June 15th WT - WT Society Pressures JW Parents to Indoctrinate Children

by flipper 68 Replies latest jw friends

  • thetrueone

    Good point Scary 21

    Its quite typical for all Christian based faiths to pick and choose their expressed doctrines, mostly

    out what will support the core structure of the organization of these select men in their own

    personal endeavors. Its really mind controlling with a underlining purpose and agenda.

    Power can easily escape and vanish if you don't implement structured policies to hold on to that power.

  • kurtbethel

    Is it not disgusting that this organization is trading in the flesh of children?

    Wisely Exercising God-Given Freedom

    12 In full recognition of this requirement, Jehovah’s Witnesses advocate the dedicating of oneself to God, but they never
    coerce anyone into making such a dedication, not even their own children. In contrast with many churches, the Witnesses
    do not baptize their offspring as infants, as if it were possible to force them into dedication without the benefit of personal choice.

    -- “Watchtower” of March 15th 1998, page 14

  • The Oracle
    The Oracle

    For the love of everything decent in this world - IF YOU KNOW CHILDREN WHO ARE TRAPPED IN THIS CULT, DO WHATEVER YOU CAN TO GET THEM OUT.

    Peace to all,

    The Oracle

  • cult classic
    cult classic

    Note to Watchtower :


    "Preventing a young one from getting baptized can break his spiritual momentum and lead to discouragement"
    And a travelling overseer wrote
    , " A youth could begin feeling spiritually INSECURE or INFERIOR.
    He might LOOK to the WORLD to gain a feeling of accomplishment."

    That is such an insidious bag of crap. I mean seriously, this is really bad.
    The twisted, sick nature of these statements is
    mind/behavior control at its best.
  • Black Man
    Black Man

    As someone who was dipped in my early teens, this article sickens me. But at the same time I'm happy in that it does seem that young people are leaving the cult in droves. And its so obvious the cult-like manner that these questions are asked:

    "2. Is he willing to share the good news with others, or do you have to give him STRONG encouragement to go out in field service and talk at doors? "

    Now WHY should a child be getting strong encouragement to knock at doors? Maybe if the WBTS embraced technology and used that and new media as a primary way to try and reach new followers, maybe that would at least have some appeal. Having a kid knock on doors to either get no one at home or someone irritated that they are being bothered is so unnatural. Why are doors still being knocked on in 2011 the age of the internet and new media?

  • skeeter1

    Aninfant or hcild is too young to get baptised for Jehovah, as every JW will agree. Yet, when the blood issue comes up, the whole congregation expects a child to argue against a receiving a blood transfusion. The child is always "mature" enough to die for Jehovah, even if he's not old enough to "live" for Jehovah. Death cult.

  • flipper

    Been working a lot with too many threads to respond to ! Thanks for all your comments. I'll reply picking up where I left off on pg. 1.

    RED SOX FAN- Good answers to those questions ! I love your humor.

    BOBLD- I agree I hope young people DO NOT follow this WT advice. It would be to their detriment.

    DESIROUS OF CHANGE- Exactly. By getting young people to get baptized it sets them up for being DFed and then family and friends will really shun them. Too much stress for young people.

    AMBERSUN- It makes me angry as well that the WT society puts too much pressure on young people at such a young age. Young people should be allowed to be kids and do kid things, not act like serious adults loaded down with too much responsibility. I hope more young people keep exiting the cult.

    THEJIGSUP- I agree that this next generation of young people will bring the demise of the WT society. More young people have access to the Internet which was not available when I was younger in the 1970's. This access to information will continue to free more young minds from the Witnesses.

    SMIDDY- I'm glad to hear that lots of members of your family have exited the JW cult as time went on. It must really make you feel relieved and happy. Good for you.

    CANTLEAVE- Yes, essentially the WT society IS pressuring parents to get their children baptized at too young an age. Dangerous.

    MEANGIRL- Child abuse. Precisely.

    NUGGET- Good point you make. Minor JW children ARE being pushed and prodded at way too young an age to make a life important decision like baptism. So yes the term you used " coercion " is a perfect word to describe how the WT society pushes parents to indoctrinate their children way too young. It's criminal really- in my opinion.

    BESTY- Exactly. It is child abuse with children being threatened with expulsion and being cut off from family if DFed. I feel the WT society knows young people are accessing information on the Internet dissing the organization so if the WT society prevents them from getting on the Internet they feel they won't be exposed. But more and more JW young people are flipping a proverbial bird to WT leaders

  • flipper

    Now for pg. 2 repliers , thanks again for your comments.

