Richard Dawkins believes in intelligent design?

by slimboyfat 78 Replies latest jw friends

  • slimboyfat

    Well I sure look forward to the quote where Dawkins says Santa Claus is an intriguing possibility and cites other scientists who support the hypothesis.

  • leavingwt

    Back to the title of the thread, do you think Dawkins believes in ID or do you think that he's open to the possibility of it?

  • unshackled
    He unwittingly admitted the possibility of a God, and it is fair to point that out.

    There is difference between an intelligent alien life being a "god" and that of what most people believe in: an omniscient, omnipresent, ruler of the universe God. The possible intelligent alien life he referred to he described: "the alien beings would THEMSELVES have to have evolved, if not by Darwinian selection, by some equivalent 'crane'"

    The scenario presented is this alien life evolved on another planet, millions of years before humans on this planet, and therefore have much higher intelligence. They "seeded" life here on earth.

    That is NOT referring to the invisible, magical God people believe in. But Dawkins has also never said that God was completely ruled out. Believe he calls himself a level 6 atheist on a 7 level scale. 7 being 100% sure there is no God. (Or was the scale out of 8? Don't matter.)

  • besty
    Richard Dawkins believes in intelligent design?

    No he doesnt.

    Any more questions?

  • slimboyfat
    Back to the title of the thread, do you think Dawkins believes in ID or do you think that he's open to the possibility of it?

    That he views it as an intriguing possibility supported by some of his peers.

  • besty

    then change the title of your thread to more accuratley reflect the content....

  • ballistic

    It is my opinion that there is just as much chance as the universe popping out of nothing as god. If the basic premis is that the blank canvas onto which the universe appeared while being nothing, actually holds infinate possibility, which it probably does for the universe to simply appear spontaneously, then equally possible is for a god to appear. However, and here is the big but... If we say there are infinate possibilities in the pre universe "void" and the universe could pop out of nothing, what need is there for god to first appear to create anything else. This is just adding to the complexity of the answer.

  • RayPublisher

    Dawkins doesn't believe in anything. And he doesn't want to subject himself to a God or show appreciation to one. That said, Ben Stein's movie was brilliant and thought provoking.

    Did you notice when he interviewed the molecular biologist and asked how the first cell was formed he said well maybe on the backs of crystals... Ben replies, "Is that your scientific answer? How did the first cell evolve?" Then silence, and the "Dr" says, "I just told you!". The fact is scientists (including Dawkins) have NO IDEA where life came from or how it began. The theories of space aliens and crystals is MORE incredulous and harder to believe in than the idea of an intelligent creator who made everything.

    How can you have laws without a lawmaker? If you remove one piece from a mousetrap it will cease to function and never ever work. This is called "irreducable complexity". How could a system 1,000,000 times as complicated as a .99 cent mousetrap gradually come about one piece at a time and still "work" through it all? To me, that's the most impossible notion of all.

  • slimboyfat
    then change the title of your thread to more accuratley reflect the content....

    I do not accept that the title does not reflect the content. I posed a question and I have given my view.

  • cofty

    So we are all agreed that nobody yet knows the answer to the origins of cosmology or abiogenesis.

    Option 1 - roll your sleeves up and do some really hard work on trying to work towards an answer

    Option 2 - magic up an all powerful god who did it but who apparently needs no explanation - ta dah!

    Raypublisher - Ireducible complexity is Behe's fantasy that has been done to death

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