Alcohol is not harmless.

by StopTheTears 36 Replies latest jw friends

  • DaCheech

    thumbs up James

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    Uneducated, sanctimonious blow-hards who think it's their responsibility to push their morals on everybody else. That's the biggest problem with America, Period.

    Mad Sweeney loves this post. Another way to put it is that too many people believe THEY are RIGHT and those who think differently are worse than just WRONG, they are often EVIL.

    That said, I hate alcohol with a passion. It has destroyed people I love and nearly destroyed my family. I can't think of a single redeeming quality of alcoholic beverages as a recreational or social drink. I'd rather see people smoking weed, honestly.

  • DaCheech

    witnesses are judgemental and want to be god.

  • rebel8

    Some people should never drink--those with certain health problems, those who are taking medications, those with genetic predispositions, those who are pregnant, those who are about to operate heavy machinery and motor vehicles, and those who are under age 25 because it causes brain damage.

    For others it is a matter of personal choice, not something that's anyone else's business. Don't worry about what other people are doing.

    Young girls today, they want to have fun. Young girls today just wanna party. Today young girls wanna go to a nightclub and have open sex on the floor of the nightclub, and then put it on YouTube, and if they should get pregnant they want to throw the baby into a dumpster. That's the new America! No morals. No self-respect. No nation. No borders. No language. No culture. No responsibility.

    Is there a statistically representative sample of young women who have sex on nightclub floors and throws newborns into dumpsters?

    Have you researched/read anything positive about today's youth? I have.

  • Snoozy

    It's funny but seeing teens growing up today and their having access to so many genuine looking fake Id's they may as well forget the drinking legal age limit..Parents are teaching and the schools are teaching to be careful and not drink and drive, designated drivers and all that..but what they are NOT teaching the kids is how dangerous a road they may be going down physically and psychologically..alcohol plays a big part in the high school/college kids lives today.

    What happens in their future? Who knows. They are already developing a tolerance to it by the age of 19. They consider it a reward..I guess time will tell if it will be a passing phase or not.

    I hope so..


  • ballistic

    The logic of the British Government is thus, British have more hospital admissions which are alcohol related than many many other countries therefore, alcohol must be too cheap, we will put the price up.

    Why is this wrong?

    People here are finding the cost of living, just buying food and heating expensive. Salaries are falling. Career prospects are looking bad. Young people are now facing £9000 a year in extra charges to go to university. Young people are frustrated at not being able to get on the housing market. People are generally just stuck on the rat run. We are now told we have to work pretty much our whole lives, and many people will die of old age before their retirement. If you work in a hospital wards in the UK, have a look see how many people are on "don't resuscitate" these are people who are quite happy to die. So the governments response is putting up the price of alcohol.

  • james_woods
    So the governments response is putting up the price of alcohol.

    They pretty much did that to us, (except it was tea) but we had RUM.

    And - George Washington, Paule Reverre, and Benjamin Franklin.

    The rest is history.

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