Open Letter to The leaders of Christendom

by nytelecom1 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • SexyTeen

    I keep looking in the bible for "apostates", but can't seem to locate it, oh wait yes, I found it. You must be proud.


  • TR

    Hey mister creamjeans,(nytelestuntedfrombirth)

    The Gb have shit their pants reading this forum. All the best anti-WTS info can be found here, along with links to sites that have put a serious monkey wrench into their works.


    "Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."
    --Benjamin Franklin, 1759

  • nytelecom1
    The Gb have shit their pants reading this forum

    yes...cuz 1925, 1975 and Ray Franz are cutting edge news

  • TR


    Looks like YOU need to catch up on your reading! LOL!


    "Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."
    --Benjamin Franklin, 1759

  • hillary_step

    Little Toe you noted,

    Is this the post of someone running out of ideas?

    I would venture it was the post of somebody who never had any ideas.


  • Gopher

    Cutting edge news?

    How about the Erica Rodriguez civil trial currently happening? How about the entire molestation/abuse cover-up scandal, soon to be exposed for all to see on Dateline NBC?

    How about news about the retracted "new" no-blood card which would have allowed JW's autologous (I believe that's the term) blood transfusions? But then the Governing Body pulling the new cards back and claiming some sort of "printing error"?

    How about the tens of new ones that come here each week with their stories about how the WT Society mistreated them? It's a worldwide sickness in the organization that continues up to this very month of this very year.

    This place does not rely on old news, NYTELCOM1. Quit distorting the facts.

    GopherWhy shouldn't truth be stranger than fiction? Fiction, after all, has to make sense.
    Mark Twain (1835-1910)

  • metatron

    The half senile leaders of this sad cult can't stop the
    internet. They can't make it go away. They can't stop the
    continuing exposure of their frauds.

    They can't stop the exodus of young people leaving the organization.
    They can't stop the slowly declining cash flow - as contributions
    dry up and Jehovah fails to make up the shortfall.

    Little by little, these impotent men are losing -
    Just like the Soviets in Afghanistan,
    they can't overcome the guerillas.

    They have failed to fufill the prophecy that "no weapon
    formed against you will have success" - because the internet
    is slowly beating them.


  • zev

    ozzie said:

    No doubt you can think of more to add to the list.

    yes i can

    "Jehovah God's Spirit Directed Earthly Visible Organization"

    and every variation to that statement.

    Learn about the Wtbts and the U.N.
    ** **

  • nytelecom1
    How about the Erica Rodriguez civil trial currently happening? How about the entire molestation/abuse cover-up scandal, soon to be exposed for all to see on Dateline NBC

    how bout dont think this is hush hush now do you?? the town where it happened...studies continue to
    come in to the bout that???

    How about news about the retracted "new" no-blood card which would have allowed JW's autologous (I believe that's the term) blood transfusions? But then the Governing Body pulling the new cards back and claiming some sort of "printing error"?

    how bout it..cuz this board is the only place witnesses can find out
    that they didnt issue no new blood cards..hmmm.i wonder who was
    at the meeting when this was announced
  • Gopher


    Of course the Erica Rodriguez trial vs. the bastard and the WT Society can-do-nothing-wrongers isn't "hush hush". This board has worked hand in hand with SilentLambs to be sure it damn well isn't "hush hush". Your organization would rather keep it that way!!

    Your premise was that this board relies on old news. The no-blood card mini-scandal is a counterexample to your premise.

    Yes, it was announced at all meetings, and some board members were there. But was THE REAL REASON announced at the meetings? Or were people given the "snow job" about there being some misprint on the new cards?

    The real reasons were very apparent to those on this board who have had any experience dealing with the Society. And they made it clear, blowing away the "snow job" for all to see.

    This board opens the eyes. Your WT Society wishes for closed eyes and hush-hush on important matters. If it were truly honest and responsible, they would act in a more above-board and transparent matter.

    GopherWhy shouldn't truth be stranger than fiction? Fiction, after all, has to make sense.
    Mark Twain (1835-1910)

    edited for spelling

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