WT Is Losing Its Best and Brightest

by snowbird 43 Replies latest jw friends

  • ziddina
    "...I'm very interested in why anybody thinks the Watchtower will suffer a schism. ..." Metatron...
    "Extremely unlikely. The very essence of the Jehovah's Witness mentality is centered around a singular and unique organization. A split nowadays would be very different than the Rutherfordian fragmentation that ended up creating several sects. ..." Terra Incognita

    Ah, well, if it has happened in the past, then there is the possibility that it could happen again...

    However, that central organization (Bethel headquarters and the Gov.Bod's control...) certainly does exert a LOT of control. Their paranoia may be focused on the possibility of schisms... LUCRATIVE schisms that could siphon off their donations, that is...

    Zid - Free the Mind and the Arse Will Follow...

  • SouthCentral

    Hey SnowBird!!

    I laugh whenever u say that. I miss that name; gotta crack the password.

    I usually do not post, not much interesting stuff lately.......

    Really wish we had a LIKE button!!

  • designs

    'they are hemorrahging the creme de la creme'.........Oh so right you are, and here we are!

  • kurtbethel

    I was their last best hope for invigorating new blood in the organization.

    They failed.

    Over two years of attempted recruiting me proved fruitless as I pointed out hole after hole in their literature and doctrines.

    The brain drain continues.

    Watchtower brain drain

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