparing to a dead horse?

  • MrFreeze

    slimboy, when has he ever said there was 0% possibility of a God existing? Never. He just said based on his findings and research that it is unlikely.

  • The Oracle
  • Chalam

    Maybe Dawkins isn't doing the right kind of research?

    I found the whole film fascinating, especially the Dawkins interview.

    For sure, Dawkins looked pretty foolish and a bigot. He was OK with the idea of intelligent aliens but not with an intelligent God

  • cofty

    Maybe Dawkins isn't doing the right kind of research?

    As I said he is a biologist and perhaps the most gifted teacher of evolutionary biology anywhere. If you want to see him at his best forget about his atheist writings and buy a copy of "The Ancestor's Tale" it will change your life.

    Why do atheists get more excited about "creation" than creationists? Its a mystery don't you think?

  • Satanus

    Dawkins demonstrates the difference between fundamentalist creationism and atheism. It's interesting to see how some people respond when another person they have come to see as the apostle of atheism demonstartes that he is not really that dogmatic. They use that bit of open mindedness as an opening to inject the theory of their choice.


  • worldtraveller

    I was wondering how intelligent design fits in with tornadoes and hurricanes. Nothing intelligent about the destruction and death of dozens of Americans in the south this week. How about mosquitos and fleas? All they do is spread disease and feed birds. If man is designed intelligently, how come humans are so damn unintelligent in the first place? And why do we get so sick?

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