prana, life force, chakras? What?!

by finding my way 36 Replies latest jw friends

  • Robdar

    What PSac said is worth repeating. (BTW, I took martial arts too):

    As someone that has been in eastern martial arts for over 30 years, you can imagine what I have seen that is "esoteric" to say the least, LOL !

    Our bodies produce and bioelectrical field, that field CAN be manipulted, both internally and externally.

    It can be used to heal, to hurt, it can be used for spiritual advancment or to go to a deep and dark area that very few can even contemplate exists.

  • Satanus

    'a room of healers (massage therapists, acupuncturests etc etc) and me..'

    You were blessed to be in the same room w so many.


  • watersprout

    I hope you guys are happy

    I can't speak for everyone else that believes in the ''spiritual'' but i'm very happy with my beliefs thank you.

  • watersprout
    to go to a deep and dark area that very few can even contemplate exists.

    Done that! Although overwhelming and very distressing i would ''go there'' in a heartbeat to receive the ''healing'' that i received.


  • Reality79

    I hope you guys are happy, I really do, but have you learned nothing after successfully extracting yourselves from a religious cult?!

    Yes I'm happier since leaving the cult, and yes, I have learned a lot since leaving the cult.

  • aSphereisnotaCircle

    I went metaphysical for a while after exiting.

    Went back to school, got my massage therapy license. I was very interested in energy work and went in with an open mind.

    I attained leval two in Reiki, and also trained in polarity and other energy work. I have worked beside reiki masters, energy healers and people who do all sorts of bodywork and energy work. I loved all of it.

    Its a really nice group of people, very loving and caring. Unfortunately they tend to also be very gullible and will fall for any feelgood quackery that comes down the pike.

    I like receiving energy work, it feels great, but even though I am "qualified" to give enery work, I will not do it. Because (other) people tend to make outrageous claims about energy work and I would feel like a charlatan to charge for it.

    Energy work is awesome, have fun and enjoy, but please also apply your common sense and reasoning skills. There is a lot of info out there making huge claims that has absolutley no substantiation.

  • aSphereisnotaCircle

    Now that I think about it, energy work was a big player in my learning critical thinking skills.

    I had a big fat book about essential oils that was considered the "essential oils bible" it offered recipes for blending essential oils for all kinds of ailments, I used it regularly to mix custom oils for my clients. Then one day as i was looking something up, I wondered where the author came up with all that great info. I looked for references, there was none. This author made all kinds of claims about the healing properties of essential oils but backed it up with absolutley nothing, it was all just her opinion.

    I found many of the books on healing and energy work to be just the same, no references, just opinions stated as though it was fact. Just like the society does.

    I wish the healings arts community would tone it down a bit and stop making crazy claims because energy work can be fun and sometimes profoundly beneficial.

  • Violia

    I lean this way myself. I have been reading metaphysical material for years , but my fear of demons kept me from really getting into it. I am currently reading Shirley Maclanie's new book ' I'm over all that" and one she wrote several years ago regarding a pilgrimage she took on the Camino. The book is called, of course, The Camino. The things I am reading are things I always knew existed but I could not trust myself b/c of fear. Letting go of the fear- that sounds like a book title.

    I have been using some sort of meditation or something for years. I use it when I have to get MRI's and other things that make me feel claustrophobic. I just put myself in another place and become so involved the test is over before I know it. I have few favorites scenarios.

  • aSphereisnotaCircle

    Letting go of the fear- that sounds like a book title.

    There is a book titled "feel the fear and do it anyway" by Susan Jeffers,I recomend it, it helped me a lot. The author is a bit of a princess, but if you can get beyond that, its a great book.

  • Violia

    just ordered it. Princess huh, gag.

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