June 15th WT - WT Society Pressures JW Parents to Indoctrinate Children

by flipper 68 Replies latest jw friends

  • flipper

    RETROVIRUS- I have seen how my ex-wife a fanatic JW has shunned our inactive adult son aged 26 all these years - and yes, it isn't pretty . In fact, it's ugly. My son feels more love from my " never was a JW " wife than he EVER felt from his real JW mom. It's disgusting how the WT society robs people of their real human authentic emotions. In fact - it's criminal

  • metatron

    Any attempt to more deeply indoctrinate Witness kids is doomed to failure. They've nagged and begged and threatened and preached and upbraided and "encouraged". It doesn't work - and especially in an age of the internet, Facebook, and I-phones.

    They may get more traction out of cruelty by parents towards kids who can't support themselves. Stay in the truth or get out.


  • flipper

    METATRON- Your statement " stay in the truth or get out " was EXACTLY what my JW ex-wife gave our son as an ultimatum when he turned 18 yrs.old in 2003. In fact, I had him move in with me because she kicked him out because he wouldn't attend meetings . I think you're right. The WT society can much more easily use JW parents to be their hit - men or thugs to the JW children by indoctrinating the hell out of them while living at home as minors. It's like JW parents have a captive audience that can't escape. It's abhorrent

  • Retrovirus

    Mr Flipper, that's terrible! What kind of religion presumes to come between a parent and children.

    But as a form of coercion, I doubt its long term success. Parents have threatened kids with "conform or lose out financially - free board, will etc" since forever and it's never been a good strategy; they lose the best ones who can make it on their own.

    The shunning is a far worse step; that the jws are never allowed to mend the bridges.

    Also just noticed the pic you pointed out of the babies "all born sinners" - wierd! Is that more of the "don't trust your heart, just follow whatever we say" stuff?

    I just devoutly hope that any lurkers reading will find it in their hearts not to shun anyone and most especially not their own family. And also that your daughter keeps in touch.


  • flipper

    RETROVIRUS- It is sad what happened from my JW ex-wife towards our son. The type of religion that does that is called " a dangerous mind control cult ". And you are right- it IS coercion which doesn't work on most young people because they get minds of their own and bolt for freedom to live on their own. As my son did. Or at least he came to live with me who would allow him freedom. Wasn't that baby picture freaky ? Horrific in fact. I hope my daughter stays in touch as well, thanks. AND I sincerely hope lurkers will read threads like this and get the hell out of the dangerous cult Jehovah's Witnesses before it's too late

  • ziddina

    What Nugget said...

    "... It is shocking and blatent. They are trying to get young ones to commit to the organisation before they are old enough to know better. They are not making it a personal decision, parents should be coercing their children to comply even if they personally do not feel the child is ready. Parents will be seen as bad parents if they do not do so. ..."

    This is especially sickening... "Parents will be seen as bad parents if they do not do so. "

    Please, please, please, anyone who is still 'in' but fading, please talk to EVERY young person that you can, about 'Jesus' example - HE didn't get 'baptised' until he was THIRTY YEARS old, and HIS heavenly parent was 'Jehovah'!!

    So, if it was good enough for 'Jesus', and he DID say to follow his example, then a REAL Christian should wait until they're 30 years old or so, before getting baptised...

    Of course, the Watchtower Society is strongly opposed to such thinking because it usually removes the youth from their sphere of control.


  • flipper

    ZIDDINA- I agree with you. All of us need to do what we can to insure that any yung people we know don't get caught up in committing their future to the JW cult. An individual is not mature enough to make life altering decisions at age 12 or 13. Hell- some people I know can't make intelligent life altering decisions at age 30 ! LOL ! So for the WT society to put pressure on young people ANd their parents to indoctrinate them- is really self serving of the WT society

  • jgnat

    This was bound to happen when the midweek meetings were combined and families were urged to use the "spare time" for family study night. As a regular Christian I also tried following similar advice with pitiful results. The only child-oreinted literature I could find at the time read like Dick and Jane novels; true snooze-fests. At least now we have Veggie Tales!

    Elorm, you are making a fatal error in assuming that Jehovah's Witnesses are instilling "christian" values. It's something else, and not all pretty.


  • flipper

    JGNAT- I agree the WT society has tightened down the screws on JW parents to indoctrinate their kids at home even more now that they've combined two meetings on one meeting night. The Veggie tales thing seemed pretty generic and bland too ! LOL ! Just sayin. But any lurking JW's like ELORM better take heed at how much control is actually happening these days inside the JW organization. You are correct- it is not pretty

  • jgnat

    Here's the thing, Flipper. All these admonitions for the families to do more...in the privacy of their own homes...without a time-card attached...won't result in more family study. All it will do is increase parental guilt.

    In my experience, the Jehovah's Witness is most concerned about whatever is being watched.

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