    METATRON- I agree with you the selfishness and greediness of the WT society in controlling and manipulating JW children is highly reprehensible.

    ROCKETMAN- Very true. So many young people have left the WT organization the leaders are getting desperate in taking measures to prevent it. It won't be successful however- too many young people are smart and are learning a lot on the Internet. It will be the WT society's downfall in time.

    SKEETER 1- Very good points you make. Well done. WT society and the GB are desperate to keep controlling these young people so they can use them for their own financial purposes without the young people KNOWING they are being used. Thanks for your great points.

    WTWIZARD- I agree with you- this shouldn't be allowed to happen to kids. Many are too young to be getting baptized but the WT society pushes parents to push their kids into it . They just want MORE numbers, not quality of people joining. It's ridiculous.

    SABASTIOUS- Very true, the guilt and fear we experienced can still linger on within us years after exiting the JW cult. One thing that helped me to lose that guilt and fear was reading Steve Hassan's books " Combatting Cult Mind Control " & " Releasing the Bonds- Empowering People to Think for Themselves " . Reading those books did more good for me in a year than ALL the WT publications did for me in 44 years ! I highly recommend it to everybody who exited the Witnesses.

    I QUIT- Very true. I'm surprised more JW kids aren't put in mental institutions as well. The crap the WT society puts into their minds using guilt and fear is very, very damaging psychologically. Being raised in it myself- I'm amazed I'm as sane as I am. I consider myself lucky. Had decent parents.

    LOST GENERATION- I remember your great thread you made on this. Sorry, I hope I didn't overstep my boundaries ! Didn't mean to. But the more information we can all put out there to expose the WT society the better I feel. It is creepy the pictures in these latest WT's. I found creepy a picture of 3 babies then the caption read - we were ALL born sinners ! WTF ? Why would they write that under a cute picture of babies ? Very demented.

    MRQUIK- I agree. I hope our children get out of the Witnesses before wasting too much of their lives as well.

    ELORM- People here don't " hate " Christian values as you state- we just want to expose hypocritical pretending of having " Christian " values in the JW organization. You may be unaware of the hypocrisy going on within the WT society. I highly recommend to keep reading on the board here- and you'll see why many of us are outspoken about it. In actuality- we are MORE Christian because we are being honest. Think about it.

    THETRUEONE- Indeed it is sickening that impressionable children are sucked into slavery on behalf of the WT society for it's own purposes. And the fact that Bethel only pays very limited measly amounts to their volunteer workers is disgusting as well. No way can Bethel workers survive on what they are paid.

    KEYSER SOZE- I don't think the GB members or Writing committee were EVER teenagers . I believe they were cloned robots . Had to be.

    POZTATE- That is great you spoke up to prevent your daughter from getting baptized. And now she is free and doesn't even have to worry about Disfelowshipping . Young people are getting baptized at way too young an age.

    SCARY 21- Yeah, 6 years is almost 6 months really. It is like infant baptism essentially. Good point.

    NUGGET- Very true what you explain to Elorm, the Witnesses are a high control group which doesn't give children much choice but to join the Witnesses due to parental pressure and JW member pressure. There really is no free will

  • flipper

    KURT BETHEL- Good pictures. the WT articles always lie about the reality of what happens inside the congregations. We all know the JW children ARE coerced to support the organization.

    THE ORACLE- I agree- for the love of God and everything right- people need to prevent their children from being raised in this cult.

    CULT CLASSIC- This article is VERY dangerous to young people. It guilts them into thinking they have to serve the WT society- not pursue a good college education. I hope more young people exit.

    BLACK MAN- Yes, the article sickens me as well. It tries to manipulate young people to push for the WT society. I don't understand why JW's still do door to door preaching still . You'd think they'd use the Internet more.

    SKEETER 1 - It is a death cult. It's scary as hell. I fear for children still in. Especially about the blood issue and the child abuse going on. I hope someone sues the WT society over lives lost that were youner

  • Retrovirus

    Ambersun wrote

    That illustration of a son being booted out of the front door into a world he is totally unprepared for (having been isolated from it all his life) with his belongings crammed into the rucksack on his back fills me with horror

    . . and as a mother, I feel it too.

    Perhaps they should have titled it "By this ye shall know them, the love they have for one another?

    The contradicitions astound me. . .

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