No Governing Body in 1925

by VM44 13 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • VM44

    From the June 15, 1938 Watchtower, p. 185: "In the beginning of the first Hebrew month The Watchtower of March 1, 1925 published the article "The Birth of The Nation," meaning that the kingdom had begun to function. An editorial committee, humanly provided for, then was supposed to control the publication of the Watchtower, and the majority of that committee strenuously objected to the publication of that article "The Birth of The Nation," but, by the Lord's grace it was published and that really marked the beginning of the end of the editorial committee, indicating that the Lord himself is running his organization."

    There was no Governing Body, Judge Rutherford was the Watchtower president making the decisions and running the organization.

  • Pahpa

    I think there was a vague notion in Russell's time that the "anointed"

    made up the FDS class. But Russell himself made all the important

    decisions regarding his organization. Rutherford carried on this

    tradition but discouraged the thinking of many Bible Students that

    Russell was the FDS. He emphasized that it constituted those who

    were anointed. But, in practice, he also made all the important

    decisions. According to Penton, the Governing Body came to prominence

    in 1975 much to the consternation of N. Knorr and F. Franz. It meant

    that they had to relinquish some of their power. However, they

    eventually conceded to this "new" arrangement.

  • saltyoldlady

    VM44 - You have a great point here - I had never stopped to think about it before - how could FDS be the GB and have been appointed in 1919 if there wasn't even a GB back in those days! And furthermore if the nation of Spiritual Israel which is supposedly what the 144,000 represent didn't get birthed until 1925 it really messes up that 1919 pillar they try to stand upon. I see all kinds of humorous confusion coming to the surface with this lovely piece of history you have highlighted for us.

    In trying to explain how Rutherford came up with the idea the FDS was selected in 1919 recently to a friend - another poster here - Don Cameron's book and Ed Gruss material too highlighted the fact they didn't even come up with that idea til 1928 - and then a new one I hadn't realized in addition - the idea of Jesus Christ's "invisible presence" starting in 1914 instead of the old 1874 didn't get printed til 1943 which means it was probably an idea of Fred Franz's and not Rutherford's per se - Rutherford having died in 1942.

    Cameron has a delightful pic showing Jesus Christ knocking at the door (from 1914 until 1943) - 29 years before they answered the knock and acknowledged his presence and arrival in 1914. And if they got their appointment as the FDS in 1919 how come it took until 1928 to find out? And how do you get appointed before you have even been hatched yet? Oh what shifting sands they stand upon!

  • pirata

    Pastor Russell would not have been happy.

    He established the editorial committee in his will and testament ( "Will and Testament of Charles Taze Russell", Watchtower 1916 Nov 15 p.358 ):

    "The Editorial Committee is self-perpetuating, in that should

    one of these members die or resign, it will be the duty of the

    remainder to elect his successor, that the journal may never

    have an issue without a full Editorial Committee of five."

  • saltyoldlady

    You are right Pirata - The actions of Rutherford at that time were so very wrong - and "unchristian like." At least it seems that way to me what history sources I can did up. The current WTS does not have a very pretty history behind itself and to be calling itself the ONLY channel of communication from God is what I term pure blasphemy!

  • drewcoul

    But in Russell's time, the "organization" was basically just the publication of the WT. He wasn't interested in creating a religion of folowers. He may have been wrong in his calculations, but he wasn't establishing an authoritarian religion. That came with Rutherford, and even more with Knorr/ Franz. At least that's always been my take on this.

  • jgnat

    The Bible Students consider themselves to be the true inheritors of Russell's teachings, and Rutherford an upstart, his Jehovah's Witnesses, doctrinally, a competely different beast. By the Bible Students reckoning, the Jehovah's Witnesses were founded in 1931.

  • moshe

    The timeline for the F&DS and the GB has never made any logical sense- I guess that is the WT doesn't try to explain how the WT Org is directed by the F&DS.

  • Heaven

    There was no Armageddon either for like the 3rd or 4th time. A schism did occur around this time though with disillusioned Bible Students breaking away from Rutherfraud.

    edited to add: My Mom told me that the Bible Students renamed themselves. Yet another lie I was told. No, they didn't. The Bible Students still exist today and broke off after the 1925 Armageddon No-Show. The group that remained under Rutherford renamed themselves to Jehovah's Witnesses.

  • saltyoldlady

    Great references, jgnat. I thoroughly enjoyed reading them!

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